Clinton engages in "politics of personal destruction"



She smears Obama in a personal attack. She's just gettin' warmed up folks.
Imagine if he had had an affair with her husband...


Obama's Relationship With Alleged Fixer

Jan 22 01:41 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer 17 Comments

CHICAGO (AP) - Real estate developer and fast-food magnate Antoin "Tony"
Rezko spent years pouring thousands of dollars in campaign contributions
into Barack Obama's climb from the Illinois legislature to Capitol Hill-and
helped him raise tens of thousands more.

But these days Rezko is snared in a nasty political scandal and facing a
federal corruption trial that begins next month. Democratic presidential
candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton invoked his name and his "slum landlord
business" in a debate with Obama on Monday. A plainly embarrassed Obama has
been sending the campaign money to charity in an effort to distance himself
from the Chicago businessman, including $41,000 over the weekend.

The Democratic presidential hopeful has also been forced to explain how
Rezko got tangled in the purchase of the Obama family home and other ties to
Rezko-some of them going back more than 15 years. If federal prosecutors are
right, his ties to Rezko may even mean Obama's campaign unwittingly accepted
money generated by illegal activities.

Obama, who has a spotless reputation after 11 years in public offices, has
been accused of no wrongdoing involving Rezko or anyone else.

Nevertheless, the former state legislator and first-term U.S. senator
seemingly missed plentiful warning signs that Rezko was headed for trouble
with the law.

"The senator exhibited some bad judgment in continuing the relationship once
it became clear that Tony Rezko had such serious clouds overhead," says
Cindi Canary, director of the nonpartisan Illinois Campaign for Political

The facts of the relationship between the two men have been public record
for more than a year and so far haven't hurt Obama with voters. He is
considered a favorite, along with Clinton, in the fight for their party's

Whether the matter will fade in the heat of a national campaign or turn into
a headache for Obama in the months ahead is anybody's guess.

State Sen. Christine Radogno, a Republican, said voters are guaranteed to
hear more about Rezko if Obama continues to make headway on the campaign

"Obviously, the better he does, the more scrutiny he receives," Radogno
said. "So I think there is going to be some discussion of that."

State Sen. John Cullerton, a Democrat, said voters will realize that Obama
is blameless and that the only one charged with corruption is "this Rezko,
who thank God I've never met."

"He was a guy with money who glommed onto up-and-coming young politicians
like Barack," Cullerton said.

Rezko faces a Feb. 25 trial, almost three weeks after the Super Tuesday
primaries that could go a long way in settling the nomination. He is charged
with fraud, attempted extortion and money laundering for allegedly plotting
to get campaign money and payoffs from firms seeking to do business before
two state boards.

Once that trial is behind him, the 53-year-old Rezko faces a separate
federal charge of swindling the General Electric Capital Corp. out of $10
million in connection with the sale of pizza restaurants.

Obama's name has not come up in connection with any of the corruption
charges swirling around Rezko. In fact, prosecutors indicate that the source
of Rezko's clout was somewhere within Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich's

Obama, meanwhile, has done what he could to disassociate himself from Rezko.

On Oct. 11, 2006, the day federal prosecutors unsealed the major corruption
charges against Rezko, Obama immediately sent $11,500 in contributions to
charities ranging from Habitat for Humanity to the Boys and Girls Clubs.

Obama aides say that is all the money that Rezko has contributed to Obama's
campaigns since he first ran for the Illinois Senate in 1996.

They say there's no telling for sure how much additional money Rezko has
raised for the senator over 15 years by putting the arm on friends and
business associates. Obama's aides estimate the amount at about $60,000,
though the Chicago Sun-Times reported last year that Obama has received at
least $168,000 from Rezko and his associates over the years.

Federal prosecutors say a Rezko associate used ill-gotten money to give
$10,000 to an unidentified candidate in 2004. The associate was businessman
Joseph Aramanda, according to a source familiar with the investigation who
spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is ongoing. Election
records confirm a $10,000 contribution from Aramanda, which Obama's campaign
has since given to charity.

Aramanda, whose son worked as an intern in Obama's Washington office in
2005, has been accused of no wrongdoing.

In any event, some $86,000 has been sent by the Obama campaign to various
charities after the money was linked in some way to Rezko. That includes
$41,000 for what Obama spokesman Bill Burton described as "an abundance of

On Nov. 1, 2006, three weeks after the Rezko indictment, the Chicago Tribune
disclosed that Rezko was involved in the Obama family's purchase of a
red-brick home on a quiet South Side street near the University of Chicago
where Obama has taught law and wife Michelle is a vice president.

The Obamas closed on the house June 15, 2006. The price: $1,650,000.

The same day, Rezko's wife, Rita, bought a lot next door from the same
sellers for $625,000. Obama later told the Sun-Times that the sellers had
required that both of the lots had to be sold simultaneously.

Burton said in written answers to questions from The Associated Press: "In
no way did Senator Obama view this as a favor, nor would he have asked for
one. He understood the lot to be attractive as an investment and to have
been purchased for that reason."

The Rezkos later sold the lot, but not before selling the Obamas a 10-
foot-wide strip of land from the property for $104,500.

Obama called that a "boneheaded" mistake.

"It was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this or any other
personal business dealing that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe
that he had done me a favor," Obama said in a written statement. "For that
reason, I consider this a mistake on my part and I regret it."

The Obama-Rezko relationship goes back a long way.

Fresh out of Harvard law school, Obama worked at the Chicago firm of Davis,
Miner, Barnhill & Galland. Rezko was among clients of the firm, a fact
Clinton noted during the debate.

Attorneys there say Obama never represented Rezko directly. The future
senator did represent community organizations that were Rezko partners in
rehabilitating buildings to provide apartments for the poor.

Rezko needed the nonprofit organizations as partners to get what eventually
added up to $43 million in subsidies for such projects.

Judson Miner, a partner in the firm, said that Obama's role was small. He
said Obama did perhaps six or seven hours of work on such projects, mainly
filing incorporation papers for the nonprofit groups.

But in October 1998, Obama wrote to state and city officials urging them to
provide money to New Kenwood LLC, a company formed by Rezko and a former
partner in the law firm, Allison Davis, to construct an apartment building
for senior citizens.

"This project will provide much needed housing for 4th Ward citizens," Obama
said in a letter on Illinois Senate stationary to an official of the
Illinois Housing Development Authority. The campaign and Rezko's attorney
later said Rezko never sought the letters from Obama.

As for the apartment buildings, as a first-year associate with the law firm,
Obama would not have been doing much decision making. And he would have had
no control over what happened to the apartments, some of which ended up in
poor condition with numerous code violations.

By that time, Obama had gone on to other matters.
"Taylor" <> wrote in message
> She smears Obama in a personal attack. She's just gettin' warmed up
> folks. Imagine if he had had an affair with her husband...

WoW!! You could be onto something!

If Buckwheat buried the bone in Bubba's ass Hitlary would HAVE to be nice to