

New member
Ok,this guy added me(on msn), and, he told me to say 'accept' to the video...and i thought it was cool...(im so stupid) and i pressed accept...and he somehow got my password!! and now i cant get into my msn anymore...

Does anyone wanna help me?...i want my msn back... :(



New member
She said she can't get back in.^

Is there a way to report it? Or can you take the same thing he did to you, and send it back to him? Or if you know (or you can your self) hack into his compute and find out how to get it back. Wait, what was the E-mail (ur) cuz you're on my e-mail, I'll try to get it back for ya. :D



New member
That really sucks. That's why I always want to make sure I know who's adding me before accepting... That never happened me, but I've had people sending me viruses, so that kinda made me keep alert for that kind of stuff. That really sucks! There's not much advice I can give you, because I don't know much about computers :eek: but I hope you get your msn fixed soon!


New member
that ***..lets hunt him down lol j/k umm just do another acount if that one doesnt work or sumthin i dunno...im not that good w/ solving hacking and stuff


Active Members
Dang...that sucks. It honestly sounds like its gone. I would get a new MSN account and a new hotmail ASAP, and tell your contacts to ignore the guy and delete him. What confuses me is why he would want your MSN in the first place.


New member
thats really bad

i think u should just delete ur MSN and download a new 1 and start from scratch



New member
He has sent you a keylock. anything you type will get sent to him through email. try washing your windows, or use spy sweeper(free)/norton internet/ panda scan(free). Then hack him out. I would show you how, but I dont want to get into trouble. Good Luck, and may the spirit of the snipervirus.exe be with you


New member
k..*phewf* I got my msn back! i went on my bros email and added my bud and asked her to do that Forget Your Password? thing and i gave her my secret question and she changed it for me.

Thanks for all your help guys!! You're awsome!

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