Computer Help


New member
OK So i have Sony VAIO and Windows Business..I have this problem. Everytime I try to open up a folder or run part of a program that browses thru my files such as when im on itunes and want to add a new song so the browser opens to look thru my computer, i get the notice saying windows explorer isnt responding and the folder or the program closes down.


New member
Try and google it mate; Nearly every problem I've had with my computer has been solved by searching for other people who have had the problem and found a solution for it.

There are tons of forums dedicated to helping you like

Try getting some help there :)



New member
Yeah, type in exactly what the error message says into Google and 99% of the time youll find what youre looking for within the first 2 pages.


Active Members
I'd say...take this black/grey colored thing....and pull it out of that thing that there is in the wall....

and then...put it in again..if it still doesn't work...take your fist and make some fast movements..say "simsalabim" and it might works again..

or just got to a technician

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