Crime Spike Due to Youths, Gang Violence


Patriot Games


Crime Spike Due to Youths, Gang Violence Wires Tuesday, May 15, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Increasing violence among teenagers and other youths appears
to have contributed to a nationwide crime spike, the Justice Department said

Gangs and gun violence are partly to blame for the rise in crime that is on
pace to increase for the second straight year, says Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales in a prepared speech.

In response, the Justice Department is pledging to spend nearly $50 million
this year to combat gangs and guns, and will push Congress to enact new laws
to let the federal government better investigate and prosecute violent

FBI data from last fall show violent crimes, including murders and
robberies, rose by 3.7 percent nationwide during the first six months of
2006. Those findings came on top of a 2.2 percent crime hike in 2005 _ the
first increase since 2001.

Faced with the discouraging data, Gonzales last fall ordered a study of 18
cities and suburban regions to show why crime is surging.

According to Gonzales' prepared remarks and a Justice Department fact sheet,
obtained by The Associated Press, the study found:

_That a growing number of offenders appear to be younger, and their crimes
more violent, and that laws in some states provide few, if any, tough
penalties on juvenile offenders.

_Many youths have little parental oversight and are too easily influenced by
gang membership and glamorized violence in popular culture.

_Loosely organized gangs present the biggest concern for law enforcement
officials because they are hard to investigate and their members often
commit random acts of crime out of self-protection.

_Offenses committed by people using firearms pose a major threat not only to
communities, but also to police. So-called "straw purchases," where gun
owners buy their firearms through a go-between is an area of concern.

The Justice Department plans to distribute $18 million in grants nationwide
this year to prevent and reduce illegal gun sales and other firearms crimes.

Gonzales also will announce spending $31 million in new funds this year to
combat gangs, according to the Justice Department fact sheet. The department
also is working on a new crime bill to help federal authorities assist local
and state police in cases involving juvenile crime.