Courageous Venezuelan Patriots Fight for Freedom From Dictator Chavez


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Venezuelans Fight for Freedom From Hugo Chavez Wires Tuesday, May 29, 2007

CARACAS, Venezuela -- Venezuelan police fired tear gas and plastic bullets
Monday into a crowd of thousands protesting a decision by President Hugo
Chavez that forced a television station critical of his leftist government
off the air.

Police fired toward the crowd of up to 5,000 protesters from a raised
highway, and protesters fled amid clouds of tear gas. They later regrouped
in Caracas' Plaza Brion chanting "freedom!" Some tossed rocks and bottles at
police, prompting authorities to scatter demonstrators by firing more gas.

It was the largest of several protests that broke out across Caracas hours
after Radio Caracas Television ceased broadcasting at midnight Sunday and
was replaced with a new state-funded channel. Chavez had refused to renew
RCTV's broadcast license, accusing it of "subversive" activities and of
backing a 2002 coup against him.

Interior Minister Pedro Carreno told state-run television that four students
were wounded by gunfire during a pro-RCTV protest staged near a university
in the city of Valencia, located 150 kilometers (93 miles) west of Caracas.
It was not immediately clear who the assailants were or if they were

At least three protesters and one police officer were injured in the Caracas
skirmishes. Some protesters were seen in television footage hurling spent
tear gas canisters back at police.

Office workers poured out of buildings to join student protesters, while
organizers called for the demonstration to remain peaceful. RCTV talk show
host Miguel Angel Rodriguez led the crowd in chants of, "They will not
silence us!"

Separately, Information Minister Willian Lara accused the private
Globovision TV channel of encouraging an attempt on Chavez's life by
broadcasting the chorus of a salsa tune - "Have faith, this doesn't end
here" - along with footage of the 1981 assassination attempt against Pope
John Paul II in St. Peter's Square.

"They incite the assassination of Venezuela's president," he said.

Globovision director Alberto Federico Ravell denied any wrongdoing, calling
the allegations "ridiculous." He also accused U.S. network CNN of coverage
biased against Chavez.

The new public channel, TVES, launched its transmissions early Monday with
artists singing pro-Chavez music, then carried an exercise program and a
talk show, interspersed with government ads proclaiming, "Now Venezuela
belongs to everyone."

Thousands of government supporters reveled in the streets as they watched
the midnight changeover on large TV screens, seeing RCTV's signal go black
and then be replaced by a TVES logo. Others launched fireworks and danced in
the streets.

Inside the studios of RCTV - the sole opposition-aligned TV station with
nationwide reach - disheartened actors and comedians wept and embraced in
the final minutes on the air.

Chavez says he is democratizing the airwaves by turning the network's signal
over to public use.

The socialist president accused the network of helping to incite a failed
coup in 2002, violating broadcast laws and "poisoning" Venezuelans with
programming that promoted capitalism. RCTV's managers deny wrongdoing.

Founded in 1953, RCTV was the nation's oldest private channel and regularly
topped viewer ratings with its talk shows, sports, soap operas and comedy

Some protesters on Monday blocked roads with rocks and burning trash, saying
they fear for the future of free speech. Police used tear gas to break up at
least two protests, and were seen handcuffing and detaining one man.

The group Reporters Without Borders called for international condemnation of
the RCTV decision as "a major setback to democracy and pluralism."

Robert Menard, the Paris-based group's secretary-general, called the measure
Chavez's "first serious international political error."

Germany, which holds the European Union presidency, officially declared its
concern that Venezuela let RCTV's license expire "without holding an open
competition for the successor license."