Commenting on BGR


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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With the relaunch of BGR over a year ago, I decided to switch comments to a more robust platform that I thought would give us more than useful sign-in options like Facebook and Twitter, but also features to help moderate comments and better reduce noise. One request we receive regularly is to do a better job at moderating the comment section. While we can’t moderate every comment all the time, I believe that discussion on BGR is incredibly important. In the early days, I couldn’t find a better place to engage with passionate people about the topics we covered. Now, a very small group of people are ruining the discussion with personal attacks on other commenters, on us, and on each other.
We’re working on a much-improved solution for commenting on BGR. In the meantime, we’ve added a feature that allows readers to turn comments off at will, and by default keep comments off until they are re-enabled.
I’m disabling comments for a bit, though. I’m tired of reading nonsense and of interacting with people that solely troll this site just to get a rise out of other commenters and start a holy war in the comments section. I’m tired of having to delete crap and I’m tired of people complaining that a few thousand people ruin it for millions.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report