Clutch slipping


New member
Under heavy throttle the clutch slips and if you shift to 4th and get on it, it shifts back to 3rd...IS that because of the clutch slipping? Also what is a decent clutch... Not real expensive, but not el cheapo either...


Seems like you have a bit more problem then a slipping clutch


Active Members
sounds like worn 4th gear dogs and maybe a bent fork. also a decent clutch that holds good power is tusk with tusk springs. holds 60hp on my stock bore


Active Members
probably 500-750 depending on labor rates. Im not saying thats exactly whats wrong because Im not there, just what comes to mind when you describe the symptoms. only so much diagnoses can be done through the internet lol


New member
Took the clutch apart today.. Found out it was missing the judder spring and the spring seat.... Maybe thats the problem all together?


New member
Nope, a lot of people do this mod on purpose for better clutch engagement. You just replace the half fiber, judder spring and seat and put in a full fiber.


New member
Question.. I ordered a new tusk clutch... Im going to need the judder spring, seat, and engagement clutch disc in order to use this new clutch right?


New member
Question.. I ordered a new tusk clutch... Im going to need the judder spring, seat, and engagement clutch disc in order to use this new clutch right?
Should have ordered the 06 CRF clutch pack which does not use the judder spring. If you ordered a TRX clutch then yes, it will use the judder spring and seat.



New member
Got the clutch installed this past Friday... Only problem is, it has some slippage when it isnt warmed up..


New member
Got the clutch installed this past Friday... Only problem is, it has some slippage when it isnt warmed up..
It should not slip at all. Did you soak the fibers in oil overnight before installation?

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