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Saying missing hiker Meredith Emerson is likely dead, Saturday evening
police charged Gary Michael Hilton with kidnapping the 24-year-old woman.

Hilton was transferred from GBI custody to Union County to face the
kidnapping charges.

"A superior court judge in Union County signed an arrest warrant for
kidnapping with bodily harm," said the GBI's John Bankhead said at a news
conference just before 6 p.m.

"It's not looking favorable that she's alive," officials said at that same
news conference.

"This is a search and recovery effort," Bankhead added, signaling that crews
are now searching for Emerson's body.

Police found items belonging to Emerson in a dumpster Saturday in Cumming,
outside outside a Quick Trip store where surveillance cameras captured

The discovery triggered a new search for Emerson, 24, as police fanned out
into a wooded area near the store searching for any clues.

Emerson's dog was found Friday night at a Kroger store just blocks from the
Quick Trip.

Emerson has been missing since New Year's Day when she went for a hike with
her dog on Blood Mountain in Vogel State Park in Union County.

Officers spotted Hilton at a convenience store off Ashford-Dunwoody Road
Friday night and began questioning him about the disappearance of the
24-year-old hiker who has been missing since Tuesday.

Hilton remained in custody of the U.S. Marshals Service on a prior warrant
for failure to appear in federal court on a charge of abandoning property in
a national park.

"Meredith was not with him," Union County investigator Kimberly Verdone

About 50 members of the Georgia Defense Force certified in search and rescue
joined the effort on Saturday. They plan to be back on the mountain again

Teams scaled back their search area on Saturday, concentrating on a
five-mile grid on Blood Mountain. On Friday they combed a 400-square mile
area, but turned up no sign of Emerson.

Her friends pledged Saturday to continue posting sheets bearing her photo,
saying that while they were worried that she hasn't been seen in five days,
they were encouraged that authorities had found both her dog and the man
seen with her on the trail.

"We're just happy to have some news. We've been waiting on news, anything,"
said Julia Karrenbauer, Emerson's roommate. "We're still looking for
Meredith. We still need her face out there."

Her dog, Emma, wandered into the Kroger store Friday in Cumming, about 60
miles from where Emerson was last seen.

Paxton said Saturday that investigators have surveillance tape showing that
Hilton had been in the area where the dog was found but added, "We don't
have the luxury of him cooperating in the search for the woman."

Hilton appears to have been living in his van, according to Bankhead.

An acquaintance of Hilton told Channel 2 that she helped Hilton order an
expandable baton like the one found near the missing hiker's car. She said
he always had the baton with him.

Verdone said 15 professional search and rescue teams searched for Meredith
Emerson on Friday as volunteers traveled across north Georgia and parts of
North Carolina to post fliers with pictures of her.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation has entered the search and is exploring
a possible link to the disappearance of two hikers in North Carolina.

Multiple teams of search and rescue dogs, along with law enforcement
officers and firefighters, combed a 401 square mile area of rugged terrain,
according to Verdone.

Fifteen teams of searchers made up of law enforcement, fire and emergency
medical services personnel searched on and near the trail where Emerson was

Officials said they used only professional search teams to look for Emerson
Friday. Volunteers were still showing up to help and they were being used to
pass out fliers.

Other hikers who were on the trail Tuesday told authorities they saw Emerson
talking to a white male, 50-60 years old, described as "weathered looking"
with missing teeth. Officials now believe that man was Hilton. The man had a
red dog with him he called "Dandy."

"It's not that, you know, he's a suspect. He is somebody that was last seen
talking to her, last seen with her," Verdone said during a Friday morning
news conference.

"We have talked to a lot of people who saw them together," said John Cagle
of the GBI. "We know he was there."

Cagle also confirmed GBI agents are talking to investigators handling the
presumed murder of two hikers in North Carolina.

John and Irene Bryant disappeared Oct. 20 while hiking in North Carolina's
Pisgah National Forest. Her body was found three weeks later; she had been
beaten to death. Her husband is still missing.

Someone wearing a yellow jacket used the couple's ATM card at a bank about
an hour north of where Emerson was hiking.

Police say Hilton was wearing a yellow jacket when he was seen talking to

Little is known about Hilton. He was convicted of two felonies; one for the
possession and distribution of marijuana, another for theft by taking.
According to public records, his last known address was on 11th Street in
Atlanta in 1999.

The man they believe was Hilton had a sheath of some sort on one of his
legs, Verdone said, but police don't know what was in it. He was wearing a
yellow jacket and a large backpack -- "something you would use for a couple
of days," she said.

Emerson's roommate said Emerson left a note saying she went hiking with her
dog. Authorities said they have located Emerson's car -- a Chevy Cavalier --
and her dog's leash, but they have found no sign of Emerson.

Police also found a police baton and a pair of sunglasses near Emerson's

Another hiker told officials he saw a man with a similar baton clipped to
his belt hiking on the same trail that Emerson took.

Hilton Acquaintance Says He Always Carried Baton

An acquaintance of Hilton's told Channel 2 he would frequently walk his dog,
Dandy, along Clairmont Road in DeKalb County. She said he also loved to hike
in wooded areas. She said from what she saw, Hilton was usually friendly.

"He'd talk your ear off. (He was) very, very talkative and friendly to me,"
said Barbara - who asked us to only use her first name. Barbara said
61-year-old Gary Hilton lived and worked inside a two-story building near
her office for almost 7 years.

"He'd come over and he'd ask me to do computer searches for him and make up
fliers for him," said Barbara.

He distributed promotional fliers to drum up business for a siding company.
Its owner, John Tabor, also owns the building and told Channel 2 he has been
cooperating with the GBI.

"He seemed friendly and I could see if the girl had a dog and he had a dog
and the dogs were playing that yeah they'd chat and walk along," said

She said Hilton, who uses the nickname "Mack," always told stories about
people he'd meet on the trails. When he left DeKalb County two or three
months ago, Barbara said she was surprised.

"I do know he has Multiple Sclerosis. He's in a lot of pain. He once told me
he had about 6 years to live and that was a couple years ago and I was
surprised when he told me he was going to go live in the woods cause that's
a big step when you're ill," said Barbara.

She said Hilton always carried an expandable baton with him. Barbara ordered
it for him off the Internet. A baton was found along the trail near Emerson's
water bottle and her dog's leash.

"I'm surprised, I really am. He seemed to treat ladies very nicely,
certainly me and the other secretary that worked here before, never had any
problems, or got the feeling that you needed to be on guard."

Over the years Hilton has moved around quite a bit and had several run-ins
with the law. Channel 2 found at least five arrests in DeKalb and Cobb
Counties - both misdemeanors and felonies. Agents have not named his as a
suspect in the case, only a person of interest.

GBI Joins Search

At the request of the Union County Sheriff's Department, the Georgia Bureau
of Investigation sent four agents to join in the search Thursday morning,
GBI spokesman John Bankhead said.

The Georgia State Patrol pitched in with a helicopter using an infrared
device. The helicopter had been grounded by high winds on Wednesday.

"She's an experienced hiker and a blue belt in martial arts," said Julia
Karrenbauer, Emerson's roommate. "She's athletic and has a good head on her
shoulders. So we're just hoping for the best."

Family members were at the search command post on Thursday and again on

Union County Fire Department spokesman Lt. Jeff Fortenberry said up to 30
emergency personnel and deputies searched a mountainous, six-mile stretch of
trails south of Blairsville on Thursday. He said investigators have found no
signs of foul play.

Temperatures reached 13 degrees with the wind chill factor in the single
digits Wednesday night. Union County received snow Tuesday night -- which
canceled classes for that school system Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Emerson is 5'4", 120 pounds with blonde hair and blue eyes.

One of Georgia's oldest and most popular state parks, Vogel is located at
the base of Blood Mountain in the Chattahoochee National Forest.