Commission Tightens Security at Nuclear Reactors


Patriot Games


Commission Tightens Security at Nuclear Reactors Wires Wednesday, May 2, 2007

WASHINGTON -- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced tighter security
requirements Tuesday for research and test reactors, located mostly at

Under the new rules, any person seeking unescorted access to a research or
test reactor facility must be fingerprinted and undergo an FBI background
check. In the past such checks were required only for reactor facility
employees with access to sensitive security information.

The new security measures were required by Congress as part a broad energy
law passed in 2005.

There are 33 research and test reactors under NRC regulations. Most are at
universities, although a few are operated by government agencies.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, there has been concern that
terrorists might target the smaller research reactors that do not have the
same level of protection as commercial nuclear power plants.

Universities have increased security at their reactors in recent years.

NRC Chairman Dale Klein said in a statement that the new requirements are
"one of many steps the NRC has taken ... to keep U.S. research reactors

"I believe the level of security is appropriate for those educational
facilities to continue safely serving their students, their communities and
the country," said Klein, who oversaw a research reactor program while at
the University of Texas.

Separately, the Energy Department has had a program to replace highly
enriched uranium at research reactors with low-enriched uranium, which
cannot be used in a nuclear bomb. Only a few reactors in the United States
continue to use highly enriched uranium.