Conservative's View On Marijuana Laws

I just ended a thread on another forum (Ill link the thread at the end of my post for those who want to read it) that 5 pages long in reference to marijuana laws. It was arguing with a conservative that had his head in his *** the entire time. He would not even acknowledge my arguments. So, I have brought the argument here to see if maybe I can get a wider variety of views.

Plain and simple. Weed should be made legalized and regulated in the US. The laws that cause billions of dollars of tax money to be spent in incarcerating and policing users and sellers are products of moronic conservatives' dictator-like demeanor. People are spending life in prison for a weed that grows wild. It is stupid and should change.

This is my basis for discussion and I think that EVERY arguement that I have heard thus far are so blindly driven. People see the comercials on TV or hear their local **** conservatives and are brainwashed into believing the most absurd arguments. So, that is what ****** me off.

I am not trying to start a debate! I am telling you that Im ****** off at how these **** eating people try to debate the issue.

Heres some info about one of the many debates I am referring to. Ill tell you a little bit about this debate before I link it. It is on a gaming community that I fully enjoy. The person I am debating is a really good person when he doesnt have his finger in his ***. My nickname there is Masticore. Oh, and the thread started of as something totally different (goes to show you how quickly things can go off topic).

Heres The Debate



New member
I am for legalizing marijuana. For more than one reason.

Let's look at some of the drugs that ARE legal:

Vicodin: Highly addictive. In some cases, the withdrawl symptoms are similar to those of heroine and people are treated with methadone.

Once addicted, getting off pain pills like Vicodin and Oxycontin is very tough. "They get as sick as someone who's on heroin," says Dr. Mark Lasher."I had tried many times. Never worked for more than a couple days, until you start feeling physically ill and sick," says Debbie, a recovering addict.

The treatment often requires daily visits to a methadone clinic. Basically, substituting one addiction for another at great cost
I have been prescribed Vicodin for several injuries. After being on them for A WEEK I would start to freak out when I realized I had only 10 left.

When I smoked pot, I'd finish the bag and go "Oh well."

Not to mention, marijuana has as many as, if not more, medicinal uses. Let's see...Vicodin: Pain relief. Marijuana: Glaucoma, relief from Chemotherapy, tumors, back pain...just to name a few

Now let's get to the hottest legal drug which is available WITHOUT a prescription: pseudoephedrine

An extremely dangerous drug. When I was in high school, you'd take a whole box and "robo trip". Now it has grown to being used to make crystal meth. And killing lots of unsuspecting teens.

Now tell me WHY marijuana should NOT be legalized. I think it is pretty sad that you can't even get a PRESCRIPTION for it in most states when it is EXTREMELY useful and could be helping MANY people out.

Furthermore, I think that Federal Funding that is used to throw people in jail for having a dime bag could be MUCH better spent on buying textbooks for schools, research into a cure for AIDS, homeless shelters.....It really is a waste of time to throw someone in jail for smokin' a lil bit of weed. That should be the least of our concerns.

I totally agree. But at an attempt to keep this from becomming a "debate", Ill just say read the post that I linked to at the bottom of my thread. Otherwise, it ****** me off that soooooooo much support for marijuana reform has flooded the politicians and yet the conservatives, in essence, plug their ears and go "la la la la la". Im wondering if they have another, hidden agenda or what. But it is utter bullshit.

BTW, I have NO political stance. Im neither liberal nor conservative. I am ME.



New member
I'm with Angie on this one.

Actually we tralked about this at home last night, and we all agreed. We'd rather have some stoner lookin for a bag of cheetos than some stupid ******* driving drunk and killing people, etc. And yes, we could use the money for something useful like Angie said.

I am for legalization of Marijuana for the following 2 reasons.

1) Federal marijuana laws violate the 9th ammendment to the constitution.

2) Federal marijuana laws violate the 10th ammendment to the constitution.

1) The ninth ammendment...

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

What this says is simply that just because the founding fathers didn't include a right in the constitution does not mean that the governement can take that right away. The right to abuse your own body would clearly fall into that catargory, infact you have the right to do basically anything you want as long as it doesn't effect someone else

2) The tenth ammendment...

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."

Since regulating people and what they do to themselves is not a constitutional power granted the governement by the constitution, the federal government is barred by this ammendment to make any laws regarding marijuana other than regulating the commerce thereof.



New member
true dat squirrel nut zipper! ALL drugs should be legal, leave the moral decision making to the individual. This is an obvious neccessity that applies not only to substance abuse but also to most of the laws on the books today. As far as the drug thing goes I do believe that there should be total disclosure on the substance in question so that there are minimal surprises when granny gets hooked on the junk and grows a third arm out of her ******. "It was in the warning dummy, we told you that would happen". With the surplus of people on the planet these days we can afford to lose a few here and there to some wacky drug craze. just don't eat the brown acid...........unless you really want to.


New member
although the tax money would help, and i agree shouldn't we think about how it would affect triad or political view with and by other countries? (just to play devils advocate)
Well I dont know about other harder drugs. Thats a different all together. But, you dont see potheads stealing, robbing, killing, and pawning things for a bag of pot. And for the conservative's argument of it being a gateway drug...if pot is a gateway drug so is caffeine and alcohol. Its not that drug that is a gateway, it is the individuals weakness to environmental pressures (ie peer pressure, ability to deal with stress, ect).

Edit: There would be no need for trade. Pot would be grown locally. No need to have it imported. If other countries reform too, then pot could be another trade channel for more revenue.



New member
If we legalize marijuana, how are the government gonna make money?

you really don't think it's the columbians who's smuggling this stuff in with their own wits?

US government is regulating these drugs in to the country. They do this so they bust up a drug dealer, then take their property, which becomes a free money for the government without being the bad guy.

But if they legalized pot, how do you think the US gonna turn into?

Honestly, I've never met a smart pot smoker who I could have a good conversation with, when they're smoking and really they always smoke.



New member
I have thought about this for a while and I really dunno what to say. This is a double edged sword here. In fact any drug is. Whether you talk about its effect on society or for financial purposes, each drug has some sort of up and downside to it. So I am really undecided on this one.
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