Clutch Fade


New member
Guys I'm gettin real bad clutch fade when I'm in tight spots on trails. I've ignored it long enough now I'm super annoyed. If I gotta stop to back it up in a hot spot it won't even hit neutral. Barely wants to go to second but with enough force it will.

I have a grooved out clutch basket with brand new plates and what'll happen is the clutch lever is bottomed out but it's only opening the clutches up about half way.

What can I do to fight heat issues once I install a new basket?

I'm considering a Hinson Steel basket with OEM or Tusk Plates but is there any other clutch mods I can do to keep heat down? Also while we're on topic what are the benefits of the CRF clutch mod? Would a lockout do much?

Thanks guys



New member
Could be your cable stretching too.. Lockout is for higher power motors that will slip at high load.. I got the hinson set up / tusk plates etc.. I like the Hinson also cos it hold a bit more oil..which may help cooling. What about your springs? Are they stock? Plenty of HD springs available.. cheap to try also.


New member
I don't think it's the cable cause if I ride for a little stretch without having to use the clutch it works fine again. Or if I shut it off and let it cool down its all good.

I kinda figured that's all a lockout did but I wasn't sure if direct drives design some how eliminated fade as well.

I've tried oem, Barnett, and tusk hd springs. Right now I'm on a pretty new set of tusk hd's along with their plates. I get a lot of clutch chatter too btw. I think it's purely based on the grooves in my basket tho.



New member
Some guys will file the grooves out. I would get a new basket. The chatter and grooves could be from the rubbers behind the basket they might need to be shimmed.


New member
I considered filing the grooves out, but then that just allows for more play for the plates doesn't it? Someone told me it doesn't matter cause the plates only drive one way but I'd think that'd allow for even more chatter and there's GOTTA be some back and forth movement from those plates. Can you buy shims or do you just order oem cushions and call it good?

Also while we're on topic.. I've heard the Hinson baskets don't come with cushions and OEM's don't work with them.



New member
its prolley just a wore out clutch....get a hinson basket, and tusk clutch with hd springs that what I have and it works great


New member
K screw it, just ordered a Barnett for the price and availability. What do you guys use to get that basket out and install the new one?


New member
Not sure if the gear is installed on that basket and if i remember correctly i had to drill out the rivits holding the gear on to put it on my new basket. Once removed though go to your local hardware store and get some thin brass strips to fill in the slack on the rubber pads.


New member
What's wron with Barnett? I used their plates and springs for 6 years of trail riding from learning to ride to now. Or are their aluminum baskets with steel reinforcements not built well enough.
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