constent attacks on my spelling/gramer


New member
im geting sick of it this dosint mean im leaving im just leting thoes who target me know that all i have is a disabilty and nothing more


New member
I don't think anybody would be targetting you. Most people just like to see good grammar and spelling, is all.

If you really have a problem with somebody I suggest you take it to a mod, not here. Although I seriously doubt that anyone here would deliberately try and be mean to you.



New member
You have a disability? Oh my ***.I am so so sorry hon!! *hugs*

I thought you were doing it on purpose.

Sorry again:(



New member
I feel sorry for the people who

have a disibility.and sometimes

get mad people who try target

people who do have a disibility



New member
I don't really care if you use bad grammar or spelling as long as i can read it, however if you type like this:


then I will bash you



New member
I don't really care if you use bad grammar or spelling as long as i can read it, however if you type like this:

then I will bash you
Hhaha,thats Z44! Get bashing young boy!! :p



New member
ok. yes. i know that this thread is targeted toward me. but if you look back in the "pointless question" thread, you will see that i have somewhat apologized. seriously, i didn't know you had a disability. so, whatever. sorry.


New member
I don't really care if you use bad grammar or spelling as long as i can read it, however if you type like this:

then I will bash you
lol dude i luv ya ;)



New member
ok. yes. i know that this thread is targeted toward me. but if you look back in the "pointless question" thread' date=' you will see that i have somewhat apologized. seriously, i didn't know you had a disability. so, whatever. sorry.[/quote']Yea.. when I saw the title of this thread I automatically assumed it was targetted at me.. lol. I didn't know you had a disability either, so yea.


New member
yeah, i don't know if i've said anything to you personally, but i say it to a lot of people. if you wanna talk about disabilities, i have ADHD(Attention Defecit Hyperactive Disorder) and OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Basically, i like some things structured, and when people do wierd spellings/grammar i say something. i don't do it on purpose, but yeah lol, with ADHD it makes it hella ****** hard


New member
ok. yes. i know that this thread is targeted toward me. but if you look back in the "pointless question" thread' date=' you will see that i have somewhat apologized. seriously, i didn't know you had a disability. so, whatever. sorry.[/quote']oh yeha i thaut that it was in the spanish one and got deleted the bell rang so i didnt get to read it ill do it right now (and im not targeting you in this other people have buged my about it to and its ok you that you didnt know this is to let people know about it im trying to spel better)


New member
^ahh. same here. but i dont think i have those disorders. i just think i have some symptoms. <to hyper. lol.

and link, yeah. i'll help you in anything you need:)



Active Members
im geting sick of it this dosint mean im leaving im just leting thoes who target me know that all i have is a disabilty and nothing more
Picking on people for grammer is childish. Ernest Hemingway was renowned for being a horrible speller, yet he was one of America's greatest writers.

Its too bad some members on here would rather mock someone's spelling then just ignore it, and read what they are posting. I've never had any problems understanding you. You are a good member, keep posting. :)



New member
yeah' date=' i don't know if i've said anything to you personally, but i say it to a lot of people. if you wanna talk about disabilities, i have ADHD(Attention Defecit Hyperactive Disorder) and OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Basically, i like some things structured, and when people do wierd spellings/grammar i say something. i don't do it on purpose, but yeah lol, with ADHD it makes it hella ****** hard[/quote']i have ADHD too what are youer prx mine is conserta


New member
yeah my Rx is conserta as well.

and i don't really need help with anything, other than history, i don't get it lol. that's my only issue, anyways, yeah, okay, i get to go driving soon muaha

I'm sorry to hear about your disability. I actually thought you were doing it on purpose as well, I am truly sorry. I don't think I actually posted what I thought, but if I did, I retract it.


New member
i thought you just didnt pay attention in english class, but yeah its nothing worth attacking you for

sorry to hear about that it must suck.

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