Corzine seat belt hypocrisy


r wiley


NJ Governor Jon Corzine has released a TV Public
Service Anouncement in which he says all it would
have taken to prevent his injuries is a seat belt.

Corzine makes no mention of the fact that if he and his
cheauffer, NJ State Trooper Robert Rasinski, had been
traveling at a safe and legal speed the accident probably
wouldn't have occurred. Trooper Rasinski was driving
90 mph on a public highway to get Corzine to a photo op.

On Sun, 03 Jun 2007 05:53:23 GMT, "r wiley" <> wrote:

>NJ Governor Jon Corzine has released a TV Public
>Service Anouncement in which he says all it would
>have taken to prevent his injuries is a seat belt.
>Corzine makes no mention of the fact that if he and his
>cheauffer, NJ State Trooper Robert Rasinski, had been
>traveling at a safe and legal speed the accident probably
>wouldn't have occurred. Trooper Rasinski was driving
>90 mph on a public highway to get Corzine to a photo op.

You do realize the law makers and enforcers feel like they are
immune and don't have to obey the laws they make for the rest of us.