Costa Rica Is 99% Powered By Renewable Energy



Costa Rica is a country rich with renewable energy. In fact, it gets
about 99% of all its electrical energy from clean sources, and it's
aiming to be the first country to become carbon neutral (more about
that below). Some of Costa Rica's energy sources include geothermal
energy, the burning of sugarcane waste and other biomass, solar and
wind energy. However, the largest source of energy is hydroelectricity
-- its hydroelectric dams provide more than 82% of the country's

But the electric needs of Costa Rica are increasing, and the
government now wants to build new dams that would displace indigenous
villages and flood valuable habitats. Local environmental groups are
opposing the construction of new hydroelectric dams.

Also, Costa Rica's efforts to minimize its own contributions to global
warming have made it especially vulnerable to climate changes caused
by other countries. The reason is rain. Even a tiny shift in rainfall
patterns could leave the country without enough water to meet its
growing demand for electricity. And scientists say climate change is
likely to have a significant effect on rainfall.

But Costa Rica is working to become the world's first carbon-neutral
country (other countries vying to be first are Monaco, Norway, New
Zealand and Iceland). Costa Rica wants to become carbon neutral in
time to celebrate 200 years of independence in 2021, says environment
and energy minister Roberto Dobles.

Wind power might come to forefront in Costa Rica -- a large wind farm
with 22 turbines has been working in Tilar (HowieS) wrote in

> But Costa Rica is working to become the world's first carbon-neutral
> country ...

If you visit Costa Rica, be sure to get a receipt whenever you use a

Bert Hyman | St. Paul, MN |