Comic Relief: Dude Tries to Jump into Pope's Ratmobile

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Comic Relief: Dude Tries to Jump into Pope's Ratmobile

Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit

[A couple of straight news stories follow the more amusing item from
the New York Times's Blog 'The Lede.' Long-short: "Unstable German"
took a leap at Pope Rat's golfcart. He was wrestled to the ground long
before he reached it. -NYTr]

The New York Times blog - Jun 6, 2007

The Lede

Hands Off the Popemobile!

By Mike Nizza

A man apparently attempted to board the Popemobile without permission
today as it carried Benedict XVI to his customary weekly audience in
St. Peter’s Square.

The man jumped a barricade and then tried to break through the cluster
of guards walking behind the vehicle — the open version, not the one
with the bulletproof glass fishbowl. He was subdued.

Photo here:

A video of the incident, which juxtaposes a beatdown with peaceful
organ music, does not make clear whether the fellow actually succeeded
in touching the paint. The guards appear to be members of the
vigilanza, the Vatican’s modern security force, not the Swiss Guard,
the world’s most flamboyantly dressed mercenaries, who have protected
the Pope since 1506 — although a pantalooned Swiss Guard working crowd
control along the route can be seen briefly in the clip.

Video here:;_ylt=Ah6gI2YXIrvmDWEIvTD_.OJbbBAF?ch=68276&cl=2947478&lang=en

All the while, the Pope waved to thousands of pilgrims as his ride
proceeded at its usual crawl, never accelerating away from the threat.
Indeed, he didn’t seem to take any notice at all what went on behind

Vatican police are now questioning the man, according to MSNBC, and
plan to hand him over to Italian counterparts soon, ITN reported. Under
a 1929 deal establishing the 109-acre sovereign nation within Rome, the
Vatican courts adjudicate only religious cases; criminal prosecutions,
if that turns out to be in order today, are handled in the Italian

On May 13, 1981, Mehmet Ali Agca of Turkey busted out of a crowd to
gravely wound John Paul II. In 2006, an Italian parliamentary panel
blamed the Soviets for the attack, citing new photographic analysis.

So far, it is not known if today’s charge at the Pope was sinister, or
an excessive expression of reverence for the leader of the world’s
Roman Catholics, or merely a bid for attention.

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Several wags commented:

The pope is a magnet for distruction, much like the church itself. This
particular pope will see a lot of this action due to his harsh tone and
negative nature. —Jail Martino
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Follow-up to this hot story: “Man Sneezes In Pope’s Direction!” —Mike
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Ever wonder why the billionaire huckster-in-chief, tax exempt “Joey
Ratz” needs an entourage of 13 body guards to keep the filthy unwashed
hordes at bay? Perhaps it has something to do with the lies perpetuated
by the richest corporation on earth. That, and the price of
indulgences is rising beyond the means of starving Third World who
struggle to find enough grubs and lice to feed their 15 kids. Where is
Mehmet Ali Agca when the world needs him most? —Steve the Tuna
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AFP via Turkish Press - Jun 6, 2007's_car_is_German,_'unstable':_Vatican

Man who tried to board pope's car is German, 'unstable': Vatican

VATICAN CITY (AFP)--The man who tried to board Pope Benedict XVI's jeep
in St Peter's Square on Wednesday is a "mentally unstable" German
national and has been taken to a psychiatric ward, the Vatican
spokesman said.

The man, 27, "was not trying to kill (the pope) but attract attention
to himself," Father Federico Lombardi told reporters.

The man was questioned by the Vatican's sole magistrate, Gianluigi
Marrone, and examined by the medical service, which decided to put him
in a "specialised protected structure," Lombardi said.

Papal bodyguards overcame the man before he could reach the pope's open
white jeep as it was carrying the pontiff through St Peter's Square
amid a crowd of some 30,000 pilgrims at the start of his weekly general

Benedict, standing up behind the driver, was apparently oblivious to
the incident, continuing to wave to the pilgrims.

It was the first known security breach affecting the 80-year-old German
pontiff since his election in April 2006.

Though it was quickly over, the incident recalled the attempt on the
life of Benedict's predecessor John Paul II on May 13, 1981, also in St
Peter's Square.

Turkish assailant Ali Agca shot and seriously wounded the Polish pope
as he was leaving the square following a general audience.

CityNews - Jun 6, 2007

Man Tries to Jump into Popemobile

Wednesday June 6, 2007

It was a close call for Pope Benedict on Wednesday after a man tried to
jump into the back of the popemobile during the pontiff's general
audience in St. Peter's Square. The individual managed to hold on for a
few seconds before being wrestled to the ground by about eight security

Luckily, the pope wasn't hurt and didn't even seem to notice that
someone was going along for the ride as he just kept waving to the
crowd and didn't even look back. The 27-year-old man from Germany
showed signs of "mental imbalance," said the Rev. Federico Lombardi,
the Vatican spokesman and has been taken to a hospital for psychiatric
treatment. "His aim was not an attempt on the pope's life but to
attract attention to himself," Lombardi told reporters.

He vaulted up and over the barricade from the second or third row back.
He got as far as the back of the jeep. The car kept moving and Benedict
just proceeded with the audience as if nothing had happened.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the Vatican has tightened security
in St. Peter's Square when the pope is present. All visitors have to
pass by police to get into the square, and sometimes have to go through
metal detectors. When the pope uses the popemobile, it's usually
uncovered but when he travels overseas or outside the Vatican, he
usually uses one equipped with bulletproof glass.

Benedict's predecessor, Pope John Paul II, was shot and seriously
wounded in the abdomen on May 13, 1981, in St. Peter's Square by Mehmet
Ali Agca of Turkey. Agca was caught and served his sentence in Italy
before being transferred to Turkey.

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