CMLP's Journal


New member
Wow, imagin, not being on here for so long, ur journal just goes POOF! :D

So, not much has changed oer the months I've been gone. School's been out for a week, so now I'm a junior! A ROCKIN' ONE AT THAT!...err..not really.

Music taste has grown. I still love LP, but I've gotten into some Japanese stuff like L'Arc en Ciel and Gackt! (Hyde is so hot!)

I'm a step closer to driving. I know own a purple neon that I'm proud to say I own. Going to get my first job here soon, hopfully at the new FYE.

That's been about it. :thumbsup: And it's nice to be back.




New member

Hey who ever reads this! :D


So very little going on. I just got an E-mail from my cousin Jeff. He's with the Peace Corps and is in Mongolia.


The dumbass climbed a a suit! rofl. He's something else, I tell ya.


He had been teaching English in Japan since 2003 or 2003. He came home 2 times. X-mas of 03 and from March 14 to June 2 this year. Just as the family gets use to him being around again, he flys to another country.


In Mongolia, there are only 6 phones for every 1,000 people.
o_O So we will mostly send him mail viva la postage. (None of this high tech e-mail ****.)


So school goes back August 22 this year. Early, man! That's cool, cuz I'm totally ready to go back! :thumbsup: 2 years left. Well, 18 months, giver or take.


That's about it. *shrug* Life is pretty dull. lol. But that's MArion for ya.


C ya all later!




New member

Emmm...we don't know eachother...yet... :p

I'm diana...or Di for friends... ;) Nice to meet you...

However, hope you're doing alright...

Take care...

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