Communist Carbon Credits for sale at the end of a US held Socialist Gun!

Communist Carbon Credits for sale at the end of a US held Socialist Gun!

Lets see, if Rich Socialist British Petroleum Mark or Rich Mike of
Communist Citgo or Rich Tommy of Asian Toyota, holds their breath three
minutes each to stop emitting CO2, and Poor US Mary and Poor US Selah can
only hold their breath one minute to stop CO2 emotions fraudulently and
deliberately stirred up by the Rich Communists who bought out the US
Government and US Medias, who says the US Citizens are one minute each
under their Mandatory two minute CO2 reduction Law, because private
property is now taken from the Poor for public use, on the public market
Poor US Mary and US Selah with a Socialist gun in the hands of the US
Government and US Medias, being held to their heads, have no choice but to
pay for a minute of private stock from Rich Socialist British Petroleum
Mark, or from Rich Mike of Communist Citgo, or from Rich Tommy of Asian
Toyota, because Rich Socialist British Petroleum Mark and Rich Mike of
Communist Citgo and Rich Tommy of Asian Toyota , are one minute over the
required two minute CO2 reduction Law that they had the US Government that
they own, set. Ok? Why did Foreign Socialist Governments have the US
Government pass these Mandatory Regulations?

Communism is taking over the US Government from the People, by the People,
for the People, by the laws that they have the US Government and US Medias
that they own, pass
against us, so that the Communists can get around our majority will, pure
and simple.

It was FDR who threw out the US Constitution, which resulted in the rich
building the first peace time standing Armed force at Tax Payer Expense,
with the help of the Russians. For to scare the Public into doing away with
the US Constitution and targeting the Middle Class and making the poor
suffer, every time we invented anything, they intentionally leaked our
technology to the Russians so that they could scream, "We need to raise your
Taxes and target the Middle Class and make the poor suffer more, as we
violate the US Constitution, and keep a standing Armed Force in a time of
Peace, because the sneaky Russians keep stealing our Technology!"

It only took Russia two years to build the A Bomb, only because our US
Government was working with them, and four years earlier gave them all that
they needed to know how to build it, so that they could deceive Americans
and throw out all America had stood for since her beginning. And the
Military Machinery Factories and Oil Barons and Medias have controlled our
Government ever since, and now that they succeeded in robbing all the Soviet
Union, and then wiping out Russia's wealth, and making millions of poor
suffer, they set their greedy sights on new victims.

After the Communists helped them make millions of poor who stood with the US
against Iran in Iraq suffer at the hand of the US Government, as George
Bush Sr. stood half way to Baghdad and watched him gun down all those that
he had encouraged to rise up against Saddam saying I will stand with you. As
the rest of those that were not gunned down by Saddam for standing with
America, suffered under Bill Clinton at the hand of Saddam, as Saddam said
to them loyal to the US against Iran, "The Great Satan took my money, so I
cannot pay your Militias or feed you!" And a Million more American
supporters died of starvation because of US and UN Sanctions. And they paid
Communist Groups to stand and say, "The Millions that suffered and died
under Saddam were not US Supporters!"

Our US Politicians being Homesick for their beloved homeland alliance, their
old Communist Soviet Union from where they stole their wealth, all who ever
stand for America will suffer at the hand of the US Government, because the
Democrats and Republicans now want a totally State controlled Medical Care
System like the Soviets had and Communist China has, where Doctors are
trained according to what the Government says is needed, not according to
their choice of interest. And where Patients get net no choice of which
Doctor they will see, or of a second opinion, they just have to suffer the
Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths from the first Doctor appointed by the
Government. And the Government will not take the Dangerous and Deadly Mind
Control Drugs off the Market, that the Drug Manufactures lied about their
safety and their effectiveness, because too many US Politicians or their
Family owns or runs the Medical Care system, or got donations from the Drug
Manufactures. Besides many of our Medical Facilities are now owned by
Communist States too.

With no more Cold War to deceive the US people so that they may keep ripping
them off, and new scam they have invented.

Hurricane and Cyclone intensity increases with warmer waters, but News Media
like CNN and other major Medias were paid by their sponsors to deliberately
ignore why the waters were becoming warmer and causing Hurricanes and
Cyclones to intensify, and causing sharks and whales and other sea life to
head for the shallow waters along our shores. The people being ignorant of
the true causes of Storms intensifying, were not warned in time of the known
probability that Storm Intensity would Increase, and this ignorance of the
Public caused unnecessary losses of life and property, like during Hurricane
Katrina and others.

When Meteorologists who know that the inconsistent Ocean Water Temperatures
cause inconsistent Atmospheric Temperatures, that cause Storms, know that
underwater Volcanoes are raising the Water and Atmospheric Temperatures in
areas where the Ocean's and Atmosphere's currents will distribute these
Abnormally Warmer Waters and Air into the Warmer Water Regions that cause
Hurricanes and Cyclones, and that these Abnormally Warmer Waters will
undoubtedly cause the normal Hurricanes and Cyclones to intensify, but they
repeatedly fail to announce this sound Scientific reasoning to warn the
People to take extra precautions, there is something wrong.

The reason is that, in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act, the
Medias have been paid not to report the true cause of Storm Intensity
Increases, is so that their sponsors could invent a monumental fraud for
profit scheme, that would affect commerce and make some of them billions of
dollars, at the expense of much of the Middle Class, and make millions the
Poor suffer, driving the US to have to lean more towards Welfare and
Communism just to try to help them.

I keep telling the Government and the Medias that since the Global Warming
period began around 1980, that Earth's Poles have been slightly shifting in
their course of normal wobble, but they will not mention the cause of this
publicly, or assign anyone to do a full investigation to it's affects, and
if they do a so called investigation, they deliberately throw out all the
obvious facts, and invent their own. For Global Warming is in no way shape
or form, manmade, but instead of warning the people about the real affects
it has on intensifying Hurricanes and Cyclones and Volcanic Activity and
Earthquakes, so that they would move from areas frequently hit by the Storms
or Earthquakes, or build better Storm or Earthquake shelters, they falsely
blame man as the problem, just so that some of them can make money off
others by worthless Mandatory Regulations that do not address the true

Because of the complexity of Nature and it's Natural cycles, here is just
one indicator that Global Warming is Natural that I will point out now, and
I will reveal more links to verify things as I go along. Independently they
came to the same conclusion as I.

When I was a child in the late 1950s to the early 1970s, the French
Oceanographer Jacques Yves Cousteau, who invented the J and T valves for
underwater diving, and converted a British Mine Sweeper in 1950, into a
Scientific Sea Explorer, The Calypso, which sank in 1968, he not only was
and is my favorite adventurer, but since being a child I plotted all of his
adventures, and his son's adventures, on a Global Map, and added information
from multitudes of Scientists through the years, as I endeavored to outdo
his ingenuity as I became an Engineer and Scientist. And I was most
intrigued by underwater Volcanic Activity, and underwater Earthquakes, and
how it affected Sea Life, and Land Life, and sunken underwater Cities, and
sunken Ships. At the same time with the beginning of the Space Race and the
Nuclear Weapons Race against the Soviets, Nuclear Physics and Space
exploration was a hot subject for most children, and Oceanography,
Astronomy, Nuclear Physics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, and
Electronics, all became among my major studies. Like when I began, even
though my four sisters objected to the unfamiliar and often unpleasant
smells, at 9 years old I had built my first Science Laboratory in our
basement, and my Father being a College Professor, could only barely hold
them back, while offering me advice as to how to build vents to appease
their objections, while encouraging my curiosity of seeking out and finding
how things of nature are made, and how they work. And later seeing my
curiosity and ability to make the Science Apparatus and Chemicals of Nature
do whatever I wanted them to do, my School Teachers could only encourage me
by saying, "You may do anything that you want to do in our School Labs, but
if it is dangerous, let us know about it first before you do it." And prior
to that the local Pharmacist being curious of a child who repeatedly would
seek and ask him to order certain Chemicals and Scientific Apparatus from
his store suppliers, he soon joined with my Father and later my Teachers as
another personal advisor. But with these People in our Governments and
Medias deliberately casting off truth from true Sciences, and presenting the
Public a twisted Science Fiction as reality, just so that they may make
Political or Financial Gains by exploiting the fear and paranoia of others,
their examples will not help educate any of our children in the true

What a lot of these People are deliberately leaving out, so that they may
twist other Data into a lie, so that they may affect commerce by regulating
it into their pockets, or the pockets of others, with mandatory regulations
that they say are necessary, because of their Science Fiction deception, is
that the recent recorded changes in Solar Activity, also affect the recent
recorded increases of Volcanic Activity, and these changes together affect
Earth's Magnetic Field, and all these changes together affect other Natural
events, and the results of just the first two changes is a Natural Global
Warming period. And because the base cause originated from the Solar changes
affecting Volcanic Activity, other planets are also experiencing Global
Warming at nearly the same rate. However, because Earth has a Magnetic
Field, Earth is being affected differently than some planets that have no
Magnetic Field and different compositions of Chemicals in their Atmospheres
and different degrees of Gravitational Pull.

Earth's unique Atmosphere and Magnetic Field and Gravitational Pull allows
the Earth to use Solar Energy and Natural Gases and Meteorites to produce a
cycle of producing Natural accruing Acids and Bases and Water to sustain
life upon Earth. These Natural cycles have not stopped, but their rate of
production fluctuates with the fluctuations of the Natural Events of Solar
Activity and Volcanic Activity and Earth's Magnetic Field and Gravitational

Since the Architects of WW2 did away with the US Constitution they have
controlled the Media to keep the people brainwashed against conservatism, so
that they could build a Communist America!

In service of God and Country
