Columbus-another stoplight


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2005
Well fans another ****ing stoplight by the new Hy Vee. Won't work on a bypass but keep shoving stoplights up our ass. Pretty soon we'll have a 24hour back-up through town. Of course nobody's smart enough to time the lights so you can keep a study flow. Or have some on timers so they only work when needed. Or not trigger the light sensor when a car turns right. This town is so ****ed up, if i did'nt have a good job I'd be the **** out of here.:rolleyes:

Oh by the way I saw they put us a sign in the 30 center for a Taco Shack, or something like that. Damn i miss taco Johns!
My old lady just gave me the news that Taco John's is open again... I'm on my way now.... MMMMM SUPER BORRITO WITH SOME POTATOE OLE'S ....LATER...
phreakwars said:
My old lady just gave me the news that Taco John's is open again... I'm on my way now.... MMMMM SUPER BORRITO WITH SOME POTATOE OLE'S ....LATER...

I'm there for lunch today!!!:D By the way the new place is Taco Del Mar not Taco shack...Sorry
Ever notice when you go down 23rd that if your in front of the pack and you have to stop for one stop light you will hit them all. Unless you speed up to like 60 you will not make it...this pisses me off.
Led_Zep_Sx said:
Ever notice when you go down 23rd that if your in front of the pack and you have to stop for one stop light you will hit them all. Unless you speed up to like 60 you will not make it...this pisses me off.

That's one of the reasons I rarely use 23rd Street. I use either 15th, 17th, 27th, 38th Streets or the Boulevard whenever possible.
You guys are turning Colombus into a shitty place to visit. I guess I can scratch that off of my "must-see" list.
Led_Zep_Sx said:
Ever notice when you go down 23rd that if your in front of the pack and you have to stop for one stop light you will hit them all. Unless you speed up to like 60 you will not make it...this pisses me off.
How many god damn times do I have to tell you to slow your panty waste ass down ?? First it was the old lady you gave the finger too, THEN SPED OUT LIKE AN IDIOT, RISKING KILLING HER GERIATRIC ASS... I thought you might of grown a bit since that time, I seem to recall you were asking me for advice as to finding a better job ... And now THIS **** ??? Still ****ing speeding ?? IWS,Scout,TOW, and I are gonna have to hunt your bitch ass down now and stick all of our feet up your ass...

phreakwars said:
How many god damn times do I have to tell you to slow your panty waste ass down ?? First it was the old lady you gave the finger too, THEN SPED OUT LIKE AN IDIOT, RISKING KILLING HER GERIATRIC ASS... I thought you might of grown a bit since that time, I seem to recall you were asking me for advice as to finding a better job ... And now THIS **** ??? Still ****ing speeding ?? IWS,Scout,TOW, and I are gonna have to hunt your bitch ass down now and stick all of our feet up your ass...


Yea, and I'm pretty darn sure that many feet up your ass would bring some mild discomfort with it.:cool:

To put it another way. You'd know we were there and would probably remember that experience the rest of your life.

I don't know about the rest of 'em but I wear a size 11 1/2 and I'd bring the hiking boots.