Connecting the dots to the Communist takeover for the Government.

Connecting the dots to the Communist takeover for the Government.

Because our US Government can no longer connect any dots to protect America,
perhaps they people should connect the dots for them, here is where to

The Jewish Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 - June 19, 1953) and Ethel
Greenglass Rosenberg (September 25, 1915 - June 19, 1953) who were American
Communists, sold US Nuclear Secrets to Jewish Communist Soviets. After the
fall of the Communist wall, the Old Hardliner Communist Soviet Jews moved to
Israel, so that the Communist could take control of both US Political
Parties, and some of them came to the US and Got dual citizenship and work
in our Government, and some of them took control of many of our Military
Support Corporations, and Communist China is helping them.

It is doubtful that the Texan President Bush, or the Tax and spend Democrats
or the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will remember the Alamo,
because we and they are the reason that the Americans at the Alamo gave
their all just to buy time for Sam Houston to assemble and build the Texas
Army, as the Americans at the Alamo bravely died in vain trying to keep the
Mexicans from invading our County, because the treasonous Tax and spend
Democrats and Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans sent out US Border
Patrol and our US Coast Guard to Iraq, as they left our borders open, and
have not only surrendered Texas to the Mexicans and other Countries, but
they surrendered the entire Country!

"Brian David Smith" <> wrote in message
> Bush arrogance at Arlington National Cemetery
> Seeing George Bush put a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldiers is
> like seeing Adolf Hitler visit the Statue of Liberty. What a shameful
> display of arrogance.
> Someone else said, "Bush pretending any respect for the military is like
> Hitler at the wailing wall."
> Brian David Smith, San Diego, California

"Some dumb guy" <> wrote in message
> WASHINGTON - Confronted with strong opposition to his Iraq policies,
> President Bush decides to interpret public opinion his own way. Actually,
> he says, people agree with him.
> "Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the
> situation with Iraq?"
> Approve ------- 23%
> Disapprove ---- 72%

If we are going to get our troops home to protect America, and get our coast
guard home to protect our coasts, and our border patrol back from Iraq to
secure our US Borders, and defend us from the billion Muslims and a few
billion Communists that this Governments Foreign Policies have pissed off,
we are all going to have to sacrifice something, I say a limited restricted
draft of Military Volunteers would cure the problem.

The 23% seem to have Volunteered for the Armed Forces to defend Israel.

Take their Yachts and mount machine guns and anti-aircraft guns on them, and
send them to the Persian Gulf to guard Iraqi coasts.

Take their private jets and planes and mount bomb mounts on them and send
them to the Middle East.

Take their Limos and Mum-Vs and SUVs and mount armor plating on them and
send them to the Middle East.

Take them and give them body armor and M16s and some grenades and send them
to the Middle East.

And then bring our troops home to defend the homeland form the billion
Muslims and a few billion Communists that this Governments Foreign Policies
have pissed off.

As the Texan George Bush takes his throne in his massive Embassy as big as
the Vatican that he built in Iraq, and he faces the billion Muslims and a
few billion Communists that he pissed off, and says to his 23%, "Remember
the Alamo!"

And as we get ready to defend the homeland, hopefully the billion Muslims
and a few billion Communists that they pissed off, will realize that they
were the problem, and leave the rest of us alone. And don't worry George, or
those that follow him, we will remember your sacrifice to save America,
every Memorial Day.

And George, if you go as quick as possible, we might even throw in a Jet and
an Aircraft Carrier, so that if you have defeated the billion Muslims and a
few billion Communists that you pissed off, you can land on the deck and
say, "Mission accomplished!"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph R Loegering" <>
To: "Mn FBI" <>; "Kansas City FBI"
<>; "George Bush" <>; "Dick
Cheney" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 5:00 AM
Subject: the "Surge" Troops just failed, expansion of the War worldwide is

Mr. President and Mr. Vice President

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!


The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

This post shows Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr was successful in coming out
of hiding, to become a martyr to try to cause one billion Muslims worldwide
to rise against the United States, as they attempt to turn their allies in
Communist China and other Communists against the US.

In their culture, they just made a martyr of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr,
and a billion Muslims will worship him, and pledge revenge, even if it means
suicide to kill the infidels, whom they will consider to be the US, Britain,
and Israel. That is what the so called holy sites of the descendants of
Mohamed in Iraq are all about. Hostility will steadily increase all across
the world.,0,6543588.story?coll=la-ap-topnews-headlines

And do not underestimate me just because I have PSTD, and a seizure
disorder, and I go lame from the middle of my back down, and I go deaf and
blind, and I have migraine headaches, all from a traumatic brain injury
that I got in my second term in the US Army, I was trained that if
necessary, I would be able to rise up with little, and be resourceful, and
improvise, and adapt, and live up to the name and title of Ares the God of
War if need be, to overcome the common enemies of the People of these United
States. One billion Muslims and and a couple billion Communists among the
Communist Nations and our homeland, could be just a small challenge.

We, the C.A.L.M. before the Storm, respectfully request permission to arm
before it is too late.

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

It is time for all good men, to rise and come to the aid of their Nation.

Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr came out of hiding, to become a martyr to try
cause one billion Muslims worldwide to rise against the United States, as
they attempt to turn Communist China and other Communists against the US.

In their culture, they just made a martyr of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr,
and a billion Muslims will worship him, and pledge revenge, even if it means
suicide to kill the infidels, whom they will consider to be the US, Britain,
and Israel. That is what the so called holy sites of the descendants of
Mohamed in Iraq are all about. Hostility will steadily increase all across
the world.

We now must prepare for War on Multiple fronts. I tried to tell Bush he was
led into the Iraq War as a trap. There has been no WMD there since 1993, and
the same Communist people that spun the lies about WMD in Iraq, pretending
it would allow the US to get the Oil, they also made the Lie about Global
Warming being manmade, pretending it would allow the US, Britain, and
Israel, to keep the African Nations from developing, so that they could take
Africa's Abundant Coal and Oil, but Communist China is already taking
Africa's Abundant Coal and Oil, like in Sudan.

President Bush should prepare to try to be King of Iraq, on the front line,
we can give him the New US Iraq Embassy as a going away present. Set up a
temporary draft, while bringing our troops out to defend America, as we
draft everyone who wanted or promoted the war in Iraq, and send them to Iraq
to do their own dirty work, while we get Bin Laden and his likes out of
Pakistan and Iran.

The elites cannot steal the Government from the People, by the People, for
the People, if we exercise the Law, and use our rights, and do our Duty.
This Government owned and run by the elites has become destructive of Life,
Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and it is not just our right to alter
or to abolish it, and set up new Government that we believe will better
guard these unalienable rights, by the Law, it is our Duty to do so.

This is how we could get out of the Iraq War, and actually get the
Terrorists, because before the Iraq War, there was no Country in the world
that did not want to help us get Bin Laden and his likes, I personally had a
lot of help from people all over the world looking for Bin Laden until the
Iraq War started, and when they see we are not the Democrats or the
Republicans that betrayed our County, a lot of them will turn back and help
us get his likes.

1st to free up our troops for the real war on terrorism, to take their
place, they built an Embassy in Iraq bigger than the Vatican, and massive
Military Bases, the people of these United States will let them keep them as
a going away present, if the US Politicians and their Intelligence and
Corporate supporters that wanted this War in Iraq, and were led into it
because of their greed, they started this War without just cause, so give
each one of the Tax and Spend Democrats and each one of the borrow until
Economic Collapse Republicans, who voted for War in Iraq, and each one of
their supports who egged them on, a rifle and body armor and a hum-V, and
put them on point on a year of missions in Iraq like they did my cousin
Sgt. Joshua Schmit, who survived three road side bombs in less than a year,
but died in the fourth, they will figure out real fast not only how to stop
this War, if they survive, they just might be able to find out and
understand the meaning and heart of these words.

Why vote Democrat or Republican? We know that if we point out the problems
that they caused, they will just point a finger and blame someone else,
instead of fixing the problems, while they cause more problems. Why don't we
get their attention by putting a third option on the ballot? We should just
start a grassroots party of our own, and set up a Presidential and Vice
Presidential Candidate, and Congressional and Senatorial Candidates for
Federal and State Governments, reinstate the US Constitution and Bill of
rights on all levels of US Government, and just be honest with the people,
and find out what they need to fix the Country. I rewrote a Political
Platform that I believe would stop this advance of Nazi Fascism and
Statism, if I could throw my name into the ring as an Independent, and run
for the Office of the White House, this would be my Platform. Add what you
want or see that would help the Country, and if you know anyone who would
be able to run on something like this, lets get it together.

Maybe some of the Politicians running for the White House can learn from the
platform that I would run on!

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

What do the people of these United States need to solve these problems that
we all face? Please respond in a sub post under a title of these titles, or
number a new sub tile, for your concern or grievance, and describe any
abuses that you have experienced or eye witnessed, and inform me with what
you think is needed to stop it from happening again, and describe how we can
redress your grievances!


1) Message Weekly Review

2) Freedom-Protecting the People's Right to control our Government.

3) Freedom-From Corporate Abuse and getting Real American Valued

4) Freedom-From Politician Abuse and getting Real Politicians.

5) Freedom-From Court Abuse and getting Real Courts.

6) Freedom-From Police Abuse and getting Real Police.

7) Freedom-Protecting our Individual Rights.

8) Freedom-Protecting our Family Rights.

9) Freedom-From Fraud Health Care and getting Real Health Care.

10) Freedom-From Homeland Drug Turf Wars.

11) Freedom-From Homeland Cultural Wars.

12) Freedom- From Homeland Security and getting Real Homeland Security.

13) Freedom-From Military War on Terrorism and getting a Real War on

14) Freedom-Retirement Security.

15)Freedom-From Education Reform and getting Real Education Reform.

16) Freedom-From the Compassion Agenda and getting a Real Compassion Agenda.

17) Freedom-From Corporate Control, and Really building the Economy & Jobs.

18) Freedom-From False Environmental Conservation & Natural Resources
control, and getting Real Environmental Conservation & Natural Resources.

19) Freedom-From a Government Controlled Media, and getting a Real Free
Press and Real Free Media.

20) Freedom-From a Ballot System that forces us to chose between two evils,
and get one that allows us to chose Real American Values.

The #1 Reason both Veterans and Homeless people get Addicted to Street
Drugs, or Alcohol, is that they are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress

Veterans mostly get it because of situations that we faced to defend all of
our rights from Foreign and Domestic Enemies.

Civilians get it mostly because of having to face situations that are set up
by Domestic Enemies of our rights.

We need a Two Front WAR, to target both the Foreign and Domestic Enemies of
our Rights, and deregulate Laws that take away our Rights, to get the People
that are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, out of their grips.

And launch another Domestic Two Front WAR, one on Legal Medical Drugs that
make People Slaves, and the other on Illegal Drugs that make People Slaves.

And we need to set up two civilian programs to help the victims that are
caught between the Turf Wars of Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Medications, and
Illegal Street Iatrogenic Medications, get out of it!

My own program works for me, if you like it, make it your own!

#1, Just say no to Legal Corporate Iatrogenic Medications, and Illegal
Street Iatrogenic Medications! (This same thing goes for those recovering
from Alcohol Abuse!)

#2 Avoid Government Agencies, or Programs, or Officers, Hospitals, or
Clinics, or Corporations, that require you to go through Mental Evaluation
and Medication as the Treatment, just to try to change your behavior, or to
get you a place to stay, or to get a Job, or to get Social Security

#3, Find a place where the Slave Masters, and their other Salves will not
keep swaying you back into them two dead end streets, that lead to bondage
and death! (You People willing to take them in and help them, make sure that
they have what they need to live, especially three good meals a day, if they
can eat it, and clean clothes for the season, and personal hygiene type
things are important to improve their self-esteem, and a clean Environment.
And don't bash them with your Bibles, or Legalisms, just let the example of
Love lead the way! Build their self -esteem by letting them handle their own
responsibilities gradually. As they gradually heal over about 6 to 12
months, gradually work them into handling more of their own
responsibilities, and make sure it is not to much for them to handle, or
their minds will just drive themselves deeper into Psychological Problems,
and they will just end up sitting there among a dirty environment doing
nothing for themselves!)

#4, You People Recovering from the Substance Abuse, deal with what you are
able to, to survive. But don't take on too much yourself, get some new
friends willing to help, because your mind has been damaged, and trying to
deal with it before your mind begins its natural healing, and heals enough
to give you enough ability to handle it, you will just drive yourself into
more problems!

#5, You People Recovering from the Substance Abuse, this is really the first
step! Honestly turn to God in your heart for help! He and his uniquely
begotten Son will be right there helping!

Do you understand treason? When 9-11 happened I had 14 family members in the
US Armed Forces, and I tried to reenlist just to get at Bin Laden, but they
would not take me because I have PSTD, and a seizure disorder, and I go lame
from the middle of my back down, and I go deaf and blind, and I have
migraine headaches, all from a traumatic brain injury that I got in my
second term in the US Army. So I organized some US Veterans, and we went
looking on our own for Osama Bin Laden, and when I got some intelligence out
of Kashmir and out of Iran where Bin Laden may be located, but that he may
be dead, I told the US Government that I would follow the leads, and find
out if he was dead or alive. Then we found that the US was being
intentionally led to a War with Iraq, on false intelligence on WMD, because
there was no WMD in Iraq since 1993. And I wrote the President and tried to
stop the Iraq War, and when he attacked Iraq, I wrote Rush Limbaugh, and
told him to keep it secret, but I think Bush just messed up in Iraq, I did
not tell Rush that was because I had evidence that the Communist from the
fallen USSR and the Asian Communists united their efforts and were drawing
us into the War, so that it would help them destroy our economy from many
different angles, which was a plan that they were working on ever since
Ronald Regan and Bin Laden fought the Communist Soviets in Afghanistan. They
turned Bin laden against the US deliberately, and then deliberately drew us
into the Iraq War, baiting the greed of US Politicians and US Corporations
for Oil, using Britain and Israel.

No one in my family wanted a War in Iraq, we all wanted Bin Laden, but after
the Iraq War started, and after I wrote the President and CIA and FBI that
President Putin was going to back Iran's peaceful Nuclear program, and what
type air defense missiles he was selling to Syria, because a friend of mine
recorded the conversation with Iran's defense minister, I was following up
on the leads about Bin Laden, and we located where either he or a currier
were sending messages to the Muslim News Media, so I tried to get a US Media
to put out some bait that would have pushed Bin Laden, if he were alive, or
his #2, to use his contacts in the Middle East Media, because I had people
waiting for a move there. But instead of helping, after my computer was
hacked and they knew that I was on to the truth of what was going on, and
that the President did not answer my request for permission to arm my
Militia, they tried to set me up as a terrorist, but my Militia, the
C.A.L.M. before the Storm, and my contacts in the FBI new better. So instead
they used CNN to get me locked up for a year, even though I had committed
no crime, they just said I was delusional, and they force treated me with
drugs that other doctors had to stop because they said that those drugs were
killing me, but then the first doctors said that I needed to be locked up
until I agreed to stop looking for Bin Laden, and they made me sign a
contract saying so.

Now you take a look at these words, this current US Government run by
treasonous Tax and Spend Democrats and treasonous borrow until Economic
Collapse Republicans threw out of our Society all integrity, and that throws
out all of the words that were our guiding light, our entire reason to risk
our life and our limbs in battle fighting for this Nation!

I lost a cousin in Iraq, and a family member in every war since ww1, and
they threw out what they fought for, do you call throwing out what we fought
for, supporting the troops?

The wordings of the current oath of enlistment and oath for commissioned
officers are as follows:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey
the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the
officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of
Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960
replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5
October 1962).

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United
States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or
affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States
against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any
mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and
faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to
enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

When are you going to open your eyes instead of being blindly herded among
with the doomed, and change the course before America runs off the cliff?

No matter which party we vote for it is the same corruption because neither
the Tax and Spend Democrats or the borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans will get rid of any of the multitudes of Government programs to
relieve the Tax Burden, and neither the Tax and Spend Democrats or the
borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will reinstate the US
Constitution and our Bill of rights, on all levels of US Government
Federal, State and Local, and enforce it with any integrity, and neither the
Tax and Spend Democrats or the borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans
will deregulate building codes in any areas so that the poor can go step by
step and get up on their feet, and neither the Tax and Spend Democrats or
the borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will stop the rising cost of
living which is too high for millions of Americans to make it, and neither
the Tax and Spend Democrats or the borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans will stop our jobs and our money from being sent to foreign
economies instead of being invested in our own, and neither the Tax and
Spend Democrats or the borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans will keep
their nose out of other Nations' business, which provokes people to hate
Americans and plot attacks like 9-11.

Freedom in America is totally gone. For while looking for Osama Bin Laden,
and committing no crime, my freedom was taken away for a year, and in order
to be released, I had to sign a written contract saying that I would stop
looking for Osama Bin Laden. And saying that I would not make the headlines
in the next two years. So, why don't they want Osama Bin Laden found? So
that they can rip off the Tax Payers and make money off the fraud.

George Washington had a lot his gang that were sitting in jails because the
Government said that they took advantage of their freedom. One of his gang
even said, "We had all better hang together, or we will all surly hang!"
These people promise Liberty with their lips, but there is no Liberty left
anywhere in America, so what makes these thieving lying greedy treasonous
fools as US Rulers any different than King George the 3rd and his followers?
There is no difference whatsoever, they threw out the US Constitution, our
Bill of rights, and all of our rights that were not protected therein.

Why vote Democrat or Republican? We know that if we point out the problems
that they caused, they will just point a finger and blame someone else.
instead of fixing the problems, while they cause more problems. Why don't we
get their attention by putting a third option on the ballot? If they don't
want to go to their new home that they built in Iraq, the third option on
the ballot could be, "How many want to provide a bucket of hot tar, and a
pillow of feathers, and a rail out of the country for every Tax and Spend
Democrat and borrow until Economic Collapse Republican that tries to remain
in power?"

When are you going to open your eyes and change the course before
America runs off the cliff?

Just stay C.A.L.M. everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm. The unarmed underground
Civil American Liberties Militia. We are made up of mostly likeminded US
Military Veterans that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad,
secretly doing our Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no
membership, we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay for our Duty
that we daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of
defending our Families and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we
serve our God and our Country to defend, against all our common Enemies,
Foreign and Domestic.

In Service of God and Country

Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. before the Storm!

The unarmed underground, Civil American Liberties Militia!

<Joseph> wrote in message
> Connecting the dots to the Communist takeover for the Government.
> Because our US Government can no longer connect any dots to protect
> America,
> perhaps they people should connect the dots for them, here is where to
> start.
> The Jewish Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 - June 19, 1953) and Ethel
> Greenglass Rosenberg (September 25, 1915 - June 19, 1953) who were
> American
> Communists, sold US Nuclear Secrets to Jewish Communist Soviets. After
> the
> fall of the Communist wall, the Old Hardliner Communist Soviet Jews moved
> to
> Israel, so that the Communist could take control of both US Political
> Parties, and some of them came to the US and Got dual citizenship and work
> in our Government, and some of them took control of many of our Military
> Support Corporations, and Communist China is helping them.

Someone said Julius just gave it to them, and his wife had very little to do
with it. But most of the Communist American group that Julius Rosenberg was
with, was Jewish. Check Soviet records and you will find a number of the
Soviet Communist spies connected with Julius, were also Jewish. If you go to
the State of Israel a lager number of the old Soviet Communist Jews are
destroying all freedom for other Jews who claim that these Marxist taking
control are not real Jews, and my religion being mostly Jewish in nature, I
have to agree that most of their religious teaching has nothing to do with
the Jewish faith taught by Moses and the Prophets, and is Government
propaganda like was used in Soviet Communist Countries to subvert and
overthrow true religious faith.

In service of God and Country
