Condi Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy


Patriot Games


Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy Wires Sunday, March 25, 2007

ASWAN, Egypt -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday she raised
U.S. criticism of Egyptian democracy efforts with President Hosni Mubarak,
but added the United States would not try to dictate how Egypt should

"I've made my concerns known, as well as my hopes, for continued reform here
in Egypt," Rice told a news conference in this southern city after talks
with the Egyptian president and foreign minister. "The process of reform is
one that is difficult - it's going to have its ups and downs."

Rice's latest trip to the Middle East coincides with a political storm in
Egypt over the terms and timing of a national vote on constitutional

The Bush administration has expressed concern that Monday's vote will be
less than fair and democratic.

Tension over the vote shadowed Rice's attempts to rally Arab support for a
renewed peace effort with Israel. But at a press conference she and her
Egyptian counterpart tried put the best face on the dispute.

"Egypt is very special, Egypt is a leader in the Arab world," Rice told
reporters. "So it's not surprising people are interested in what is
happening internally in Egypt ... It's not a matter to try to dictate to
Egypt how this will unfold."

She added, however, that the United States would not shy away from its
commitment to wider democracy in the region.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit defended the hasty timeline for
the vote, which opposition groups say gives little time for rebuttal. He
said the timing is largely a matter of convenience for Egyptians who want to
take spring vacations.

But irritation over the external criticism and the questions it produced was

"I have to be blunt with you," Gheit said. "With all frankness, the
responsibility of security in Egypt is an Egyptian responsibility."

The proposed constitutional changes would enshrine tough anti-terrorism laws
into Egypt's constitution - something opponents say could lead to continued
police and judicial abuses. They also would outlaw political parties based
on religion, effectively blunting the country's main opposition group, the
Muslim Brotherhood.

Opponents of the reforms have called a demonstration in central Cairo for
later Sunday. They argue the changes would reduce the independent oversight
of elections and curbs of election fraud, a chronic problem in Egypt.
On Mar 27, 7:25 pm, Scotius <> wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:38:10 GMT, "Patriot Games"
> <> wrote:
> >

> >Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy

> She needs to worry about democracy in her own country.
> > Wires Sunday, March 25, 2007

> >ASWAN, Egypt -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday she raised
> >U.S. criticism of Egyptian democracy efforts with President Hosni Mubarak,
> >but added the United States would not try to dictate how Egypt should
> >proceed.

> >"I've made my concerns known, as well as my hopes, for continued reform here
> >in Egypt," Rice told a news conference in this southern city after talks
> >with the Egyptian president and foreign minister. "The process of reform is
> >one that is difficult - it's going to have its ups and downs."

> >Rice's latest trip to the Middle East coincides with a political storm in
> >Egypt over the terms and timing of a national vote on constitutional
> >changes.

> >The Bush administration has expressed concern that Monday's vote will be
> >less than fair and democratic.

> >Tension over the vote shadowed Rice's attempts to rally Arab support for a
> >renewed peace effort with Israel. But at a press conference she and her
> >Egyptian counterpart tried put the best face on the dispute.

> >"Egypt is very special, Egypt is a leader in the Arab world," Rice told
> >reporters. "So it's not surprising people are interested in what is
> >happening internally in Egypt ... It's not a matter to try to dictate to
> >Egypt how this will unfold."

> >She added, however, that the United States would not shy away from its
> >commitment to wider democracy in the region.

> >Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit defended the hasty timeline for
> >the vote, which opposition groups say gives little time for rebuttal. He
> >said the timing is largely a matter of convenience for Egyptians who want to
> >take spring vacations.

> >But irritation over the external criticism and the questions it produced was
> >obvious.

> >"I have to be blunt with you," Gheit said. "With all frankness, the
> >responsibility of security in Egypt is an Egyptian responsibility."

> >The proposed constitutional changes would enshrine tough anti-terrorism laws
> >into Egypt's constitution - something opponents say could lead to continued
> >police and judicial abuses. They also would outlaw political parties based
> >on religion, effectively blunting the country's main opposition group, the
> >Muslim Brotherhood.

> >Opponents of the reforms have called a demonstration in central Cairo for
> >later Sunday. They argue the changes would reduce the independent oversight
> >of elections and curbs of election fraud, a chronic problem in Egypt.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -
On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 11:38:10 GMT, "Patriot Games"
<> wrote:

>Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy

She needs to worry about democracy in her own country.

> Wires Sunday, March 25, 2007
>ASWAN, Egypt -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday she raised
>U.S. criticism of Egyptian democracy efforts with President Hosni Mubarak,
>but added the United States would not try to dictate how Egypt should
>"I've made my concerns known, as well as my hopes, for continued reform here
>in Egypt," Rice told a news conference in this southern city after talks
>with the Egyptian president and foreign minister. "The process of reform is
>one that is difficult - it's going to have its ups and downs."
>Rice's latest trip to the Middle East coincides with a political storm in
>Egypt over the terms and timing of a national vote on constitutional
>The Bush administration has expressed concern that Monday's vote will be
>less than fair and democratic.
>Tension over the vote shadowed Rice's attempts to rally Arab support for a
>renewed peace effort with Israel. But at a press conference she and her
>Egyptian counterpart tried put the best face on the dispute.
>"Egypt is very special, Egypt is a leader in the Arab world," Rice told
>reporters. "So it's not surprising people are interested in what is
>happening internally in Egypt ... It's not a matter to try to dictate to
>Egypt how this will unfold."
>She added, however, that the United States would not shy away from its
>commitment to wider democracy in the region.
>Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit defended the hasty timeline for
>the vote, which opposition groups say gives little time for rebuttal. He
>said the timing is largely a matter of convenience for Egyptians who want to
>take spring vacations.
>But irritation over the external criticism and the questions it produced was
>"I have to be blunt with you," Gheit said. "With all frankness, the
>responsibility of security in Egypt is an Egyptian responsibility."
>The proposed constitutional changes would enshrine tough anti-terrorism laws
>into Egypt's constitution - something opponents say could lead to continued
>police and judicial abuses. They also would outlaw political parties based
>on religion, effectively blunting the country's main opposition group, the
>Muslim Brotherhood.
>Opponents of the reforms have called a demonstration in central Cairo for
>later Sunday. They argue the changes would reduce the independent oversight
>of elections and curbs of election fraud, a chronic problem in Egypt.
On Mar 26, 3:38 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy
> Wires Sunday, March 25, 2007
> ASWAN, Egypt -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Sunday she raised
> U.S. criticism of Egyptian democracy efforts with President Hosni Mubarak,
> but added the United States would not try to dictate how Egypt should
> proceed.
> "I've made my concerns known, as well as my hopes, for continued reform here
> in Egypt," Rice told a news conference in this southern city after talks
> with the Egyptian president and foreign minister. "The process of reform is
> one that is difficult - it's going to have its ups and downs."

Yeah... and people in hell want gasoline too...

Here we go again... is this here crazy or what?

She gave the same message to the Palestinians... and they elected
Gave the same message to the Lebanese.. and they elected Hezbollah.
Gave the same message to the Iraqiis and they elected.. pro-Iranian

It just keeps getting better all the time, huh?

Because they now refuse to deal with the elected Hamas.
They refuse to negotiate with the elected Hezbollah caucus.
And they are materially supporting the Sunniis against the elected pro-
Iranian Iraqii Shiiyas.

I guess now she wants the the extremist egyptian Islamic Brotherhood
(which is waiting in the wings) to assume control and set matters
right. Right?

Actually this is the precise recepie for a total breakdown of all
establishment authority in most of the middle-east, isn't it?
<> wrote in message
> On Mar 26, 3:38 am, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
>> Rice Urges Egypt to Reform its Democracy
>> "I've made my concerns known, as well as my hopes, for continued reform
>> here
>> in Egypt," Rice told a news conference in this southern city after talks
>> with the Egyptian president and foreign minister. "The process of reform
>> is
>> one that is difficult - it's going to have its ups and downs."

> Yeah... and people in hell want gasoline too...

I thought they wanted ice water?

> Here we go again... is this here crazy or what?
> She gave the same message to the Palestinians... and they elected
> Hamas.
> Gave the same message to the Lebanese.. and they elected Hezbollah.
> Gave the same message to the Iraqiis and they elected.. pro-Iranian
> Shiites.
> It just keeps getting better all the time, huh?

Well, what do you want her to say, "Hello, America has too many nuclear
weapons and the sooner y'all go radical and team up the sooner we can reduce
our overly large stockpile and make the world safer."

> Because they now refuse to deal with the elected Hamas.
> They refuse to negotiate with the elected Hezbollah caucus.
> And they are materially supporting the Sunniis against the elected pro-
> Iranian Iraqii Shiiyas.

You and I know both know the window of opportunity on peace in the Middle
East was closed decades ago when Sadat was assassinated - by an Eqyptian who
would become an Al Qaeda terrorist.

But we still have to pretend.

> I guess now she wants the the extremist egyptian Islamic Brotherhood
> (which is waiting in the wings) to assume control and set matters
> right. Right?
> Actually this is the precise recepie for a total breakdown of all
> establishment authority in most of the middle-east, isn't it?

Yep, it is. At least I think so.

I don't see ANY way this is going to work out without a HUGE ass-whooping
somewhere over there folllowed by a HUGE intervention by China and the US
working together to make everybody play nice....