Congressional Report: Gross Mismanagement of Iraq Funds ( t r u t h o u t )



Report states that the Pentagon has grossly mismanaged the $510
billion spent thus far on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars; major battle
in Baghdad leaves 16 US soldiers wounded; Democrats unhappy with
Bush's continued recess appointments; Gwen Ifill takes on trash-talk
icon Imus; panel changes findings on voter fraud after Republicans
bring pressure; House to hold hearings on Tillman, Lynch; Maryland
governor signs bill that will bypass Electoral College process; and
more ... Browse our continually updating front page at

t r u t h o u t | 04.11

Congressional Report: Gross Mismanagement of Iraq Funds
A damning report issued last month by the nonpartisan research arm of
Congress says the Department of Defense continues to overstate its
financial needs - by tens of billions of dollars - to fund the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The agency also casts serious doubt on President
Bush's statements that money to fund the war will dry up by the end of
the month if his budgetary demands are not immediately met.

16 US Soldiers Wounded in Baghdad Battle
Sunni militants and residents of the Baghdad neighborhood of Fadhil
fought a fierce day-long battle with the Iraqi Army and American
soldiers on Tuesday in what appeared to be the most sustained
confrontation since the start of the security plan to calm violence in
the capital. The battle left seven people dead - three insurgents and
four Iraqi soldiers - and wounded 16 United States soldiers, according
to a statement from the American military.

Democrats May Block Bush Nominees
Angry Senate Democrats are mulling a two-pronged strategy to retaliate
against the Bush administration for appointing three controversial
figures to key executive branch posts during last week's recess,
including possibly shortening the August recess to no more than 10
days and blocking all future White House nominations.

Gwen Ifill | Trash Talk Radio
Gwen Ifill writes: "The Scarlet Knights of Rutgers University had an
improbable season, dropping four of their first seven games, yet
ending up in the NCAA women's basketball championship game. None of
them were seniors. Five were freshmen. For all their grit, hard work
and courage, the Rutgers girls got branded 'nappy-headed ho's' - a
shockingly concise sexual and racial insult, tossed out in a volley of
male camaraderie by a group of amused, middle-aged white men. The
'joke' - as delivered and later recanted - by the radio and television
personality Don Imus failed one big test: it was not funny."

Federal Panel Altered Findings on Voter Fraud
A federal panel responsible for conducting election research played
down the findings of experts who concluded last year that there was
little voter fraud around the nation, according to a review of the
original report obtained by The New York Times.

House to Hold Hearings on Tillman, Lynch
A US House committee announced Tuesday it would hold hearings on
misleading military statements that followed the friendly fire death
of Pat Tillman in Afghanistan and the rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch in
Iraq. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform said an
April 24 hearing would be part of its investigation into whether there
was a strategy to mislead the public.

Maryland Governor Signs Bill to Bypass Electoral College
Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley signed into law yesterday a measure
that would circumvent the Electoral College by awarding the state's
electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the most votes
