Conservatives Ousted In Australian Election - Bush, Canada's Harper Next


Geo. Harper

Australia's Labor sweeps to power in elections
Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:45 AM EST

By James Grubel

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's Labor Party swept into power at national
elections on Saturday, propelling 50-year-old former diplomat Kevin Rudd into
office on a wave of support for generational change.

The surge to Labor left conservative Prime Minister John Howard struggling to
hold on to even his own parliamentary seat, which he has held since 1974,
putting him in danger of becoming the first prime minister since 1929 to lose
his constituency.

Howard, who had won four consecutive elections, conceded his government had
lost power in front of a crowd of supporters in Sydney late on Saturday, saying
he had phoned Rudd to congratulate him on Labor's victory.

"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
and a half years ago."

Rudd presented himself as a new generation leader compared with Howard, 68,
promising to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto
Protocol on climate change, further isolating Washington on both issues.

His message of new leadership attracted a swing of more than five percent
across the nation from the previous election, locking in only the sixth change
of government since World War Two.

"We've all got goose bumps that finally we might have a leader who is
passionate about fairness in this country," Celeste Giese, 39, told Reuters at
a football stadium in the northern city of Brisbane where Rudd was due to hold
a victory party.

"Finally, after 11 years, it's happening," she said, as a large crowd gathered,
many wearing T-shirts with Rudd's election motto 'Kevin 07'.

The election was fought mainly on domestic issues, with Labor cashing in on
anger at workplace laws and rising interest rates which put home owners under
financial pressure at a time when Australia's economy is booming.

Election analyst Antony Green predicted Labor would win at least 80 seats in
the 150-seat parliament, giving it a clear majority in its own right for the
first time since it lost power to Howard in 1996.

The result will mean Labor is in power nationally and in all of Australia's six
states and two territories, with the lord mayor of the northern city of
Brisbane now the senior ranking elected official in Howard's Liberal Party.

Howard was Australia's second-longest serving prime minister behind Liberal
Party founder Sir Robert Menzies. He had trailed in opinion polls all year.

A staunch U.S. ally committed to keeping Australian troops in Iraq, he offered
voters A$34 billion (US$29 billion) in tax cuts, but few new policies, instead
highlighting his strong economic record and attacking Labor's links to the
trade union movement.

(Additional reporting by Michael Perry and Jim Thornhill in Sydney, and Rob
Taylor in Brisbane)
In article <>,
Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>Australia's Labor sweeps to power in elections
>Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:45 AM EST
>By James Grubel
>SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's Labor Party swept into power at national
>elections on Saturday, propelling 50-year-old former diplomat Kevin Rudd into
>office on a wave of support for generational change.
>The surge to Labor left conservative Prime Minister John Howard struggling to
>hold on to even his own parliamentary seat, which he has held since 1974,
>putting him in danger of becoming the first prime minister since 1929 to lose
>his constituency.
>Howard, who had won four consecutive elections, conceded his government had
>lost power in front of a crowd of supporters in Sydney late on Saturday, saying
>he had phoned Rudd to congratulate him on Labor's victory.
>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>and a half years ago."
>Rudd presented himself as a new generation leader compared with Howard, 68,
>promising to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto
>Protocol on climate change, further isolating Washington on both issues.
>His message of new leadership attracted a swing of more than five percent
>across the nation from the previous election, locking in only the sixth change
>of government since World War Two.
>"We've all got goose bumps that finally we might have a leader who is
>passionate about fairness in this country," Celeste Giese, 39, told Reuters at
>a football stadium in the northern city of Brisbane where Rudd was due to hold
>a victory party.
>"Finally, after 11 years, it's happening," she said, as a large crowd gathered,
>many wearing T-shirts with Rudd's election motto 'Kevin 07'.
>The election was fought mainly on domestic issues, with Labor cashing in on
>anger at workplace laws and rising interest rates which put home owners under
>financial pressure at a time when Australia's economy is booming.
>Election analyst Antony Green predicted Labor would win at least 80 seats in
>the 150-seat parliament, giving it a clear majority in its own right for the
>first time since it lost power to Howard in 1996.
>The result will mean Labor is in power nationally and in all of Australia's six
>states and two territories, with the lord mayor of the northern city of
>Brisbane now the senior ranking elected official in Howard's Liberal Party.
>Howard was Australia's second-longest serving prime minister behind Liberal
>Party founder Sir Robert Menzies. He had trailed in opinion polls all year.
>A staunch U.S. ally committed to keeping Australian troops in Iraq, he offered
>voters A$34 billion (US$29 billion) in tax cuts, but few new policies, instead
>highlighting his strong economic record and attacking Labor's links to the
>trade union movement.
>(Additional reporting by Michael Perry and Jim Thornhill in Sydney, and Rob
>Taylor in Brisbane)

As long as Rudd does not hold a Republic Referendum, he should be able
to gain the respeact of all.
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!!
On Sat, 24 Nov 2007 13:54:21 +0000 (UTC),
(The Doctor) wrote:

>In article <>,
>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>Australia's Labor sweeps to power in elections
>>Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:45 AM EST
>>By James Grubel
>>SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's Labor Party swept into power at national
>>elections on Saturday, propelling 50-year-old former diplomat Kevin Rudd into
>>office on a wave of support for generational change.
>>The surge to Labor left conservative Prime Minister John Howard struggling to
>>hold on to even his own parliamentary seat, which he has held since 1974,
>>putting him in danger of becoming the first prime minister since 1929 to lose
>>his constituency.
>>Howard, who had won four consecutive elections, conceded his government had
>>lost power in front of a crowd of supporters in Sydney late on Saturday, saying
>>he had phoned Rudd to congratulate him on Labor's victory.
>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>and a half years ago."
>>Rudd presented himself as a new generation leader compared with Howard, 68,
>>promising to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto
>>Protocol on climate change, further isolating Washington on both issues.
>>His message of new leadership attracted a swing of more than five percent
>>across the nation from the previous election, locking in only the sixth change
>>of government since World War Two.
>>"We've all got goose bumps that finally we might have a leader who is
>>passionate about fairness in this country," Celeste Giese, 39, told Reuters at
>>a football stadium in the northern city of Brisbane where Rudd was due to hold
>>a victory party.
>>"Finally, after 11 years, it's happening," she said, as a large crowd gathered,
>>many wearing T-shirts with Rudd's election motto 'Kevin 07'.
>>The election was fought mainly on domestic issues, with Labor cashing in on
>>anger at workplace laws and rising interest rates which put home owners under
>>financial pressure at a time when Australia's economy is booming.
>>Election analyst Antony Green predicted Labor would win at least 80 seats in
>>the 150-seat parliament, giving it a clear majority in its own right for the
>>first time since it lost power to Howard in 1996.
>>The result will mean Labor is in power nationally and in all of Australia's six
>>states and two territories, with the lord mayor of the northern city of
>>Brisbane now the senior ranking elected official in Howard's Liberal Party.
>>Howard was Australia's second-longest serving prime minister behind Liberal
>>Party founder Sir Robert Menzies. He had trailed in opinion polls all year.
>>A staunch U.S. ally committed to keeping Australian troops in Iraq, he offered
>>voters A$34 billion (US$29 billion) in tax cuts, but few new policies, instead
>>highlighting his strong economic record and attacking Labor's links to the
>>trade union movement.
>>(Additional reporting by Michael Perry and Jim Thornhill in Sydney, and Rob
>>Taylor in Brisbane)

>As long as Rudd does not hold a Republic Referendum, he should be able
>to gain the respeact of all.

Kevin Rudd is head of the Labour Party in Australia.

He got into power on his pledges on global warming and Iraq. One of
the first things he plans to do is to sign onto Kyoto.

Yippee. Howard one of the three stooge scourges of the world has gone
down. Only two more to go, Bush and Harper.

In article <>,
penny < > wrote:
>On Sat, 24 Nov 2007 13:54:21 +0000 (UTC),
>(The Doctor) wrote:
>>In article <>,
>>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>>Australia's Labor sweeps to power in elections
>>>Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:45 AM EST
>>>By James Grubel
>>>SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's Labor Party swept into power at national
>>>elections on Saturday, propelling 50-year-old former diplomat Kevin Rudd into
>>>office on a wave of support for generational change.
>>>The surge to Labor left conservative Prime Minister John Howard struggling to
>>>hold on to even his own parliamentary seat, which he has held since 1974,
>>>putting him in danger of becoming the first prime minister since 1929 to lose
>>>his constituency.
>>>Howard, who had won four consecutive elections, conceded his government had
>>>lost power in front of a crowd of supporters in Sydney late on

>Saturday, saying
>>>he had phoned Rudd to congratulate him on Labor's victory.
>>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>>and a half years ago."
>>>Rudd presented himself as a new generation leader compared with Howard, 68,
>>>promising to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq and sign the Kyoto
>>>Protocol on climate change, further isolating Washington on both issues.
>>>His message of new leadership attracted a swing of more than five percent
>>>across the nation from the previous election, locking in only the

>sixth change
>>>of government since World War Two.
>>>"We've all got goose bumps that finally we might have a leader who is
>>>passionate about fairness in this country," Celeste Giese, 39, told

>Reuters at
>>>a football stadium in the northern city of Brisbane where Rudd was due

>to hold
>>>a victory party.
>>>"Finally, after 11 years, it's happening," she said, as a large crowd

>>>many wearing T-shirts with Rudd's election motto 'Kevin 07'.
>>>The election was fought mainly on domestic issues, with Labor cashing in on
>>>anger at workplace laws and rising interest rates which put home owners under
>>>financial pressure at a time when Australia's economy is booming.
>>>Election analyst Antony Green predicted Labor would win at least 80 seats in
>>>the 150-seat parliament, giving it a clear majority in its own right for the
>>>first time since it lost power to Howard in 1996.
>>>The result will mean Labor is in power nationally and in all of

>Australia's six
>>>states and two territories, with the lord mayor of the northern city of
>>>Brisbane now the senior ranking elected official in Howard's Liberal Party.
>>>Howard was Australia's second-longest serving prime minister behind Liberal
>>>Party founder Sir Robert Menzies. He had trailed in opinion polls all year.
>>>A staunch U.S. ally committed to keeping Australian troops in Iraq, he

>>>voters A$34 billion (US$29 billion) in tax cuts, but few new policies,

>>>highlighting his strong economic record and attacking Labor's links to the
>>>trade union movement.
>>>(Additional reporting by Michael Perry and Jim Thornhill in Sydney, and Rob
>>>Taylor in Brisbane)

>>As long as Rudd does not hold a Republic Referendum, he should be able
>>to gain the respeact of all.

>Kevin Rudd is head of the Labour Party in Australia.
> He got into power on his pledges on global warming and Iraq. One of
>the first things he plans to do is to sign onto Kyoto.
>Yippee. Howard one of the three stooge scourges of the world has gone
>down. Only two more to go, Bush and Harper.

As long as Australia can elect a Governor-General and not a president, then
all is fine.

As for the rest of the Rest, Bush is committing Harikiri
and Harper is getting boned over by Mulroney!
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!!
On Nov 24, 5:37 am, Geo. Harper <> wrote:
> Australia's Labor sweeps to power in elections
> Sat Nov 24, 2007 6:45 AM EST
> By James Grubel
> SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia's Labor Party swept into power at national
> elections on Saturday, propelling 50-year-old former diplomat Kevin Rudd into
> office on a wave of support for generational change.
> The surge to Labor left conservative Prime Minister John Howard struggling to
> hold on to even his own parliamentary seat, which he has held since 1974,
> putting him in danger of becoming the first prime minister since 1929 to lose
> his constituency.

They must not use black-box voting machines in australia.

You are right about Harper though.. He is a much more dangerous neocon
who is even planning to sell Canada out to the so-called 'North
American Union'.
The Doctor <> wrote:
> As long as Australia can elect a Governor-General and not a president, then
> all is fine.

With all due respect!

Whether or not they decide on taking the Queen's picture off of their currency
(and much more) is a separate issue from the subject of this thread. The
Aussies decided long ago to forsake the British Empire in favour of a closer
association with the USA when it comes to many things, mostly military wise.

I believe that they have had a referendum on shifting to a Republic from what
Canada's relationship with the British Crown is, and as we all know, it failed.

I noticed that someone who agreed with you in an earlier post with the results
of the election and Howard's downfall, also said "**** You" when you commented
as you did so above.

So, it seems that you can agree and disagree at the same time.

I'm a Canadian, but far from a loyalist. Heck! I'm a 7th generation Canadian,
my ancestors fought in the Boer, WW1 and WW2 wars, but like all Canadians, were
not citizens of Canada until The Canadian Citizenship Act of 1946 took effect
on 1 January 1947!!!

However, I believe that once the old gal kicks the bucket; the time will be
appropriate for us to rid ourselves of the nonsensical connection. We must
keep our Parliamentary Democracy. Hell, when the USA hired the best political
scientists available to conjour up a new government for Iraq, it was a
Parliamentary Democracy, and not a Republic!

Even the Americans were unwilling to form the politics of Iraq in their own
image, and they were "playing God"!
Geo. Harper <> wrote:

>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>and a half years ago."

A nation that became a war criminal State by following the Bush
terrorists in to Iraq.

Yes, George W. Bush IS a Christian. Get over it!
In article <>,
Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>and a half years ago."

>A nation that became a war criminal State by following the Bush
>terrorists in to Iraq.
>Yes, George W. Bush IS a Christian. Get over it!

George Bush is Republican. republican are de facto Satanists.
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!!
In article <fi9aed$h1q$>, The Doctor
<> wrote:

> As long as Rudd does not hold a Republic Referendum, he should be able
> to gain the respeact of all.

....and if he _does_ hold a Republican referendum, he will for sure gain
the respect of all.
In article <fia9ka$ijm$>, The Doctor
<> wrote:

> As long as Australia can elect a Governor-General and not a president, then
> all is fine.

Australia has never elected a governor-general, moron.
In article <>,
IronFist <> wrote:
>In article <fia9ka$ijm$>, The Doctor
><> wrote:
>> As long as Australia can elect a Governor-General and not a president, then
>> all is fine.

>Australia has never elected a governor-general, moron.

I am saying they should.

So should Canada, New Zealand, Barbaros, Kiribati ...
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!!
In article <>,
OldSage <> wrote:
>In article <fi9aed$h1q$>, The Doctor
><> wrote:
>> As long as Rudd does not hold a Republic Referendum, he should be able
>> to gain the respeact of all.

>...and if he _does_ hold a Republican referendum, he will for sure gain
>the respect of all.

That will be the day Civil war breaks out in Australia and
the Aborignies takes back the land stolen from them.
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!! (The Doctor) wrote:
>In article <>,
>Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
>>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>>and a half years ago."

>>A nation that became a war criminal State by following the Bush
>>terrorists in to Iraq.

>George Bush is Republican. republican are de facto Satanists.

There are four major classifications of "Satanist," the most common
form being a brand of Christianity. Which brand do you consider
Republinazis to be?

Yes, George W. Bush IS a Christian. Get over it!
In article <>,
Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
> (The Doctor) wrote:
>>In article <>,
>>Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
>>>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We

>bequeath to
>>>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>>>and a half years ago."
>>>A nation that became a war criminal State by following the Bush
>>>terrorists in to Iraq.

>>George Bush is Republican. republican are de facto Satanists.

>There are four major classifications of "Satanist," the most common
>form being a brand of Christianity. Which brand do you consider
>Republinazis to be?

Any Nazis who claims to be Christian is a liar.

Christians are NEVER Anti-Semetic. Fact.

Republinazis - Republican on Planet Earth.
Member - Liberal International
This is Ici
God, Queen and country! Beware Anti-Christ rising!
Voting Canadians vote anyone but Harper Cronies!! (The Doctor) wrote:
>In article <>,
>Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
>> (The Doctor) wrote:
>>>In article <>,
>>>Friendly Fred <NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM> wrote:
>>>>Geo. Harper <> wrote:
>>>>>"This is a great democracy and I want to wish Mr. Rudd well. He assumes the
>>>>>mantle of the 26th prime minister of Australia," Howard said. "We bequeath to
>>>>>him a nation that is stronger and prouder and more prosperous than it was 11
>>>>>and a half years ago."
>>>>A nation that became a war criminal State by following the Bush
>>>>terrorists in to Iraq.
>>>George Bush is Republican. republican are de facto Satanists.

>>There are four major classifications of "Satanist," the most common
>>form being a brand of Christianity. Which brand do you consider
>>Republinazis to be?

>Any Nazis who claims to be Christian is a liar.

Um, take a look at Nazi Germany's ruling military class, guy.

Yes, George W. Bush IS a Christian. Get over it!
"President Bush has made the advance of women's human rights a global policy
priority." -- First Lady Laura Bush, 3/8/05
In "another wave of violence that's gone largely unreported lately...women
have become targets in a campaign of brutal violence" in Iraq. -- NBC 11/23/07