Cops: 3rd-Graders Aimed to Hurt Teacher



WAYCROSS, Ga. (AP) -- A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday....


Read the full story.
WAYCROSS, Ga. (AP) -- A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday....


Read the full story.
ImWithStupid said:
One more reason to bring back the paddle. Maybe I should start a movement.
Ain't nuttin wrong with a little corporal punishment now an then.;)
ImWithStupid said:
One more reason to bring back the paddle. Maybe I should start a movement.
Ain't nuttin wrong with a little corporal punishment now an then.;)
The parents of these kids should be made to home school them, after these kids have been expelled.
Old Salt said:
Ain't nuttin wrong with a little corporal punishment now an then.;)

Holy crap.. I somehow don't think a big stick is gonna bring the love out of these kids.. prolly how they wound up so pissed in the first place and plotted this insanity. Uncontrolled anger...

atlantic said:
The parents of these kids should be made to home school them, after these kids have been expelled.

Totally agree.. keep your garbage in your in your own yard. Unreal.
ImWithStupid said:
One more reason to bring back the paddle. Maybe I should start a movement.

In England they gave up physical punishment way after I left school.

They never used the paddle here, although I do know what it is.

In my day, the jerk would have a 5 foot length of bamboo cane, and bring it down on your hand as hard as he could. They would aim for the tips of your fingers where the sensory neurones are plentiful.

It was a fantastic job for sadists, and many were attracted to it. They will all be dead now, which is a shame. I'd like to find them all, kidnap them, and have some fun of my own..

On several occasions I got the cane simply for defending myself. But they called it fighting. Perhaps they would have prefered it if I did nothing while some kid beats me up.
sheik-yerbouti said:
In England they gave up physical punishment way after I left school.

They never used the paddle here, although I do know what it is.

In my day, the jerk would have a 5 foot length of bamboo cane, and bring it down on your hand as hard as he could. They would aim for the tips of your fingers where the sensory neurones are plentiful.

It was a fantastic job for sadists, and many were attracted to it. They will all be dead now, which is a shame. I'd like to find them all, kidnap them, and have some fun of my own..

On several occasions I got the cane simply for defending myself. But they called it fighting. Perhaps they would have prefered it if I did nothing while some kid beats me up.

Sounds nice.. I too love it when people play with words to excuse them and condemn you..
I kidnapped my 3rd grade teacher last year and forced her to watch everything Paris Hilton has ever done until she cracked.
wez said:
Sounds nice.. I too love it when people play with words to excuse them and condemn you..

The school was set back from the main road, so there was quite a long walk from where the buses dropped the kids off, to the school.

Every morning there would be several kids tearing down the road to the school. These were kids who had missed the prior bus for whatever reason. It was not a good idea really to have kids do this, as there were many elderly people living in that road.

A kid running into a pensioner at full pelt is sure to do an elderly person a great deal of damage.

But the kids were encourages to do this, as being late in the morning was a beatable offence.

At all school entrances were "prefects", you might know them as kid monitors. These were other kids who presumably, got some kind of power buzz from being in a position of authority. They would escort the late kid to the area by the main assembly area to await a teacher.

I can hardly believe that kids were once treated like this. We hated teachers, and just couldn't wait to leave school.

I have to say, it seems today that some kids need disciplining. But I would not like to see a return to how things were done in my day.

Teachers, like all bullies, are really cowards. They would never treat some boys like this. Certain boys, from known families, would never be beaten.

The teachers knew only to well, that such and such a family contained fathers, uncles, and other young men who would swiftly seek vengeance.

There were famous stories of teachers who had received a savage beating, but unfortunately, I never witnessed one.
Corporal punishment, used judiciously, is not a bad thing (IMO). Gotta have guidelines, and teachers abusing their power should be disciplined themselves (maybe use the paddle on them?:eek:) Being late to school is not a punishable offense. Disrupting class is. Just consider it an attention-getter.;)
Old Salt said:
Corporal punishment, used judiciously, is not a bad thing (IMO). Gotta have guidelines, and teachers abusing their power should be disciplined themselves (maybe use the paddle on them?:eek:) Being late to school is not a punishable offense. Disrupting class is. Just consider it an attention-getter.;)

Alternative to Ritalin...

New Treatment
snafu said:
Here's another one...

Teacher 'petrified' after attack by student - TODAY: People -

We need to get a hold of our younger society.
Too often young people don't suffer consequences for their actions. Mommy and daddy don't pay attention to what they're doing and a lot of parents even think it's "cute" when little johnny or janie do something wrong. If teens want to be like adults and have all of the rights adults enjoy, they should be treated like adults and suffer the consequences when they do something wrong. They need to be taught that with rights, comes responsibility.
sheik-yerbouti said:
The school was set back from the main road, so there was quite a long walk from where the buses dropped the kids off, to the school.

Every morning there would be several kids tearing down the road to the school. These were kids who had missed the prior bus for whatever reason. It was not a good idea really to have kids do this, as there were many elderly people living in that road.

A kid running into a pensioner at full pelt is sure to do an elderly person a great deal of damage.

But the kids were encourages to do this, as being late in the morning was a beatable offence.

At all school entrances were "prefects", you might know them as kid monitors. These were other kids who presumably, got some kind of power buzz from being in a position of authority. They would escort the late kid to the area by the main assembly area to await a teacher.

I can hardly believe that kids were once treated like this. We hated teachers, and just couldn't wait to leave school.

I have to say, it seems today that some kids need disciplining. But I would not like to see a return to how things were done in my day.

Teachers, like all bullies, are really cowards. They would never treat some boys like this. Certain boys, from known families, would never be beaten.

The teachers knew only to well, that such and such a family contained fathers, uncles, and other young men who would swiftly seek vengeance.

There were famous stories of teachers who had received a savage beating, but unfortunately, I never witnessed one.

I hope the purple comment isn't referring to all teachers. I am sure you meant just the ones that treated students in this manner. Where I come from the teacher is in much more danger of being assaulted by a student, than the other way around, on any given day. Here it would be a loss of a job and, more than likely, loss of a teaching certificate.