CNN helped set up the American People for an extermination list!


Joseph R Loegering

CNN helped set up the American People for an extermination list!

On the Internet here is the trap laid out!

DeserTBoB" <> wrote in message> Wacko tin foil hat
favorite Ron Paul's candidacy will be over very
> shortly. His racist/segregationist rants, published for years in "Ron
> Paul" newsletters, are being vetted now in CNN, and his Texas KKK
> connection will shortly follow nationwide within the next week.
> It's the meltdown of the tin foil hats! Beware...these deluded
> followers of Paul could be dangerous now...approach with caution!

It was a trap to put anyone who believes what little truth Paul spoke, on an
extermination list. It a Communist takeover plot!

They deliberately let Paul speak a lot of truth, knowing his past, so that
they could use his past as an excuse to wipe out any truth he spoke. That is
the problem with a lot of people in the public, they cannot glean out and
save the truth, and throw away the garbage, they destroy the truth and bring
in radio active garbage!

US sponsored weight loss program. Use Urban Sprawl and Biofuels to gobble up
Tillable Farmland, when they get hungry enough, they will loose weight!

We lost our Rights because of Government and Criminals!

Having been injured in the US Army in 1980- 1982, while running in a PT
Formation on Ft Drum New York, as a race riot broke out and I was hit in the
head with a Rock that squashed my eyes and caused a Stroke and PSTD, and
five US Army Doctors declared I would be permanently blind, but I got most
of my sight back, but because it fluctuates in and out depending on the air
pressure outside, and migraine headaches, and multiple complex seizure
disorder also caused by the head trauma, and every year as I get older it
gets worse, and I cannot safely drive. If I buy a car and have someone else
drive it for me, when they steal it, the Police say that I can do nothing
about it, because I gave them the keys. When I buy a bike, I end up with
unpaid hospital bills, where I misjudged the road, and or my Bike gets
stolen and sold as scrap metal.

I have no where to live, except slums filled with criminals, and no local
Government that herds the criminals into the slums, to keep them out of
richer zones, will let you arm to defend yourself against the criminals,
because they don't want you to run the criminals out of the slums, back into
the rich zones.

At the same time I was outed as a CID informant, and was being hunted by
Foreign Agents and Domestic Criminals, I was kidnapped by Terrorists outside
Ft. Riley Kansas, whom were Armed with stolen US Weapons. Though I know who
outed me, who they had hunting me I still do not know, and I am not allowed
to arm to defend myself, because I was set up by Criminals who were using
the Government Systems against me.

Our loss of all rights, who is at fault?

Our rights began to become eroded the most on Federal, State, and Local
Levels of Government, because of the repeated Wars on Drugs, Prostitution,
and Pornography, and for getting People so called Medical help. They
designed the Laws to make it easier to catch Drug Traffickers, Drug Addicts,
Pimps, and Prostitutes, Pornographers, and force them to go to Doctors
against their will, but the Laws set up for that, are now too often used to
classify innocent people as Suspects, so that they can violate their
fundamental Rights, and force them to get Medical Treatment that causes them
harm and financial ruin because one way another, you are forced to pay for
expensive Medical Procedures that did you no good. The first of which
fundamental Right violated is the right of Liberty, and then the right to
choose which Doctor or Medical Treatment Plan to refuse, in preference of
one that works for you. They force harmful Mind Control Drug Treatment upon
you, even if you are innocent, and have not committed any crime, nor intend
on committing any crime. Their so called Professionals falsely claim that
they know who will commit a crime, ahead of time, before they commit it, and
they say that their forced treatment, is to prevent a crime from happening!
But the majority of people who commit suicide or murder suicide took their
Drugs, and the unnatural chemical imbalance caused by the Drugs, is the
primary reason that they committed suicide! And all it takes to get this
forced harmful Drug Treatment, at Tax Payer and Insurance Company Expense,
is an accusation from a Fundamentalist, or Political Rival, or a Corporation
like CNN, and your life is systematically destroyed by the System that they
set up over us, for your so call health and benefit. The only ones it
benefits and the Corporations that set the system up!

Welcome to Fascist Nazi Germany and to the Communist Soviet Union combined,
called America! Some of the non-religious are as dangerous as the

One cannot regulate Morality, and force it upon others without a backlash.
The Criminals use the same Laws set up against them, to set up innocent
people. Like in Prohibition the only way to prevent innocent people from
getting caught in the crossfire, and keep the Drug and Prostitution out of
the hands of Warlords and Human Traffickers, is to legalize both Drugs and
Prostitution, and move it into an area where our children will not see it
everyday like they do now!

These Christian Fundamentalist are as dangerous as Islamic Fundamentalists.

They form their own standard for judging and condemning people, that has
nothing to do with God or morality!

Women are the most highly thought of by God, but are despised by
Fundamentalists. These Fundamentalists take allegory from scriptures and
throw away the true meaning, and twist it to try to support their
unjustifiable attitudes and actions towards women.

There are good men, and bad men, good women, and bad women, and these
Fundamentalists tend to put all women in the category of bad women.

If you want, I will translate the forty virtues from Hebrew Proverbs, that
portray the qualities of a Virtuous Women. She is portrayed as Capitalist,
that is a humanitarian, and a guide to both the Harem and all her husbands
children. But most of these Fundamentalists would stone her for wanting to
be a member of an Harem! And many of these Fundamentalists would abuse women
in a Harem, because they are bad people! The same is true with non-religious
people, you have some kind and tolerant, and some cruel and intolerant.

The cruel and intolerant are called Bigots and Tyrants, whether they
religious or non-religious.

They think that I want to form a GREEN business, because I want to build
Windmills for pumping Water, and Making Electricity, and saving Farmland,
but those with a GREEN agenda are out to destroy the very things that we
need to survive, our Tillable Farmland and our Economy by causing Inflation
paying for useless GREEN TECHNOLOGY. What I am trying to do, is cut the
Cost of Living that keeps going up because of Biofuels and Urban Sprawl,
taking away more of our Tillable Farmland, and Bank Interest and Taxes that
are causing Inflation to rise out of control! My sister even bought Cows
from another State, because they did not have enough grain to feed them,
because the fields are being used to make Biofuels instead of Food for Man
and Beast!

They think that in order to survive, we must go to a Bank and borrow money
and pay Interests to but a home or a business. They think that in order to
survive, we must go to a Bank and borrow money and pay Interests while
causing Inflation to rise so high that we cannot afford land, a business, a
home, food, clothing, a car, or proper healthcare that actually works!

Fools, it is these Banks and Politicians and Corporations that they own,
calling all the shots! It is an invisible 666 inside their forehead or hand,
so that only those that they approve of, can buy and sell, while the rest
starve to death, as they deceive the whole world, and command fire to fall
from heaven in the sight of all men. They finance and or supply both sides
in every conflict, so that they can make money off both sides, and they
deliberately stir them up one against another, to get rid of whoever they
don't want to live in their New World Order.

And what is worse, they destroyed the Family structures passed to us since
the days of Abraham, that we use to lived by, but they destroyed so that
they can take our Children, so that they can be so called Educated by them,
and or force their so called Education on them in our Schools, to try to
make them just like them.

In service of God and Country
