Congo Rebels Invade Gorilla Preserve - Blast Away



Rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo have taken control of large
parts of the Virunga National Park, home to rare mountain gorillas.

The move has raised fears for the fate of the gorillas. Only 700
remain - half of which are in Virunga.

Meanwhile, the army says it has killed at least 28 troops loyal to
rebel General Laurent Nkunda in the latest fighting in eastern DR

Some 170,000 people have fled the area this year, says the UN refugee

"If anything happens to the mountain gorillas now, there is nothing we
can do," said Norbert Mushenzi of the Congolese Institute for the
Conservation of Nature (ICCN).

"As of today, the sector is no longer under my control and we have
been rendered powerless by these actions."

Nine gorillas have been killed this year, allegedly by Gen Nkunda's
men, sparking outrage among conservationists.

'State of war'

Gen Nkunda's forces are believed to have moved into the park in
pursuit of Rwandan Hutu rebels, who have bases there.

Officials from local conservation group, Wildlife Direct, say the
forces looted weapons and communication equipment from Jomba and
Bikenge ranger patrol posts within the park.

- - - - -

OK ... this is the way things are just gonna BE in
Africa for quite a long time to come.

So, if anyone is REALLY interested in preserving the
gorillas and other animals of special interest, there
is only one viable path - PAY FOR MASS-RELOCATION.
Some of the apes could do OK in a Florida climate,
whilst other beasties might fare better in central
or south American jungle environments. It would be
possible to buy or lease huge tracts of jungle in
Honduras, Brazil and others specifically as animal

It's not going to be free - and don't expect governments
to chip in more than the token plugged nickle no matter
HOW many greenies whine and hold candle marches. If you
REALLY want to get it done, well, it's going to take a
lot of personal committment and a lot of very wealthy
patrons who want to "look green" for PR reasons. A few
might even be sincere ... you never know .....

In any event, the animals CANNOT survive for much
longer in Africa. Be it war or uncontrolled greed
for natural resources, that continent won't be
supporting much more than men, mosquitoes and
graveyard rats in 50 years time. Neither the
politics, economics or cultural traditions on
that continent are condusive to conservation.

That's the reality - so cope or shut up about it.
On Sep 5, 12:01 pm, (B1ackwater) wrote:
> Rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo have taken control of large
> parts of the Virunga National Park, home to rare mountain gorillas.
> The move has raised fears for the fate of the gorillas. Only 700
> remain - half of which are in Virunga.
> Meanwhile, the army says it has killed at least 28 troops loyal to
> rebel General Laurent Nkunda in the latest fighting in eastern DR
> Congo.
> Some 170,000 people have fled the area this year, says the UN refugee
> agency.
> "If anything happens to the mountain gorillas now, there is nothing we
> can do," said Norbert Mushenzi of the Congolese Institute for the
> Conservation of Nature (ICCN).
> "As of today, the sector is no longer under my control and we have
> been rendered powerless by these actions."
> Nine gorillas have been killed this year, allegedly by Gen Nkunda's
> men, sparking outrage among conservationists.
> 'State of war'
> Gen Nkunda's forces are believed to have moved into the park in
> pursuit of Rwandan Hutu rebels, who have bases there.
> Officials from local conservation group, Wildlife Direct, say the
> forces looted weapons and communication equipment from Jomba and
> Bikenge ranger patrol posts within the park.
> - - - - -
> OK ... this is the way things are just gonna BE in
> Africa for quite a long time to come.
> So, if anyone is REALLY interested in preserving the
> gorillas and other animals of special interest, there
> is only one viable path - PAY FOR MASS-RELOCATION.
> Some of the apes could do OK in a Florida climate,
> whilst other beasties might fare better in central
> or south American jungle environments. It would be
> possible to buy or lease huge tracts of jungle in
> Honduras, Brazil and others specifically as animal
> preserves.
> It's not going to be free - and don't expect governments
> to chip in more than the token plugged nickle no matter
> HOW many greenies whine and hold candle marches. If you
> REALLY want to get it done, well, it's going to take a
> lot of personal committment and a lot of very wealthy
> patrons who want to "look green" for PR reasons. A few
> might even be sincere ... you never know .....
> In any event, the animals CANNOT survive for much
> longer in Africa. Be it war or uncontrolled greed
> for natural resources, that continent won't be
> supporting much more than men, mosquitoes and
> graveyard rats in 50 years time. Neither the
> politics, economics or cultural traditions on
> that continent are condusive to conservation.
> That's the reality - so cope or shut up about it.

Better idea, kill all the negroes who threaten wildlife areas by
invasion or high
birth rates. What is more valuable; mountain gorillas, or a couple of
thousand negroes?

On Sep 5, 3:09 pm, greg3347 <> wrote:
> On Sep 5, 12:01 pm, (B1ackwater) wrote:
> > BBC
> > Rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo have taken control of large
> > parts of the Virunga National Park, home to rare mountain gorillas.

> > The move has raised fears for the fate of the gorillas. Only 700
> > remain - half of which are in Virunga.

> > Meanwhile, the army says it has killed at least 28 troops loyal to
> > rebel General Laurent Nkunda in the latest fighting in eastern DR
> > Congo.

> > Some 170,000 people have fled the area this year, says the UN refugee
> > agency.

> > "If anything happens to the mountain gorillas now, there is nothing we
> > can do," said Norbert Mushenzi of the Congolese Institute for the
> > Conservation of Nature (ICCN).

> > "As of today, the sector is no longer under my control and we have
> > been rendered powerless by these actions."

> > Nine gorillas have been killed this year, allegedly by Gen Nkunda's
> > men, sparking outrage among conservationists.

> > 'State of war'

> > Gen Nkunda's forces are believed to have moved into the park in
> > pursuit of Rwandan Hutu rebels, who have bases there.

> > Officials from local conservation group, Wildlife Direct, say the
> > forces looted weapons and communication equipment from Jomba and
> > Bikenge ranger patrol posts within the park.

> > - - - - -

> > OK ... this is the way things are just gonna BE in
> > Africa for quite a long time to come.

> > So, if anyone is REALLY interested in preserving the
> > gorillas and other animals of special interest, there
> > is only one viable path - PAY FOR MASS-RELOCATION.
> > Some of the apes could do OK in a Florida climate,
> > whilst other beasties might fare better in central
> > or south American jungle environments. It would be
> > possible to buy or lease huge tracts of jungle in
> > Honduras, Brazil and others specifically as animal
> > preserves.

> > It's not going to be free - and don't expect governments
> > to chip in more than the token plugged nickle no matter
> > HOW many greenies whine and hold candle marches. If you
> > REALLY want to get it done, well, it's going to take a
> > lot of personal committment and a lot of very wealthy
> > patrons who want to "look green" for PR reasons. A few
> > might even be sincere ... you never know .....

> > In any event, the animals CANNOT survive for much
> > longer in Africa. Be it war or uncontrolled greed
> > for natural resources, that continent won't be
> > supporting much more than men, mosquitoes and
> > graveyard rats in 50 years time. Neither the
> > politics, economics or cultural traditions on
> > that continent are condusive to conservation.

> > That's the reality - so cope or shut up about it.

> Better idea, kill all the negroes who threaten wildlife areas by
> invasion or high
> birth rates. What is more valuable; mountain gorillas, or a couple of
> hundred
> thousand negroes?
> ted- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Humanoid Sapien is as relentless as the Sun.
All races.