Countdown To The Last War - Americans Unperturbed



Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims
Leader and Vassal

After pandering to Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert's right-wing
government last week, US president George W. Bush carried the Israeli/
neoconservative campaign against Iran to Arab countries. Sounding as
authentic as the "Filipino Monkey," Bush told the Arab countries that
"Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terror," and that
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere."

To no effect. Every country in the world, except America, knows by now
that the US is the world's leading state sponsor of terror and that
the neoconservative drive for US hegemony over the world threatens the
security of nations everywhere. But before we get into this, let's
first see what Bush means by "terrorist" and Iran's sponsorship of

Bush considers Iran to be the leading state sponsor of terror, because
Iran is believed to fund Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the
Palestinian ghetto. Hezbollah and Hamas are two organizations that
exist because of Israeli aggression against Palestine and Lebanon. The
two organizations are branded "terrorist" because they resist Israel's
theft of Palestine and Israel's designs on southern Lebanon. Both
organizations are resistance organizations. They resist Israel's
territorial expansion and this makes them "terrorist."

They are terrorists because they don't receive billions in US military
aid and cannot put armies in the field with tanks, fighter jets and
helicopter gunships, backed up by US spy satellites and Israel's
nuclear weapons--although Hezbollah, a small militia, has twice
defeated the Israeli army. However, Palestine is so thoroughly under
the Israeli heel that Hamas can resist only with suicide bombers and
obsolete rockets. It is dishonest to damn the terrorist response but
not the policies that provoke the response.

The US is at war in Iraq, because the neoconservatives want to rid
Israel of the Muslim governments--Iraq, Iran and Syria--that are not
American surrogates and, therefore, are willing to fund Palestinian
and Lebanese resistance to Israeli aggression. Israel, protected by
the US, has disobeyed UN resolutions for four decades and has been
methodically squeezing Palestinians out of Palestine.

Americans do not think of themselves or of Israel as terrorist states,
but the evidence is complete and overwhelming. Thanks to the power of
the Israel Lobby, Americans only know the Israeli side of the story,
which is that evil anti-semite Palestinians will not let blameless
Israelis live in peace and persist in their unjustified terror attacks
on an innocent Israeli state.

The facts differ remarkably from Israel Lobby propaganda. Israel
illegally occupies Palestine. Israel sends bulldozers into Palestinian
villages and knocks down Palestinian houses, occasionally killing an
American protester in the process, and uproots Palestinian olive
groves. Israel cuts Palestinian villages off from water, hospitals,
farmlands, employment and schools. Israel builds special roads through
Palestine on which only Israelis can travel. Israel establishes
checkpoints everywhere to hinder Palestinian movement to hospitals,
schools and from one enclave or ghetto to another. Many Palestinians
die from the inability to get through checkpoints to medical care.
Israel builds illegal settlements on Palestinian lands. Israeli
Zionist "settlers" take it upon themselves to evict Palestinians from
their villages and towns in order to convert them into Israeli
settlements. A huge wall has been built to wall off the stolen
Palestinian lands from the remaining isolated ghettos. Israeli
soldiers shoot down Palestinian children in the streets. So do Israeli
Zionist "settlers."

All of this has been documented so many times by so many organizations
that it is pathetic that Americans are so ignorant. For example,
Israeli peace groups such as Gush Shalom or Jeff Halper's Israeli
Committee Against House Demolitions provide abundant documentation of
Israel's theft of Palestine and persecution of Palestinians. Every
time the UN passes a resolution condemning Israel for its crimes, the
US vetoes it.

The Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees' film, "The Iron Wall,"
reveals the enormity of Israel's crimes against Palestine.

President Jimmy Carter, Israel's friend, tried to bring peace to the
Middle East but was frustrated by Israel. Carter was demonized by the
Israel Lobby for calling, truthfully, the situation that Israel has
created "apartheid."

Historians, including Israel's finest, such as Ilan Pappe, have
documented "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," the title of Pappe's
book published in 2006.

Israelis, such as Uri Avnery, a former member of Israel's Knesset, are
stronger critics of Israel's policies toward Palestine than can be
found in America. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is more outspoken in
its criticism of Israeli policies than any newspaper would dare to be
in North America or Europe.

But it is all to no avail in brainwashed America where Israelis wear
white hats and Arabs wear black hats.

The ignorance of Americans commits US foreign policy to the service of
Israel. As Uri Avnery wrote in CounterPunch (January 14, 2008), a
visitor from another planet, attending the recent press conference in
Jerusalem, would conclude that Olmert is the leader of the superpower
and that Bush is his vassal.

Americans don't know what terror is. To know terror, you have to be a
Palestinian, an Iraqi, or an Afghan.

Layla Anwar, an Iraqi Internet blogger, describes what terror is like.
Terror is families attending a wedding being blown to pieces by an
American missile or bomb and the survivors being blown to pieces at
the funeral of the newlyweds. Terror is troops breaking down your door
in the middle of the night, putting guns to your heads, and carrying
off brothers, sons, and husbands with bags over their heads and
returning to rape the unprotected women. Terror is being waterboarded
in one of America's torture dungeons. Terror is "when you run from
hospital ward to hospital ward, from prison to prison, from militia to
militia looking for your loved one only to recognize them from their
teeth fillings in some morgue."

For people targeted by American hegemony, terror is realizing that
Americans have no moral conscience. Terror is the lack of medicines
from American embargoes that led to the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi
children. When asked by Lesley Stahl if the American policy was worth
the children's deaths, Madeleine Albright, President Bill Clinton's
secretary of state, said "we think the price is worth it."

In the feeble minds of the White House Moron and his immoral
supporters, the massive deaths for which America is responsible,
including those inflicted by Israel, have nothing to do with Muslim
enmity toward America. Instead, Muslims hate us for our "freedom and
democracy," the real threat to which comes from Bush's police state
measures and stolen elections.

There is dispute over the number of Iraqis killed or murdered by
Bush's illegal invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard, but
everyone agrees the number is very large. Many deaths result from
American bombing of civilian populations as the Israelis did in
Lebanon and do in Gaza. There is nothing new about these bombings.
President Clinton bombed civilians in Serbia in order to dictate
policy to Serbia. But when Americans and Israelis bomb other peoples,
it is not terror. It is only terror when the US or Israel is attacked
in retaliation.

The Israeli assault from the air on Beirut apartment houses is not
terror. But when a Palestinian puts on a suicide belt and blows
himself up in an Israeli cafe, that's terror. When Clinton bombs a
Serbian passenger train, that's not terror, but when a buried
explosive takes out an American tank somewhere in Iraq, that's terror.

Aggressors always have excuses for their aggression. Hitler was an
expert at this. So are the US and Israel.

Unfortunately for the world, there's little chance for change in
America or Israel. The presidential candidates (Ron Paul and Dennis
Kucinich) who would bring change in Washington, without which there
will be no change in Israel, are not in the running for their party's
nomination. As John J. Mearsheimer noted on January 12 , the
candidates in the running are as much under the thumb of the Israel
Lobby as Bush. The candidates are Bush clones as strongly committed as
Bush to hegemony, war, Israel and executive power.

The possible exception is Obama. If he is an exception, that makes him
a threat to the powers that be, and, as we might have witnessed in the
NH primary, the Republican- supplied, Republican-programmed Diebold
electronic voting machines can easily be rigged to deny him the
Democratic nomination. Hillary will not resist Israel's wishes, and
her husband's presidency bombed at will his demonized victims.

There is no essential difference between the candidates or between the
candidates and George W. Bush. Alabama Governor George Wallace, a
surprisingly successful third party candidate for the presidency, said
as long ago as 1968, "There's not a dime's worth of difference between
the Democrat and Republican Parties." Today, four decades later,
there's not a penny's worth of difference, not an ounce of difference.
Both parties have revealed themselves to be warmonger police state
parties. The US Constitution has few friends in the capital city.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the
Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street
Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He
is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at:
"Richard43" <> wrote in message
> Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims

Yes, yes! It was the west who brought death and destruction to Muslims...

rolls eyes...

there is always some s.o.b. who blames everyone else for their problems...