Committee kills ANWR directional drilling


New member
I'm starting to think the song " Their shuttin down Detoit" is a metaphor for what's happening to America. What he says in that song is exactly what's happening to America and quite frankly the rest of the world is going down the tubes. Free market is dead.

Just one Republican voted against Murkowski's proposal: Sen. John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee who tapped Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate.

Jhon John Jhon Jhon Jhon give me a good reason!!

Senate committee kills directional drilling in ANWR: Oil |



New member
I mean ****! you won't even make a footprint on the refuge. Dose that make any sense? You've all seen the comercials of this directional drilling haven't you?


New member
We have resources now, so it doesn't need to be sooner. So now we have it for later... that's called "REAL CONSERVATISM".

You claim your a conservative... so conserve already. Sacrifices MUST be made for tomorrow, you know it, I know it, so quit complaining.





New member
We have resources now, so it doesn't need to be sooner. So now we have it for later... that's called "REAL CONSERVATISM".
You claim your a conservative... so conserve already. Sacrifices MUST be made for tomorrow, you know it, I know it, so quit complaining.


That's fine and dandy if we had another viable option.

Oh wait, we do. It's called nuclear power. Too bad this administration is against that and killed hydrogen power.

Funny how Obama says that Iran has the right to nuclear power but won't let Americans have it.



New member
While we are perfecting our other resources why don't we use the ones available? While we are in a rescission why don't we create real jobs and lower the need for foreign oil? I know it's not much but it will help.


New member
You have it too good, we all have, time to do the right thing and be a "CONSERVATIVE" . Fiscal discipline and all that. Do it for your great grand children, you don't need more oil, **** we already have stockpiling surpluses.

Oil Stored On Tankers Is Up 71% Since April

Gas prices are going up again, and it's all those **** speculators again, creating yet another bubble.





New member
You have it too good, we all have, time to do the right thing and be a "CONSERVATIVE" . Fiscal discipline and all that. Do it for your great grand children, you don't need more oil, **** we already have stockpiling surpluses.
Oil Stored On Tankers Is Up 71% Since April

Gas prices are going up again, and it's all those **** speculators again, creating yet another bubble.



Great. Why won't Obama allow nuclear power then. It provides the most power for the least amount of resources.

He lied about being open to nuclear when on the campaign, just like he and other Dems lied about being open to drilling for oil on the campaign.



New member
You do know the correct process instead of complaining don't you?

[ame=]YouTube - Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law[/ame]



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