Clinton's War Room Spinmeister Sidney Blumenthal Shielded



by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary. And
now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
tactics defending the indefensible.

America should take note of this because if Clinton is elected, this is a
small insight as to how she will deal with anything or anyone she perceives
as a threat to her authoritarian dictatorship!

Sidney Blumenthal plays hardball. A longtime confidante and adviser to the
Clintons, he has zealously defended them through any number of scandal
investigations. Along the way, Blumenthal has shown an affinity for the
sharp counterattack. When a group of Arkansas state troopers in the early
1990s began leveling charges that Bill Clinton had strayed in his marriage,
Blumenthal shot back--penning an article in The New Yorker accusing the
troopers of a litany of their own transgressions, including attempted fraud,
marital infidelity and drunken driving.

Now, Blumenthal himself faces charges of driving drunk. Blumenthal, an
unpaid senior adviser to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was
arrested in Nashua on the eve of the New Hampshire primary and charged with
aggravated DWI, according two members of the Nashua police force.

Sgt. Mike Masella, one of the arresting officers, said the movements of a
Buick caught his eye. "I observed all his erratic driving," Masella said.
"When I first noticed him it was at an intersection. He abruptly stopped.
That caught my eye . He was drifting in his lane." Masella followed the car,
a rental, for a mile and a half, and clocked its speed at 70mph in a 30mph
zone--more than twice the legal limit. Masella pulled the car over at 12:30
a.m. Monday morning. Blumenthal told the officer he was returning to his
hotel from a restaurant in Manchester. After declining to take a
Breathalyzer, Masella says, Blumenthal failed a field sobriety test.
Blumenthal was handcuffed, booked, had his fingerprints taken and was held
for four hours--standard operating procedure in such arrests in New
Hampshire--before posting bail and being released. (He will be arraigned
later this month.) Because the car was moving at excessive speeds,
Blumenthal was given the more serious charge of "aggravated" DWI--which
carries a mandatory sentence of at least three days behind bars. "He's
charged with a serious crime," says Nashua Police Capt. Peter Segal, who
will oversee the case as it moves toward a court date.

Ray Mello, a New Hampshire attorney, says he is representing Blumenthal and
will explore "all of the avenues of discovery."

"In reality, it's a traffic violation," Mello said, noting that the more
serious "aggravated" DWI charge is due to the alleged speeding, not "degree
of intoxication." When asked if Blumenthal was driving drunk, Mello said,
"He's going to pursue all legal defenses in court, and we're going to deal
with the case in court and not in the media." (The Clinton campaign declined
comment on the arrest and whether it would affect Blumenthal's status as an

Blumenthal's attorney could, of course, work out a plea agreement with
prosecutors and spare his client jail time. Masella said that Blumenthal, a
journalist and author currently working as a senior fellow for the New York
University Center on Law and Security, was a gracious arrestee. "I asked if
he was here with a campaign. He said he was here with Clinton," Masella
said. "Other than that we certainly suspected him of DWI, he was a perfect
I have read Sidney Blumenthal's pieces and was impressed with them.

Therefore I was surprised to read about his DWI arrest at the eve of
the NH'08 primary vote.

I asked myself the question: Why would such an intelligent person get
drunk at such a momentous occasion. Was he so pessimistic about
Hillary's fortune or did he know something bad, such as a fraud in
vote count by computer, was afoot?

Maybe Blumenthal has a conscience and something was bothering him and
that's why he got drunk. It's just a speculation and only time will
tell. But people have said that the Clinton couple would do anything
to achieve their political aims.

Also, Hillary is getting used to using the word hurtful nowadays.

She is doing this when her threat to potential gravytrain riders that
they would be ignored in her presidency if they don't climb on board
the bandwagon now has become impotent.

And Bill is trying to spin that his ``greatest fairy tale he has ever
seen'' remark about Obama's campaign wasn't meant to be a swipe.

Fundamentally, Hillary and Bill aren't principled. They wanted to
play the status quo which according to their experience from the 1990s
is to please the Washington insiders while string along (play) the
voters. They do not see the people's thirst for change. So when they
saw that Obama's rallying call for change appeals to the people, then
they try to retrofit Hillary's slogan to ``change with experience''
while Bill got busy attacking Obama's credibility by calling his a
fairytale. They think they can get away with it, and they may very
well can, because many blacks, rightly or wrongly, perceive Bill as a
``black president''. But the Clintons are sleazy politicians as I
have always perceived them to be, totally unprincipled people. When
you have no principles, it is hard to be leaders. When you have to
fiddle with your campaign and make retrofit all the time to adjust to
shifting sentiment, you show no leadership.

I find it ironic to see that Hillary while she was riding high in the
poll enjoyed the use of the term, ``politics of hope'' in trying to
suppress any rival criticisms. But when Obama grabbed her hope word
and dropped the politics part and brought many voters to their feet,
then Hillary tries to minimize the importance of hope, essentially
saying, ``hope is not something you can eat . . ..'' And when she
keeps saying ``I have been the one who has been totally vetted, not
Obama'', suggesting that he would be taken apart in the general
election, I suspect what she really meant was that she has been
totally vetted by the insiders, especially the neocon war lobby, and
has their collective approval and so the MSM will be nice to her in
the general election. Yes, I can believe that. But what price our
democracy and our future will have to pay in order to have a Hillary
presidency? The answer is her vigorous hawkish nods in the public to
the neocon war lobby has been given the handshakes of equally vigorous
approvals from its representatives.

Bush gave public interviews endorsing Hillary Clinton as something
who would understand the importance of staying in Iraq indefinitely.

Richard Perle, aka the Prince of Darkness, a principal of the neocon
war lobby and an architect of PNAC, also says he trusts that Hillary
would go to war with Iran in 2009 if given convincing evidence.

Sure, you know how intelligence has been manipulated for the purpose
of confronting other nations and for rallying wars against them.

So, according Sarah Baxter:

Clinton has been sidestepping calls to pull US troops out of Iraq if
she wins, sticking to a broader promise to begin a phased withdrawal.
In a recent television interview, the New York senator refused to state
that all US combat troops would leave Iraq by the end of her first term
in office. She voted in the Senate last month to designate the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organisation.

Perle believes that Clinton might be prepared to order military strikes
against Iran if President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad takes Tehran's nuclear
programme to the brink. "If President Clinton is informed in March 2009
that we've got ironclad intelligence that if we don't act within the
next 30 days it's going to be too late, I wouldn't begin to predict
what she would do," Perle said. "Nobody wants to act before it is
absolutely essential . . . but things can change very quickly."

. . .

Bush believes Clinton will win the Democratic nomination and has
privately advised her not to voice antiwar rhetoric on Iraq that she
may come to regret, according to a new book, The Evangelical President,
by Bill Sammon. "It's different being a candidate and being the
president," Bush said. "No matter who the president is, no matter what
party, when they sit here in the Oval Office and seriously consider the
effect of a vacuum being created in the Middle East . . . they will
then begin to understand the need to continue to support the young

People have argued that Hillary can hang with the boys, suggesting her
engagements with her second-rated rivalry in NY senatorial campaign
were proofs of their assertion. But when going gets tough, she's
invoking the word ``hurtful'' at every turn. I suggest that she feels
``hurtful'' when she has no argument in face of a rival who leads from
a higher plane. I mean, what would experience be helpful if you mire
yourself (and America along with you) in a failed hegemonic policy
that makes the world nervous about you? How can maintaining enduring
military bases like Bragam and those in Iraq and indefinite deployment
of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq going to give hope and realize
change for America?

It is a totally fantastic assertion, the biggest fairy tale I have
ever seen!

Bill Clinton should go back to his cave and let America have a chance
to hope and to change for the better, not back to the 1990s of Clinton
hedonism, particularly after America has been brought down and so
badly damaged by the perpetual Bush-Cheney confrontational policy that
burns, a policy that burns the land, that burns up the oxygen, the
lives, our treasury as well, and all the good will in the world.

lo yeeOn

In article <bspij.14029$>,
MioMyo <> wrote:
>by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary. And
>now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
>tactics defending the indefensible.
>America should take note of this because if Clinton is elected, this is a
>small insight as to how she will deal with anything or anyone she perceives
>as a threat to her authoritarian dictatorship!
>Sidney Blumenthal plays hardball. A longtime confidante and adviser to the
>Clintons, he has zealously defended them through any number of scandal
>investigations. Along the way, Blumenthal has shown an affinity for the
>sharp counterattack. When a group of Arkansas state troopers in the early
>1990s began leveling charges that Bill Clinton had strayed in his marriage,
>Blumenthal shot back--penning an article in The New Yorker accusing the
>troopers of a litany of their own transgressions, including attempted fraud,
>marital infidelity and drunken driving.
>Now, Blumenthal himself faces charges of driving drunk. Blumenthal, an
>unpaid senior adviser to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was
>arrested in Nashua on the eve of the New Hampshire primary and charged with
>aggravated DWI, according two members of the Nashua police force.
>Sgt. Mike Masella, one of the arresting officers, said the movements of a
>Buick caught his eye. "I observed all his erratic driving," Masella said.
>"When I first noticed him it was at an intersection. He abruptly stopped.
>That caught my eye . He was drifting in his lane." Masella followed the car,
>a rental, for a mile and a half, and clocked its speed at 70mph in a 30mph
>zone--more than twice the legal limit. Masella pulled the car over at 12:30
>a.m. Monday morning. Blumenthal told the officer he was returning to his
>hotel from a restaurant in Manchester. After declining to take a
>Breathalyzer, Masella says, Blumenthal failed a field sobriety test.
>Blumenthal was handcuffed, booked, had his fingerprints taken and was held
>for four hours--standard operating procedure in such arrests in New
>Hampshire--before posting bail and being released. (He will be arraigned
>later this month.) Because the car was moving at excessive speeds,
>Blumenthal was given the more serious charge of "aggravated" DWI--which
>carries a mandatory sentence of at least three days behind bars. "He's
>charged with a serious crime," says Nashua Police Capt. Peter Segal, who
>will oversee the case as it moves toward a court date.
>Ray Mello, a New Hampshire attorney, says he is representing Blumenthal and
>will explore "all of the avenues of discovery."
>"In reality, it's a traffic violation," Mello said, noting that the more
>serious "aggravated" DWI charge is due to the alleged speeding, not "degree
>of intoxication." When asked if Blumenthal was driving drunk, Mello said,
>"He's going to pursue all legal defenses in court, and we're going to deal
>with the case in court and not in the media." (The Clinton campaign declined
>comment on the arrest and whether it would affect Blumenthal's status as an
>Blumenthal's attorney could, of course, work out a plea agreement with
>prosecutors and spare his client jail time. Masella said that Blumenthal, a
>journalist and author currently working as a senior fellow for the New York
>University Center on Law and Security, was a gracious arrestee. "I asked if
>he was here with a campaign. He said he was here with Clinton," Masella
>said. "Other than that we certainly suspected him of DWI, he was a perfect
MioMyo wrote:
> by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary. And
> now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
> tactics defending the indefensible.

I have two words in response to this silliness: Scooter Libby. <snicker>

Miles "R.H.I.P." Long

> America should take note of this because if Clinton is elected, this is a
> small insight as to how she will deal with anything or anyone she perceives
> as a threat to her authoritarian dictatorship!
> Sidney Blumenthal plays hardball. A longtime confidante and adviser to the
> Clintons, he has zealously defended them through any number of scandal
> investigations. Along the way, Blumenthal has shown an affinity for the
> sharp counterattack. When a group of Arkansas state troopers in the early
> 1990s began leveling charges that Bill Clinton had strayed in his marriage,
> Blumenthal shot back--penning an article in The New Yorker accusing the
> troopers of a litany of their own transgressions, including attempted fraud,
> marital infidelity and drunken driving.
> Now, Blumenthal himself faces charges of driving drunk. Blumenthal, an
> unpaid senior adviser to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was
> arrested in Nashua on the eve of the New Hampshire primary and charged with
> aggravated DWI, according two members of the Nashua police force.
> Sgt. Mike Masella, one of the arresting officers, said the movements of a
> Buick caught his eye. "I observed all his erratic driving," Masella said.
> "When I first noticed him it was at an intersection. He abruptly stopped.
> That caught my eye . He was drifting in his lane." Masella followed the car,
> a rental, for a mile and a half, and clocked its speed at 70mph in a 30mph
> zone--more than twice the legal limit. Masella pulled the car over at 12:30
> a.m. Monday morning. Blumenthal told the officer he was returning to his
> hotel from a restaurant in Manchester. After declining to take a
> Breathalyzer, Masella says, Blumenthal failed a field sobriety test.
> Blumenthal was handcuffed, booked, had his fingerprints taken and was held
> for four hours--standard operating procedure in such arrests in New
> Hampshire--before posting bail and being released. (He will be arraigned
> later this month.) Because the car was moving at excessive speeds,
> Blumenthal was given the more serious charge of "aggravated" DWI--which
> carries a mandatory sentence of at least three days behind bars. "He's
> charged with a serious crime," says Nashua Police Capt. Peter Segal, who
> will oversee the case as it moves toward a court date.
> Ray Mello, a New Hampshire attorney, says he is representing Blumenthal and
> will explore "all of the avenues of discovery."
> "In reality, it's a traffic violation," Mello said, noting that the more
> serious "aggravated" DWI charge is due to the alleged speeding, not "degree
> of intoxication." When asked if Blumenthal was driving drunk, Mello said,
> "He's going to pursue all legal defenses in court, and we're going to deal
> with the case in court and not in the media." (The Clinton campaign declined
> comment on the arrest and whether it would affect Blumenthal's status as an
> adviser.)
> Blumenthal's attorney could, of course, work out a plea agreement with
> prosecutors and spare his client jail time. Masella said that Blumenthal, a
> journalist and author currently working as a senior fellow for the New York
> University Center on Law and Security, was a gracious arrestee. "I asked if
> he was here with a campaign. He said he was here with Clinton," Masella
> said. "Other than that we certainly suspected him of DWI, he was a perfect
> gentleman."
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:43:20 -0800, "MioMyo"
<> wrote:

>".... And
>now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
>tactics defending the indefensible."

That's what we've been saying since he was appointed in
2000, you dumb asshole
I'm not surprised that you would want to change the topic miles. You know
what a lying hypocrite partisan smear-meister sid is!

"Miles Long" <> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
>> by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary.
>> And now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
>> tactics defending the indefensible.

> I have two words in response to this silliness: Scooter Libby. <snicker>
> Miles "R.H.I.P." Long
>> America should take note of this because if Clinton is elected, this is a
>> small insight as to how she will deal with anything or anyone she
>> perceives as a threat to her authoritarian dictatorship!
>> Sidney Blumenthal plays hardball. A longtime confidante and adviser to
>> the Clintons, he has zealously defended them through any number of
>> scandal investigations. Along the way, Blumenthal has shown an affinity
>> for the sharp counterattack. When a group of Arkansas state troopers in
>> the early 1990s began leveling charges that Bill Clinton had strayed in
>> his marriage, Blumenthal shot back--penning an article in The New Yorker
>> accusing the troopers of a litany of their own transgressions, including
>> attempted fraud, marital infidelity and drunken driving.
>> Now, Blumenthal himself faces charges of driving drunk. Blumenthal, an
>> unpaid senior adviser to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, was
>> arrested in Nashua on the eve of the New Hampshire primary and charged
>> with aggravated DWI, according two members of the Nashua police force.
>> Sgt. Mike Masella, one of the arresting officers, said the movements of a
>> Buick caught his eye. "I observed all his erratic driving," Masella said.
>> "When I first noticed him it was at an intersection. He abruptly stopped.
>> That caught my eye . He was drifting in his lane." Masella followed the
>> car, a rental, for a mile and a half, and clocked its speed at 70mph in a
>> 30mph zone--more than twice the legal limit. Masella pulled the car over
>> at 12:30 a.m. Monday morning. Blumenthal told the officer he was
>> returning to his hotel from a restaurant in Manchester. After declining
>> to take a Breathalyzer, Masella says, Blumenthal failed a field sobriety
>> test. Blumenthal was handcuffed, booked, had his fingerprints taken and
>> was held for four hours--standard operating procedure in such arrests in
>> New Hampshire--before posting bail and being released. (He will be
>> arraigned later this month.) Because the car was moving at excessive
>> speeds, Blumenthal was given the more serious charge of "aggravated"
>> DWI--which carries a mandatory sentence of at least three days behind
>> bars. "He's charged with a serious crime," says Nashua Police Capt. Peter
>> Segal, who will oversee the case as it moves toward a court date.
>> Ray Mello, a New Hampshire attorney, says he is representing Blumenthal
>> and will explore "all of the avenues of discovery."
>> "In reality, it's a traffic violation," Mello said, noting that the more
>> serious "aggravated" DWI charge is due to the alleged speeding, not
>> "degree of intoxication." When asked if Blumenthal was driving drunk,
>> Mello said, "He's going to pursue all legal defenses in court, and we're
>> going to deal with the case in court and not in the media." (The Clinton
>> campaign declined comment on the arrest and whether it would affect
>> Blumenthal's status as an adviser.)
>> Blumenthal's attorney could, of course, work out a plea agreement with
>> prosecutors and spare his client jail time. Masella said that Blumenthal,
>> a journalist and author currently working as a senior fellow for the New
>> York University Center on Law and Security, was a gracious arrestee. "I
>> asked if he was here with a campaign. He said he was here with Clinton,"
>> Masella said. "Other than that we certainly suspected him of DWI, he was
>> a perfect gentleman."
MioMyo wrote:

> by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary. And
> now this drunken driving criminal

Are you talking about George W. Bush????
<> wrote in message
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:43:20 -0800, "MioMyo"
> <> wrote:
>>".... And
>>now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
>>tactics defending the indefensible."

> That's what we've been saying since he was appointed in
> 2000, you dumb asshole

Sidney Blumenthal has been around much longer than that you moron!
"Miles Long" <> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
> > by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary.

> > now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
> > tactics defending the indefensible.

> I have two words in response to this silliness: Scooter Libby. <snicker>

Pay no attention to the unpatridiot. This KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoon is
just upset about all the coal Santa left in its stocking (while it's still
wearing them, what a rightard.)
<> wrote in message
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:43:20 -0800, "MioMyo"
> <> wrote:
> >".... And
> >now this drunken driving criminal will employ his war room propaganda
> >tactics defending the indefensible."

> That's what we've been saying since he was appointed in
> 2000, you dumb asshole

Pay no attention to the unpatridiot. This KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoon is
just upset about all the coal Santa left in its stocking (while it's still
wearing them, what a rightard.)
"Lamont Cranston" <> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
> > by the press from public scrutiny until after the New Hampshire primary.

> > now this drunken driving criminal

> Are you talking about George W. Bush????

Pay no attention to the unpatridiot. This KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoon is
just upset about all the coal Santa left in its stocking (while it's still
wearing them, what a rightard.)