Clinton, Obama complain about complaining...WAAAAAA


Harry F. Dope

What losers these clowns are

RADNOR, Pa. (AP) - campaign_minute Democratic presidential rivals Hillary
Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are complaining about which candidate is the
biggest complainer. The issue is their treatment in debates. Obama is
objecting to the questions posed this week in one moderated by ABC News.
Many of the toughest questions were targeted at Obama, the front- runner for
the nomination, and he's said too much time was spent on political divisions
instead of issues that matter to Americans.

Clinton said Friday that if Obama thinks the debate was tough, it pales in
comparison to the pressures a president faces.

"I'm with Harry Truman on this-if you can't stand the heat get out of the
kitchen," she told voters while campaigning in Pennsylvania. "Just speaking
for myself, I am very comfortable in the kitchen."

But it wasn't so long ago that Clinton was the front-runner and complaining
about her treatment in debates. After a debate last fall, her campaign
compiled clips of her being targeted, and called it the "Politics of Pile
On." In late February, Clinton complained that she always got asked the
first question.

"Her blatant hypocrisy here is stunning," responded Obama spokesman Bill

The most recent debate Wednesday night was the most watched of this election
cycle and has generated some negative reviews for ABC. Obama supporters have
made some of the loudest objections, and the Obama campaign sent out a
fundraising appeal off the debate titled "Gotcha."

Obama said Thursday that the moderators "like stirring up controversy and
they like playing gotcha games, getting us to attack each other."

Clinton said Friday that getting tough questions is part of what happens in
a debate and campaign. "Having been in the White House for eight years and
seeing what happens in terms of the pressures and the stresses on a
president, that was nothing," she said.

Both Clinton and Obama were campaigning Friday in Pennsylvania, which holds
its primary Tuesday-their first contest in seven weeks. Obama leads Clinton
in overall delegates, 1,645-1,507, but neither is close to achieving the
2,025 needed to win the nomination.

One of Clinton's supporters, New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, said Friday that
Clinton needs a big win in Pennsylvania if she hopes to overtake Obama. A
loss in the Keystone state would be "pretty much a door closer," Corzine

Another Clinton supporter encouraged her to challenge Obama all the way to
the convention.

"I think I also speak for more than 1,500 delegates who want you to go to
the convention and to fight for your right to represent our country as
president of the United States," Luis Cortez said as he introduced Clinton
to speak at Esperanza High School, the Philadelphia charter academy that he

The online Huffington Post reported Friday that Clinton criticized the
liberal organization and caucuses in general at a private
gathering after the Super Tuesday primaries on Feb. 5. According to the
Huffington Post, which posted an audio recording from the event on its Web
site, Clinton said that her campaign had been less successful with caucuses
because they bring out the "activist base" of the party.

"MoveOn didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan," she was quoted as
saying. "That's what we're dealing with. You know they turn out in great
numbers. They are very driven by their view of our positions. It's primarily
national security and foreign policy that drives them. I don't agree with
them. They know I don't agree with them. So they flood into these caucuses
and dominate them and really intimidate people who actually show up to
support me."

Clinton had spoken positively at times about MoveOn, which endorsed Obama
before the Super Tuesday primaries.

Asked for comment on the report, Clinton campaign spokesman Mo Elleithee
said Friday night that Clinton agreed with MoveOn on some issues and
disagreed on others. "There have been well-documented instances of
intimidation in the Nevada and the Texas caucuses and it is a fact that
while we have won four of the five largest primaries, where participation is
greatest, Senator Obama has done better in caucuses than we have. "

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."
"Harry F. Dope" <> wrote in message
> Clinton said Friday that if Obama thinks the debate was tough, it pales in
> comparison to the pressures a president faces.

How would she know?

She spent most days doing shots in the White House kitchen while Bubba spent
most days getting blowjobs in the Oval Office.

> "I'm with Harry Truman on this-if you can't stand the heat get out of the
> kitchen," she told voters while campaigning in Pennsylvania. "Just
> speaking for myself, I am very comfortable in the kitchen."

Told ya! She spent most of her time in the kitchen!