

john f winston

Subject: How Big Is Wormwood? June 15, 2007.

In this part of this material it will tell how big Wormwood is. I
used to grow a Wormwood plant but my friend convienced that it would
k-ll you if you ate too much of it so I got rid of it. This
information is not about the Wormwood plant but is about the Wormwood


A brief introduction with the Ganymede contact.

"(Female extraterrestrial Rama is addressing Chacho's questions
during his contact in the Peruvian mountains near her base. This
Lady's preditions has proven herself to Chacho time and again
remarkbly accurate..and has also taken him for rides as more proof
of who she is..a real extraterrestrial for Chacho.)"


But I come from a world in this very solar system. It's not very
far from here, considering that space travel extends beyond the
conglomeration of galaxies comprising the cosmic unit of which we
both are a part.

I am here in this world because I have a serious mission. I am a
messenger while I'm here, I look like you, and dress like you. We're
from another part of the universe. We've been traveling through
these vast dimensions since the beginning of recorded history. The
B-ble is an ancient record of visitations to earth by extraterrestrials
These visits have been misrepresented due to the limited understanding
of the people who received the messages given by earlier astronauts.
Visits from outer space to your earth during the Iast few centuries
can compare with an ocean liner That travels to a faraway island once
or twice a year to trade with the natives. The same type of thing is
happening today; space men and women are scattered all over your world.

Since you believe now, and know I'm not trying to con you into
something, it'll be a lot easier for us together to accomplish the

"I guess you're right."

"Remember what Je--s told his disciples in J-hn, chapter five?'...
But these things I say that ye might be s-ved.'

The reason I've chosen you to do this job for us, to be the person
responsible for transmitting our message and plant this seed, is
because I can sense your developmental processes. I know you're
going to become more aware, disciplined in your will and that your
motives are sincere.

That's the way we do it on our planet. We love ourselves. Since
we understand G-d as The Force, no one would go into someone's
else's house thinking of stealing, ki-ling, or doing harm.

As soon as we enter someone's home, they sense our presence. They
are in tune with us, with our vibrations, and our ananas and
anionites (the Life Force energy).

That is known as perfect harmony; thus, we can and do live with
each other in peace."

"What is your world called?

"The Kingdom of the Mount; it's where I've lived for more than 304
of your terrestrial years. In this solar system, it's called
Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter, It's about the size of your
moon. Our terrain is very much like the one we're on right now; the
atmosphere is about the same--very thin oxygen, with high, steep
mountains covered with ice, as is the case here (Peru).

"The topography is also very similar."

"Incredible, I know about the moons of Jupiter, but it seems
unlikely that life exists on one of them."

"We have extremely cold weather compared to your temperatures,
but for us, these temperatures are comfortable.

"What about your way of life--do you get married?

Do you have movie theaters? Is it paradise?

"We live in the valleys, surrounded by the icy peaked mountains,
in small complexes, what you would call villages. Similar to the
ones you see around here.

Ganymede is very volcanic. Volcanoes are our source of energy.,
and we use that powerful energy for our technology. The same way
you usually find large cities like New York, Paris, London, and
Rome clustered near large bodies of water, our villages and
industrial centers are near volcanoes. They are our source of life.

"We have no oceans or large rivers on our planet. We get our water
from the melting ice mixed with the volcanic heat; it's very similar
to the medicinal waters you find right here."

"Snip" (JW They use the word
"Snip" when they cut out
part of the material and go
to the next items.)

You'll get a chance to look at some of the most fantastic revelations
that the Great Pyramid of Egypt holds for your people on Earth. Within
its labyrinths the whole Adamic era is recorded from beginning to end
in allegories.

The Bi-le doesn't mention how the Pyramids were built, mainly because
no power on earth could have built them, not even today.

You're going to learn about a huge celestial body, about 3,200 times
the size of Earth, approaching our solar system. This planet orbits in
another solar system and travels parallel to ours. Its volume could
cause very serious imbalances to the earth and neighboring planets.
The Bib-e calls this huge planet "Wormwood."

A c-urch, fraught with power and riches, plays a very important role
in all of these events. A ch-rch that speaks on behalf of J--us, the
Christ, but has completely abandoned all of his teachings, and now
works for p-litics and w-r of the worst kind. The Bibl- has a name
for this churc-. We're also going to get on the subject of 'the
D-vil.' But not the kind of de-ils with tail and horns, as you have
been taught-Satan and Lucifer. An e-il force exists that is not
confined to your planet. It's a universal, intelligent, evi- vibration.
In the -ible, it's called 'The power given to the beast. and he doeth
great wonders so that he makefh fire come down from h-aven and on
earth in the sight of men.'

We're going to talk about a r-ce of people mentioned in the B-ble
continuously from beginning to end. This ra-e will produce two
important figures, both of whom are alive and well today. One, who
could be called the antichrist, is a great po-itical person. The
other, the promised M-ssiah, is getting ready for Armageddon.

He's going to lead this battle with w-ath. This man's name is
--sus Christ. But not the meek, gentle, good natured man J--us you've
heard about all your life. This time he come's with all his power
and glory. I don't think I have to remind you that the Bi-le is
full of prophecies about this...or do I?"

No you don't I said, suppressing the incredulity I was feeling,
listening to her statements. I showed her the notes I had been
taking as she talked. "Is that it? She looked at my list and nodded
her approval. Then she stared at me. In order to get her to continue,
I asked, "Are you sure you're not putting me on?"

"I know that's what you think. But these things are nothing new,
much less a joke. Many people know about this. Everyone's confused,
but, in some way, you, myself and friends can work together and make
some sense of all of this."

"What for? What could I do?"

Remember yesterday, when I told you that I'd like for you to tell
the world?"


"That's exactly what we want you to do. To come back into that
world of yours, do your research and write about this experience.


We've taken all these negatives into account. But why should you
care? Isn't it enough satisfaction to know you are one of the chosen
few who will know the real truth of what lies ahead?"

"What is the truth? In whose book?"

"The kind of truth that you discover when you set your own rules,
when you've been honest with yourself and do your own work. Just
wait, you'll see all this for yourself".

"Okay, let's assume I accept what you tell me as the truth. How
would I tell it to the world?"

"You could write a book."

"Rama" you don't know how funny that is. You re talking to someone
who gave up law school because of his inability to write and poor
grades. And now you want me to write a book."

"Your giving up law school was a decision you made that had nothing
to do with your ability to write.

"Well, anyway, the idea of writing a book sounds ridiculous to me,"
I said, unable to contradict her statement. I knew I had been unable
to write and get good grades more because I resisted becoming a lawyer
than anything else. "Charles," she said, looking at me directly,
'those children in Fatima were not writers, either. When they spoke
to the Lady of Fatima, they were having a similar experience to what
is going on right now. But, like, in Bi-lical times, the experience
was understood only in terms of a reli-ious experience. The world
wasn't ready; for ideas about UFOs and extraterrestrial beings at
the time.

But this is something that humanity must know about now. But the
information must be organized sorted out first. Then let it be

"Humanity must know?"

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subject: How Big Is Wormwood. Part 2. June 16, 2007.

When reading this information, it is best to realize that it was given
in about 1974 and they space people change their minds sometimes.
Sometimes they say things that are not quite true but it a certain way
of explaining a situation. In the last few years we have had about one
and a half million Indigo children born who know that they were formerly
good type space people. That has changed things for the good. It seems
that the good people are getting better and the bad people are getting
even worse.


"Humanity must know?"


"Exactly. Now I have a personal message for you. Towards the end of
1975, or the first part of 1976, when the man you work for is
assassinated, you're going to be so shattered you'll feel like saying
'To h-ll with everything.
But I ask you to remember these moments, and in the name of C-rist, go
ahead, continue with your book.

Even if you encounter many difficulties."

A change will have taken place in you. By then, you'll have most of
your information about Ch-ist, and nobody will be able to tell you
anything to make you feet that the g-ds (small g) are not with you."

"I'm getting the feeling that you really think I'm going to love
Je--s Ch-ist."

"Why shouldn't you?" You seem bright enough to understand humility
Getting to know Christ is only being able to practice his teachings
in a humble way.
That doesn't mean you give up the joy of being alive. It'll be even
better, because, You'll be happy and contented to have found that
Chr-st will give you the keys to eternal life."

All that just by loving Go- and your fellow human beings?"

"That's all you have to do."

You're saying I get to know Ch-ist as a man. Let's say I get to
know that he really existed, and that he performed mir-cles. What
assurance will I get that he is the son of -od?"

"Here's where your faith comes in. You'll have to believe in
something which cannot be scientifically proven."

"I do now. I've learn my s-irit as a third force. That alone led
me to this eternal thought of creation, or the vibratory center of
the universe.

It's funny you mentioned Edgar Cayce because he speaks of the same
kind of G-d, also as a force, but he calls it "being a part of a
collective thought." Cayce seems to be speaking on behalf of that
collective thought."

"Very good, Chacho. He's the one who is going to help you
understand Ch-ist as an Essenes.

In the mid-forties the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in some caves.
That famous sermon on the mount was inspired in the words of the
Dead Sea Scrolls.

"How were they found?"

"Do you know who the Bedouins are?"

'Arab, nomads, people without a land of their own."

"These people were merchants and smugglers that use to travel all
over Palestine. while it as in the hands of the British troops. They
happened to camp about 14 miles from Jerusalem in some caves near
the Dead Sea.

That's where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.. They date back to
about a 150 years B.C.

This discovery is surely the link between the old and the new
te-taments in the B-ble.

Go- as a Third Force, knowing the teachings of Moses and those of
the Great Pyramid."

"Why was the Essenes so mysterious and quiet about their way of

"Because they didn't want to be bothered with a lot of explaining
about their knowledge and s-iritual level.

Imagine talking to a stick-to-the-Law-of-Moses Pharaosee about the
atom, protons, and electrons, ananas, anionites. and Go- as the
vibratory center of the universe.

You've heard of the hermetic sects?"

"Hermetic, meaning closed to the public.

Then why did Chr-st go to the crowds and tell them he was the son
of Go-, and perform mir-cles? What right did he have to disclose
hermetic information?"

"Because the kingdom of h-aven isn't hermetic. When --sus found
out he was the one man who could fully understand the power and
glory of -od, the Chr-st consciousness, he chose to get to work by
telling everyone that faith in Go- and love for one another are the
keys to the Kingdom of heav-n. Remember when he said, My Kingdom is
not of this world'?"

"Meaning not of this planet Earth."

"Of course, He was the prime example of loving everyone, the one
man with the power to cast out d-mons."

"Now that you mention de-ons, we haven't talked about the de-il
yet. What do you mean by 'dem-ns'?"

"De-ons are the servants of S-tan. If you want to talk about the
de-il, we might as well do it now. We've already established that
the d-vil isn't a man with a tail and horns, just as the ang-ls of
G-d are humans like and me.
The same way with dem-ns; they're human's walking your streets
everywhere, The d-vil, or forces, are also energy--ananas and
anionites (Go-'s Life Force) that work according to physical laws
and mutations. Wit-hcraft, voodoo, b-ack magic, are all ways of
ch-nneling ananas and anionites as powers of the Third Force. These
de-ons can also perform Mir-cles. Remember that flick 'The

"Yes, it was great. Why is the dev-l gaining so much popularity

'I guess because people who are misguided tired, and feeling
abandoned by their c-urches, don't have enough strength to turn
themselves on to the pleasures of eternal life. They seek other
kinds of pleasures that give them immediate results, something that
seems more meaningful to them. This is a royal chance for Sat-n,
who is the master of deceit, to put his stamp on them. "How does
he operate? How is he going to be the world's master?"
"This is the work of thousands of years. Sa-an knows and
understands eternal life.
He feeds from the uneven vibes generated by greed, thirst for
power and money, and from the unscrupulousness in people who would
do anything to be better off than others. They scheme the next move
to deceive or cut the the throats of their fellow man for a fat
bank account, furs, s-x. They k-ll each other on the street. This
s-ul condition is caused by the eternal thoughts of ev-l. It's a
chemistry that moves in that frequency; constant fear, nervousness,
paranoia, negativism, it has to be that way because we have to have
the balance in the Cosmos,"

"Ch-ist is the representation of the -od of Creation, and Sa-an
is the representative of destruction, using the same M.O."

"Always with the same plot; he attacks your weakest, most
vulnerable spot. If you're greedy, and the thirst for wealth
overpowers the forces of your scruples or spi-itual feelings, then
you are S-tan's prey."

"The other day I remember thinking about big cities where there's
crowding, crime, te-rorism, violence, muggings, and d-ath. That must
be the work of Sa-an."
'Yes, but S-tan not only has de-ons on the streets; they're also
in business, p-litics, public offices, big international
corporations, thrones, r-ligious cults, covens. Sod-m is present
today in some of your bigger cities. People are seeking new ways
to turn on. They have forgotten about -od. Just as in the two
doomed bi-lical cities, they got to the point of going against
nature as far as se- is concerned They were destroyed by fire. The
Sodomite cities of your day will be destroyed by water and S-tan
is going to be sent to pr-son for a thousand years."

"Where does Sa-an come in when it comes to terr-rism, ra-ial
outbursts, bombings, hijacking of planes, things that are
instigated by poli-ical motives?"

He's behind the world poli-ical scenes. "That's what a lot of
people say, but no one does anything to stop it."

"I don't think there's anything anyone can do. We are all free
to choose our own destinies, which force we want to be a part of.
In these matters there's no in between. It's either or. This is
precisely why Ch-ist had to come to this planet. To show you
with his exemplary life how to defeat the forces of ev-l."

"Come again?"

The sacrifice of Ch-ist is the only way he had left to
demonstrate by example of de-th is the entrance to eternal life.
When you know and practice Ch-ist's teachings, your forehead will
be sealed in such a way that the dark forces can't get to you. On
the contrary, you'll be able to perform exorcisms and de-ons will
flee from you."

"That sounds far out."

"The concepts is clear. We're dealing with two forces that we've
seen as vibratory frequencies.

You had to work a little to get to the point of being relaxed and
calm enough to see your Light Life force energy (ananas and
anionites). But thanks to the same knowledge that makes Ch-ist the
son of -od, you're now able to take your sp-rit out of your body."

"That's another thing I have to thank you for. Ever since I
started astral traveling, I'm not afraid of d-ath anymore."

"Why should you be, if now you can actually, literally, d-e at


Rama's brief ANTI-CH-IST SIGNS discussion...(1974)

Part 2.

John Winston.
Subject: How Big Is Wormwood? Part 3 of 3. June 17, 2007.

This talks about Armageddon.


"Does the Middle East crisis have anything to do with the J-ws and
the great battle of Armageddon?

"I've said this in the beginning, and when this man declares himself
the Messiah, demanding adoration from the Je-s, they're going to arm
and fight. This would be the opportunity for certain leaders to do away
with the -ews once and for all. The w-rs are going to get more b-oodier
and more cruel; then a powerful nation with a different point of view
will want to get it's share of the options. After all, there are nations
in the world of yours that are completely dependent upon wars for their
economy to be swing in full operation."

"What happens when to nations look at each other in the eye and say,
'Well, now we're going to see who's the greater'?"

"You'll see that in early 1976. The word for it is detente. You'll
be getting close to the final days of the war, the J-ws will be
holding strongly to their land and their beloved Jerusalem. Their
enemies will be plotting how to drive then into the ocean. Many Je-s
are in the most powerful nation in the world today, and when they see
things getting out of hand, they get involved in order to stop the
mass m-rders.

Here is the moment when a powerful personality gets into power and
says he's the only man who can solve the conflict in the Middle East.
He'll make a peace treaty with all the dragons, false prophets, frogs,
and creatures with ten horns, who're going to be waiting among you.
They're the s-irits of d-vils,the demons. This treaty will be signed
for a period of seven years, of which three and a half are just fine
and dandy, until some fanatic tries to assassinate him. After his
miraculous recovery, he will become angry by this act of violence
against him that he will show his w-ath openly.

"You told that this recovery would be more like coming back to

'Yes, that's why I said recovers from a 'fatal' wound. That's why
people will believe him, because They will wonder at his supernatural
powers. This will encourage him to go as far as calling himself G-d,
and the promised M-ssiah.

He will deceive people for three and a half years more, until, the
Je-s draw the line, even though they are going to be grateful for his
handling of the Middle East. The whole world will look up to him. When
this self-proclaimed Me-siah realizes there is no way he's going to
win with the -ews, he will want to mur-er them all. That will be the
battle of Armageddon. By then the e-il forces and S-tan will have
taken over this entire planet and will have managed to put the number
of the beast on all those who refused to take C-rist to their hearts.
This egomaniac will do anything to bring the world to it's knees. He
doesn't care if he has to use the dooms day b-mb to destroy it."

"How will he be stopped?"

"We'll take care of that. We are the celestial armies that are
standing by. We'll remain vigilant to your world affairs because the
balance of the universe is at stake here ."

What do you mean by balance of the universe?"

"We've spoken about the health of your planet how active and
vulnerable it is to sunspots and to attractional forces in the
neighboring solar system, how cataclysms are practically around the
"Right" I said, recalling our previous sessions. Rama became very
still and somber, staring into space for some time, as if she were
in a trance.
Finally, she said, if your people continue tampering with the
equilibrium of the universe by exploding at-mic bo-bs, it could mean
disaster for more than just your planet. Dropping a couple of these
powerful bombs could spilt your planet in two or three parts. This
means one less attraction that we have to fight the effects of
Hercolubus (Planet X, Wormwood, etc,.) in our solar system."
"How would you interfere?"
"Ah, to you that's c-assified information, but let it be no s-cret
that we have our UFO bases throughout the world. You've seen one.
"We've had our UFO bases on this planet ever since the continent of
Atlantis went down some 12,000 years ago. The other two doors of the
earth are in the polar regions, with a few entrances like Lake
Titicaca, between Peru and Bolivia. I'll also tell you that from our
bases we can monitor all communications in your world, so we can see
what's going on."

"Really? You've said many times that you are preparing the ground
for the second coming of Ch-ist, that you're the apocalyptical a-gels,
the armies of h-aven. Is it your job to get people turned on to
Ch-ist or to keep an eye on us Earthlings so we don't blow ourselves
"Both. We're scientists who can give you straight answers about
Go-, the universe and the creation of man.

"We're also standing by because only the Eternal -od of Creation
knows when these moments will be taking place."

"How is it that UFOs are going to become public knowledge?"

We're just going to continue talking to people all over the world.
Contacting anybody who wants to give us a chance to seal their
We have no contact patterns because we don't want g-vernments to
establish a particular pattern--then they'll start shooting at us.
"We want the people of the world to get adjusted to the idea of our
presence, to understand that we are here on a friendly basis. Then
when it gets to be known that flying saucers are circulating in the
skies, they won't think we're invaders. Because we're not. We're here
to assist the human r-ce.
"You keep telling me that all these things are going to click
into place.

The final days of Armageddon will have a formula, right? It's
like saying that a bunch of elements will come together and trigger
the events as foretold in the prophecies. These are a C-urch, a
nation, a ra-e of people, Satan, the political figure, the
antich-ist, you extraterrestrials, and all these other things on my
list. When they all meet, what will happen?"

"Then this will be a great day of the Glory of -od. His son will
be walking on the Earth again, but not as a lamb. This time Je--s
Ch-ist will show His power and His glory.

What about the greatest nation in the world today; will it take an
active part in the events?"

"It already has. Can't you see how muck hate and antagonism is being
accumulated against this great society of yours7 They lose face in
front of nations that at onetime looked to them for protection and
support. There are only so many wa-s that a country can fight at the
same time, even if they are to keep it's economy going. A nation used
to having everything it pleases is now being shaken by energy
shortages, other nations will take advantage of it's situation,
te-rorism, bombings, r-cial unrest, pol-tical corruption, scandals,
cities going bankrupt, d-ugs, c-ncer, depression, confusion, crime,
mental illness, alcoholism, corruption, loss of moral values,
organized crime and abuse of nu-lear energy are all prevalent today.
Remember that history repeats itself. The conditions of today take
you back to what happened 12,000 terrestrial years ago.

I'm talking about Atlantis. They abused their energy, and used it
to destroy human beings like you and me. At that time, Atlantis had
to have its moment of confrontation with the truth after a previous

When they could no longer hold the peace with the cel-stial ang-ls,
and they went to wa-, which threatened the equilibrium of the
universe. There were battles fought in space, and nucl-ar w-rfare
was present, which made the hole where the Mediterranean sea is
today, the weakest part of the earth.
Remember also that our dear friend Hercolubus was around. Don't
you think that could have caused the sinking of the Atlantean

"Twelve thousand years. Of course; that's the orbit of the cold
planet twice.
Then this 6,666 year cycle is about to be completed, bringing
with it the age of deluges, Noah's ark, Sodom and Gomorrah.

If only I could find some scientific evidence. You speak of
Atlantis with such authority that you're quite convincing. But to
me, this kind of stuff is debatable."

(Note: Rama has mentioned this planetoid's
magnetic/gravitational forces affects our psychology as well.)




(JW Something good have happened since this information was
put out. A person down near San Diego by the name of Vaughn was
located by Ruth Norman. He was taken back and examined his past
lives and found out the he was Lucifer. He found he was the one
who led the rebellion against the forces of light during the time
of the destruction of a planet called Maldek which was blowed to
pieces and later referred to as the Meteorite Belt. He found out
all the bad things that he had done, repented of these things and
turned to working for the forces of light. He has now passed away.

Another case for rejoicing is that some of my s-iritual warrior
friends contacted a sp-ritual entity who was also Lucifer. They
found him in a very deplorable condition and sort of dusted him
off, cleaned him up and this individual is not working for the
light. Now people can't say the d-vil made be do some bad thing
it because he doesn't do the sort of things he used to do.)

Part 3 of 3.

John Winston.
Subject: How To Get Out Of The Cult. June 17, 2007.

This information talks about the goals of certain cult.


About the author:
Hi, my name is Svali. Both I and my entire family were involved in a
cult group until several years ago, when we broke free. I used to be a
programmer in the cult, and now I want to share the knowledge that I
have to help others.

It is possible to break free of cult abuse if a person is involved. It
is a long, heart-breaking process, but well worth it. In the articles
that I will be providing, I hope to help the survivor of cult abuse
find tools to help in their journey towards freedom.

I have been a consultant to an on-line survivors group that helps
people dealing with issues related to cult programming and becoming
free, for the past year and a half. I myself have been in therapy for
ritual abuse and DID for nine years, with the last five being aware of
the recent cult abuse.

I am also a writer, and a registered nurse. I currently work as a
diabetic educator in Texas 20 hours a week.

I have also self-published a book on breaking free of cult
programming, which several experts in the field have said has
"invaluable information" for the survivor of ritual abuse.

Both my ex-husband and my two children broke free of cult abuse last
year. My children are living with me while my husband is working on
healing. They all have DID (dissociative identity disorder, formerly
known as multiple personality disorder) as well, which makes life at
home interesting! I am currently married to my second husband, who is
also a recovered DID and who got out of the cult five years ago.



Prior to discussing actual programming techniques, it is important to
understand the philosophy underlying why the Il-uminists are
programming people. All groups have goals, and the Ill-minists are no
exception. Money making is not their final goal - it is a means to an
end. This end point, or goal, is no less than to rule the world. The
Illu-inati has a set plan similar to the Soviet Union's previous "5-
year" and "10- year " plans. This is what the Illumi-ists themselves
believe and teach their followers as g-spel truth.

Whether they will actually succeed is another matter altogether. The
following is the Illumin-st agenda at ALL levels of the Illumina-i. As
with any goal, the I-luminati has specific steps which it plans to
implement to reach its objectives. Briefly, each region of the U-ited
States has "nerve centers" or power bases for regional activity. The
Un-ted States has been divided up into seven major geographical
regions. Each region has localities within it that contain m-litary
compounds and bases that are hidden in remote, isolated areas or on
large private estates.

These bases are used intermittently to teach and train generational
Il-uminati in mil-tary techniques, hand- to- hand combat, crowd
control, use of a-ms, and all aspects of mili-ary warfare. Why?
Because the Illu=inists believe that our g-vernment, as we know it, as
well as the go-ernments of most nations around the world, are destined
to collapse. These will be planned collapses, and they will occur in
the following ways:

The Illu-inati has planned first for a financial collapse that will
make the great depression look like a picnic. This will occur through
the maneuvering of the great ba-ks and financial institutions of the
world, through stock manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most
people will be indebted to the federal gove-nment through bank and
credit card debt, etc. The governm-nts will recall all debts
immediately, but most people will be unable to pay and will be
bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic which will
occur simultaneously worldwide, as the Illu-inists firmly believe in
controlling people through finances.

Next there will be a mil-tary takeover, region by region, as the
gov-rnment declares a state of emergency and ma-tial law. People will
have panicked, there will be an anarchical state in most localities,
and the governm-nt will justify its move as being necessary to control
panicked citizens. The cult trained mil-tary leaders and people under
their direction will use a-ms as well as crowd control techniques to
implement this new state of affairs. This is why so many survivors
under 36 years of age report having mi-itary programming. People who
are not Il-uminists or who are not sympathetic to their cause, will
resist. The Illu-inists expect this and will be (and are BEING)
trained in how to deal with this eventuality. They are training their
people in hand-to- hand combat, crowd control, and, if necessary, will
k-ll to control crowds. The Illumi-ati is training their people to be
prepared for every possible reaction to the takeover. Many mind
control victims will also be called into duty with preset command
codes. These codes are meant to call out a new, completely cult loyal
presenting system. Shatter codes programmed under trauma will be used
to de-troy or bury non-cult loyal alters.
Mi-itary bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are
already here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go
above ground and be revealed. Each locality will have regional bases
and leaders to which they are accountable. The hierarchy will closely
reflect the current covert hierarchy.

About five years ago, when I left the Illu-inati, approximately 1% of
the US population was either part of the Il-uminati, sympathetic to
it, or a victim of Mind Control (and therefore considered useable).
While this may not sound like many, imagine 1% of the population
highly trained in the use of ar-aments, crowd control, psychological
and behavioral techniques, armed with weapons and linked to
parami-itary groups.

These people will also be completely dedicated to their cause. The
Illumin-ti firmly believes that it can easily overcome the other 99%
of the population, most of whom are untrained, or poorly trained, such
as "weekend hunters." Even the local milita-y will be overcome as the
Ill-minati will have regional cell groups with highly trained leaders.
They also count on the element of surprise helping them during their
takeover. Many of the highest leaders in the militia branch of the
Ill-minati are or have been officers in the milit-ry, and so already
have a good knowledge of which techniques will work best to overcome a
region's or locality's defenses.

After the m-litary takeover, the general population will be given a
chance to either espouse the Illu-inati's cause, or reject it (with
impr-sonment, pain, even de-th being possible punishments). These
people very much believe that the intelligent, or "enlightened" or
Illuminated, were born to rule. They are arrogant, and consider the
general population as "dumb sheep" who will be easily led if offered
strong leadership, financial help in an unstable world economy, and
dire consequences if the person rebels. Their utter ruthlessness, and
ability to implement this agenda, should not be minimized.

The Il-uminati b-nking leaders, such as the R-thschilds, the
Va-derBilts, the R-ckefellers, the C-rnegies, and the M-llons, as
examples, will reveal themselves, and offer to "save" the floundering
world economy. A new system of monetary exchange, based on an
international monetary system, and based between Cairo, Egypt, and
Brussels, Belgium, will be set up. A true "one wo-ld economy",
creating the longed for "one w-rld order", will become reality.

There is more to the Illum-nist agenda, but these are the basics of
it. This agenda is what the Illumi-ati really, truly, believe, teach,
and train for. They are willing to give their lives up in this cause,
in order to teach the next generation, as they believe that their
children are their legacy. I was told that my children's generation
would see this takeover, sometime in the 21st century. At present, the
Ill-minati have quietly and covertly fostered their takeover plan by
their goals of the infiltration of:

1.The media
2.The ba-king system
3.The educational system
4.The gove-nment, both local and fe-eral
5.The sciences
6.The ch-rches

They are currently, and have been working the last several hundred
years, on taking over these 6 areas. They do NOT go to an institution,
and say "hi, I'm a local Illum-nist, and I'd like to take over your
bank). Instead, they begin by having several people quietly invest
funds over several years, gradually buying more and more shares in the
bank (or other institution that they wish to control), until they have
a financial controlling interest in it. They never openly disclose
their agenda, or their cult activities, as often they are amnesic to
them. These are well respected, "Ch-istian" appearing business leaders
in the community. The image in the community is all important to an
Ill-minist; they will do anything to maintain a normal, respected
facade, and DESPISE exposure. On one leadership in a major
metropolitan city, where I was a member, there sat: one head of the
local small business administration; one CEO of a go-ernment defense
firm; one principal of a Chr-stian school; one vice mayor of the city;
one journalist; one nurse; one do-tor; one behavioral psychologist,
one ar-y Colonel, and one n-vy Commander. All except one attended
church weekly; all were well respected within the community. NONE of
them appeared "e-il", or "marked".

If you met them in person, you would probably instantly like any of
these intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is
their greatest cover, since we often expect great ev-l to "appear"
evi-, led by media portrayals of -vil as causing changes in the face
and demeanor of people, or marking them like the bib-ical Cain. None
of the Ill-minists that I have known, had unkind, or e-il appearing,
persona in their daytime lives, although some were dysfunctional, such
as being alcoholics. The dissociation that drives the Il-uminists is
their greatest cover for being undetected at this time. Many, if not
most, of these people are completely unaware of the great ev-l that
they are involved in, during the night.

There are other groups which are not actually part of the Ill-minati,
but the Illumi-ati are aware of them. The I-luminati are not the only
group that follows esoteric practices, or worships ancient deities or
d-mons. They encourage divisiveness between different groups (divide
and conquer is one of their ruling principles), and are not concerned
about other groups. Instead, they will often welcome them into their
umbrella, if possible. This has been happening more and more in recent
years, as the Illumi-ati trade teaching their training principles,
which are considered the best by most se-retive groups, in exchange
for loyalty to the Illumina-i. They will send their trainers to these
groups, and the trainers will report to the local regional council.

In the pol-tical arena , the Illu-inists will fund both sides of a
r-ce, because their greatest maxim is that "out of chaos comes order",
or the discipline of anarchy. That is why they sent ar-s to, and
funded, both sides of both the great World W-rs in this century. They
believe that history is a game, like chess; that only out of strategy,
fighting, conflict, and testing can the strong emerge. I no longer
agree with this philosophy, but at one time, I did, with all my heart.
Hopefully, as these people and their agenda are exposed the common man
will rise up against this intended rule to be foisted upon an
unsuspecting mankind.

Files. Fichiers.

John Winston.