Clinton Crime Family to Expand Campaign Team in Wake of Sobbing Breakdown


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Hillary Begins Retooling Campaign Team

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

WASHINGTON - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton began
retooling her campaign, looking ahead to later contests in the primary

Several new faces were expected to come aboard, including Maggie Williams, a
longtime confidante to the former first lady, and Doug Sosnick, who served
as White House political director under Bill Clinton, according to officials
who spoke on condition of anonymity.

While none of the current team of advisers were expected to be replaced -
including strategist Mark Penn and campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle -
aides acknowledged Clinton's message needed to be sharpened and improved to
run more effectively against Barack Obama and his theme of change.

Clinton was expected to step off the campaign trail and huddle with her team
Wednesday to make further decisions about how to proceed going forward. She
was expected to fly out Thursday morning, probably to California.

Among the decisions yet to be made is how forcefully to compete in Nevada
and South Carolina, which hold contests later this month. While some
advisers urged that Clinton run hard in those states, others believed it
would be more prudent to effectively cede them to concentrate time and
resources in California, New York and nearly 20 other states in what amounts
to a national primary Feb. 5.

Former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, who serves as a national co-chairman on the
Clinton campaign, said he believed she would regain her footing as the focus
shifts away from Iowa and New Hampshire.

"All the candidates have been gunning at her, and that dynamic changes now,"
he said. "When people begin asking the same questions of Senator Obama, this
will be a race for a long time."