Clintons' Cluster**** In Texas - Hillary Operatives Trying To Disrupt Texas Conventions...


Peter Principle

Been at my county convention all day. Just a quick note during a break.

In case you don't know, and since the MSM doesn't seem to, what's happening
here today is the county conventions where the 67 delegates at stake in the
Texas caucuses will finally be apportioned.

Here in Travis county and all across Texas, particularly in the largest
districts, Clinton operatives are trying everything possible to disrupt the

These assholes are furiously spreading asinine FUD, demanding endless
ridiculous "points of order" and making all sorts of threats. After
promising just Thursday not to challenge delegates, the Clinonistas are
doing just that.

Someone give Hillary the memo. You LOST the caucuses. Big time. Get over it.

Obama won 21 of 31 districts in the caucuses. And he won almost all of the
largest districts and the districts with the highest ratio of delegates. At
the end of today Obama will have increased his delegate lead over Clinton
again, and by quite a bit.

Trying to change the rules after the fact or, failing that, trying to
disrupt the process entirely is the act of a cynical, disingenuous, purely
political animal that is willing to break any rules, tell any fibs or do
anything to win.

IOW, it's classic Clinton.

It's time for you to go, Hillary. And don't look back. We're sick of these
kinds of tactics. They're no less despicable when you use them than when the
Republidolts do.

You can't catch Obama in delegates. You can't catch Obama in votes. You
can't catch Obama in states won. You can't catch Obama, period. It's over.
You lost. Everyone knows it but you.

For the good of the party and the good of the nation, it's time for Hillary
to drop out of the race and fall in behind Obama.

Welcome to reality. Enjoy your visit. Slow thinkers keep right.
Why are so many not smart enough to know they're not smart enough?