Colorado-- Foster mother accused of killing toddler



Foster mother accused of killing toddler

A local 2 year old girl is dead, allegedly killed at the hands of her
foster mother. Jules Cuneo is being held without bond on first degree
murder charges. Alize Vick was pronounced dead Wednesday at Memorial
Hospital. It's a sad end to what had already been a very tough life for
the little girl.

On Tuesday night, A 911 call from a home off highway 115, in El Paso
County comes into the Sheriff's office. Alize Vick is unconscious. Her
condition is so grave, she's flown to Memorial Hospital. At first, her
foster mother tells investigators the little girl fell out of an SUV
earlier in the day, then accidentally fell on a coffee table that night.
Bureau Chief Joe Breister is with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office.
He says, "The initial investigation revealed head trauma too severe to
be caused by, either a fall from a parked vehicle, or by striking a
coffee table. That's when it turned into a criminal investigation."

Less than 24 hours later, Alize was pronounced dead. After further
pressing, investigators claim Cuneo, the child's foster mother, admitted
to throwing the girl. The little girl hit her head on the coffee table.
Katherine Heil is Alize's biological grandmother. She says, "Alize was a
beautiful little girl, and she didn't deserve this."

Both of the toddler's parents are in jail, so Cuneo was given temporary
custody through Kid's Crossing. That's a child-care organization
contracted through the Department of Human Services. Heil says she
called them several times about her suspicions of abuse. She says, "
when I picked her up to come to the house she had bruises on her face,
and scratches."

According to investigators, in Cuneo's file taken from the DHS, there
are several allegations of abuse. None of those allegations were proven.
Heil says, "They went into the home, and investigated it, and found no
findings that it was unsafe at that time."

Heil claims, legally, she wasn't able to take Alize. Now, she's left to
wonder just what happened behind closed doors. She says, "I really don't
want to make any comments about the foster mother right now, because I
have a lot of hatred for her." Alize's brother was also in Cuneo's
custody, as well as Cuneo's two biological children. They are all now in
the custody of the Department of Human Services.

An Inconvenient Truth about Child Protective Services, Foster care, and
the Child Protection "INDUSTRY"

CPS Does not protect children...
It is sickening how many children are subject to abuse, neglect and even
killed at the hands of Child Protective Services.

every parent should read this .pdf from
connecticut dcf watch...

Number of Cases per 100,000 children in the US
These numbers come from The National Center on
Child Abuse and Neglect in Washington. (NCCAN)
Recent numbers have increased significantly for CPS

Perpetrators of Maltreatment

Physical Abuse CPS 160, Parents 59
Sexual Abuse CPS 112, Parents 13
Neglect CPS 410, Parents 241
Medical Neglect CPS 14 Parents 12
Fatalities CPS 6.4, Parents 1.5

Imagine that, 6.4 children die at the hands of the very agencies that
are supposed to protect them and only 1.5 at the hands of parents per
100,000 children. CPS perpetrates more abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse
and kills more children then parents in the United States. If the
citizens of this country hold CPS to the same standards that they hold
parents too. No judge should ever put another child in the hands of ANY
government agency because CPS nationwide is guilty of more harm and
death than any human being combined. CPS nationwide is guilty of more
human rights violations and deaths of children then the homes from which
they were removed. When are the judges going to wake up and see that
they are sending children to their death and a life of abuse when
children are removed from safe homes based on the mere opinion of a
bunch of social workers.

Currently Child Protective Services violates more civil rights on a
daily basis then all other agencies combined, Including the NSA/CIA
wiretaping program…

FOSTER CARE IS A 80 PERCENT FAILURE:. A Brief Analysis of the Casey
Family Programs. Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study. By Richard Wexler

or for .doc


A recent study has found that 12-18 months after leaving foster care:

30% of the nation’s homeless are former foster children.
27% of the males and 10% of the females had been incarcerated
33% were receiving public assistance
37% had not finished high school
2% receive a college degree
50% were unemployed
Casey Family Programs National Center for Resource Family Support

Children in foster care are three to six times more likely than children
not in care to have emotional, behavioral and developmental problems,
including conduct disorders, depression, difficulties in school and
impaired social relationships. Some experts estimate that about 30% of
the children in care have marked or severe emotional problems. Various
studies have indicated that children and young people in foster care
tend to have limited education and job skills, perform poorly in school
compared to children who are not in foster care, lag behind in their
education by at least one year, and have lower educational attainment
than the general population.
Casey Family Programs National Center for Resource Family Support

80 percent of prison inmates have been through the foster care system.

The highest ranking federal official in charge of foster care, Wade
Horn of the Department of Health and Human Services, is a former child
psychologist who says the foster care system is a giant mess and should
just be blown up.

This study found thousands of children already in foster care who would
have done better had child protection agencies not taken them away in
the first place.

Front-page story in USA Today.

The full study is available here.

The bottom line? - the foster care system nationwide for the most part
turns out young adults that are nothing more than walking wreckage...