Clinton Crime Family In Trouble in Iowa


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Hillary: 'We Didn't Jump Out' in Iowa

Senator Hillary Clinton brought the full force of her presidential campaign
to Iowa for the week of the 4th of July, as evidenced by having husband Bill
by her side, but it's overshadowing the fact that she's attempting "to
tighten up her campaign in Iowa, where she trails in opinion polls," reports
the Des Moines Register.

In fact, before she came to Iowa, Hillary tried to demonstrate that her
drive for votes in Iowa was moving at full speed by releasing "a list of 25
high-profile Iowa activists who will support her campaign," reports the
Associated Press.

But even Hillary admits that things weren't working this well for her
campaign right from the start. "We did not jump out and move maybe as fast
as some others did," Clinton told the Register in a telephone interview
before a campaign rally in Iowa City. "But we are certainly well-positioned

The senator might have been referring to the fact that she replaced her Iowa
campaign director in June with family friend Teresa Vilmain, whom the
Register describes as "high-energy," with many political contacts in the

"We've been building our organization, and I think we are doing it the right
way," Clinton said. "We're taking advice from some very experienced, veteran
caucusgoers and organizers," she told the Register.

Clinton will continue campaigning in the state Thursday. Most of the the
other presidential candidates have also been in Iowa this week, their
campaigns nearly flooding the state like a Texas rainstorm.

In fact, Republican Mitt Romney and the Clintons will all take part in a
Fourth of July parade in Clear Lake, Iowa today.