Concerning Nobody's Listening

DJ BloodFrost

New member
Just a question for any passersby...did anybody ever notice that if Nobody's Listening was about STDs, you wouldn't have to change the chorus at all?

I just noticed that... :p ...thought I'd see if anybody else thinks like I do.


DJ BloodFrost

New member
where did u get that idea from?
cos its about ppl avioding em.
lmao, i was having a conversation with sabastian (spike) concerning a "band" that he and his brother were in...i'm not going to go into details...just never mind, you obviously didn't get it



New member
I..I I say that well

could be a lot of things


*** ED in High School WAS supposed to get us to look out for signs of being "tempted" into tryin something, which in cause MIGHT give you something I know you will be ******* about for the longest time until you go to a gynocologist/protcologist just to have him tell you it was all yer **** fault and maybe even force themselves on you to give it to you all over again!

...then again...

nobody will listen to you anyways;)


(said my 2 cents worth every 6 months or so haha)

dot dot dot

-Le **** (K.G)


DJ BloodFrost

New member
you contract an STD from someone and you get ****** at them. what do they say in reply?

"tried to give you warning, but everyone ignores me..."

get it?



New member
Yes the song could very well be interpridid as *** ed or even drug/cigarette related thing but well anythimng thats advised but we choose to ignore and we suffer the consiquences for.


New member
tried to give u warning but everyone ignores me...

wTF? how is that related to STDs?

isnt it something like "i tried to tell u but u didnt listen to me"



New member
WOW I never thought you would ever make a thread about this... lmao..

Agent presents... "STD Remix Vol.1"

But yeah I do agree with you Agent.

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