Crack Whore market prices.

Sex offender joe

Active Member
Aug 28, 2006
Something that has been pissing me off is how the prices of crack whore services doesn't follow market forces.....even when the price of a rock is down, the whores don't follow the rule of de-inflation and cut their prices exponentually.

Any crack whores that may be lurking feel free to comment.
The price of crack has no more to do with the price of ***** than the price of beer has to do with my wages.
hugo said:
The price of crack has no more to do with the price of ***** than the price of beer has to do with my wages.
The price of beer has everything to do with your you dig out that watery ditch with a splitting headache from 18 cans the night before. Ergo, the lower the wage, the cheaper the beer you drink. And since you may depend on being upon the socioeconomic leech which does the dirty work which makes society fit for decent folk like me to exist, crack.....and the human by-products of it's abuse will be a major part of your life.

And since you seem to have a perspective on the price of *****, i may assume you are a lurker of the streets, and should know about ho-profit curves.....if the bitch, due to solved supply side issues, only smokes $50.00 a day in rock, compared to the $75.00 jones during times of supply side stress......and still gives the daily average of 10 blow jobs for 10.00 each we see a 25.00 profit.

Why couldn't the blow jobs follow the economy trend, unless the bitch plans to re-invest in herself.
Crackwhores don't follow market trends because 1) prostitution is a sleazy, largely underground business that doesn't follow conventional rules and guidelines and 2) Hookers want money, and if someone is willing to pay the price they charge, they aren't going to lower their prices.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Crackwhores don't follow market trends because 1) prostitution is a sleazy, largely underground business that doesn't follow conventional rules and guidelines and 2) Hookers want money, and if someone is willing to pay the price they charge, they aren't going to lower their prices.
Then you are saying i should lower my standards, or perhaps even learn to beat the system.....i wonder if a lump of salt would get me a knobber? hmmmm.
The ho charges whatever she can get to maximize profit under a capitalist system. Her profit has little or nothing to do with the costs of a product she consumes. You are assuming the ho works under the communist idea of to each according to their needs from each according to their abilities. A capitalist ho does not reduce the cost of her services unless demand for her services decreases or supply of ***** increases; basic economics 101.

I have a correct understanding of economics, you do not. Any products market price is where the demand and supply curves interconnect. Go back to your hole.
hugo said:
The ho charges whatever she can get to maximize profit under a capitalist system. Her profit has little or nothing to do with the costs of a product she consumes. You are assuming the ho works under the communist idea of to each according to their needs from each according to their abilities. A capitalist ho does not reduce the cost of her services unless demand for her services decreases or supply of ***** increases; basic economics 101.

I have a correct understanding of economics, you do not. Any products market price is where the demand and supply curves interconnect. Go back to your hole.
You communist dolt....the ho has to recognize the laws of demand, and not charge over the established average, unless some value-added features are built in; perhaps a free "Cleveland Steamer or a testicle massage....or a frequent fornicator card system.
Sex offender joe said:
You communist dolt....the ho has to recognize the laws of demand, and not charge over the established average, unless some value-added features are built in; perhaps a free "Cleveland Steamer or a testicle massage....or a frequent fornicator card system.

You are the one expecting the whore to act as a socialist. Few consumers or suppliers have an academic knowledge of the laws of supply and demand all the ho has to know is when she asks a certain price she tends to get it and when she asks a higher price she does not. Take a course in economics, you moron. Educate yourself and you might be able to afford more than a crack ho. You already confessed your ho's don't align their prices with the price of crack. I'm telling you why. Economics 101, dumbass.
hugo said:
You are the one expecting the whore to act as a socialist. Few consumers or suppliers have an academic knowledge of the laws of supply and demand all the ho has to know is when she asks a certain price she tends to get it and when she asks a higher price she does not. Take a course in economics, you moron. Educate yourself and you might be able to afford more than a crack ho. You already confessed your ho's don't align their prices with the price of crack. I'm telling you why. Economics 101, dumbass.
Thats why i said the ho needs to not violate such price averages, jesus just repeated what i said. I really don't care what your community college Econ professor said. I speak from experience, Beavis, and the days of cut-rate are over.
You better quit worrying about the price of these Crack Whores and start worrying about the cost of AZT and the other anti-viral drugs you'll be on once you contract AIDS.
Sex offender joe said:
Then you are saying i should lower my standards, or perhaps even learn to beat the system.....i wonder if a lump of salt would get me a knobber? hmmmm.

A lump of salt? Not as long as people are exchanging MONEY for action
Sex offender joe said:
Thats why i said the ho needs to not violate such price averages, jesus just repeated what i said. I really don't care what your community college Econ professor said. I speak from experience, Beavis, and the days of cut-rate are over.
No, you stated her profit was related to the price of a good she consumes. Don't project your own limited education on me.

SOJ's initial comment:

Something that has been pissing me off is how the prices of crack whore services doesn't follow market forces.....even when the price of a rock is down, the whores don't follow the rule of de-inflation and cut their prices exponentually.

He's an ignoramous. Case closed.
What I believe is because that the prostitution industry is not developed enough to be very sensitive to the fluctuation of real life business index. One day it will be... be patient:) :D
The key to lowering the cost of ***** would be to saturate the market. As with any commoditity if the supply is much greater than the demand then the price must drop. This could pave the way for these ho's to start adding other services to their bag of tricks(sorry couldnt help myself). Just think of the possibilities, 20.00 could get you not just a blowjob but also a home cooked breakfast, laundry service, dishwashing service, etc. I would like to have a ho guzzle my jizz then proceed to the driveway and detail my car. Hell, she could even pocket the change from the ashtray.