Crushes, love, blah blah blah...

Shadowed Heart

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2005
Your kitchen floor
Okay, this one isn't going to be very good but here goes-
This is a thread where you post who you like um... have a crush on or love or whatever. That is if they're not on LPF and you're not shy.... :)
I have a crush on (obviously) a boy, but I dunno if he is on LPF or not 'cause he likes LP too. But I'll call him Fishy. That's what I like to call him!
i have a crush on 2 boys lol

nathan- i have never talked to him, but i think hes cute and want to go with him..but i've heard hes a man whore:rolleyes:

juan-we met a while back and hes really nice, i just too scared to tell him i like him
I have crushes on my guy
I wont be naming any names...what if they come on the LPF sometime?
Nah, I doubt he'll see this.

Aaron- I don't know if I like him very much though anymore. All of the things in my room have his initials on them, now it's just getting old. He's sorta my friend, but he doesn't seem to want to be my friend and he hasn't called me ever, or emailed me for almost a week. I don't even know if he still likes LP. I used to practiically stalk him, but now I can't even tell if I like him even as a friend. It's a strange mix of feelings. And I love you sooo much if you actually read this. Jk.
stupidsoul1 said:
0__o i dunno, since the 8th grade i've kinda given up on loving people...

same here, crushes are so stupid. I won't let myself crush on guys. But I can't help thinking they're cute ;)
lol im sure you will still love people when you are older...

as one wise person once said
"sooner or later everyone is going to hurt you, you need to decide who is worth the pain"

lucky for me i have a few...but it doesnt mean i have a crush on them T__T

yeah i do find people cute but lol...still T___T
linkinpark-1 said:
same here, crushes are so stupid. I won't let myself crush on guys. But I can't help thinking they're cute ;)
same with me, cuz with crush most of the time people force it out of you then tell the person you like that you like em and there is a whole BIG drama lots and lots and lots of teasing eg. being called freak, werido, loser, etc..(happened in year 7 thank god high skool came 8 months later) and wanting to kill self(but wont) and then its over about 6 months or more later! there is no point it ends in point less pain that freakly i already go and i dont want it worse
Yah well I like your sig LPgirl but, I don't wanna kill myself. One of the only reasons I won't is because I love Aaron and if I die I won't ever see him again and that thought is terrifying. Until he dies, I won't (purposefully).
Shadowed Heart said:
Yah well I like your sig LPgirl but, I don't wanna kill myself. One of the only reasons I won't is because I love Aaron and if I die I won't ever see him again and that thought is terrifying. Until he dies, I won't (purposefully).
oh thxs, but i just changed it, lol
i sometimes feel like that, but most people have, and im not going to becuz no matter how screwed or not screwed my life is, i love it and wouldnt trade it for anything, becuz i love my family and friends, they are my everything!
stupidsoul1 said:
0__o i dunno, since the 8th grade i've kinda given up on loving people...
I agree with you Fiona,I mean,I haven´t had a crush like 2 years or so,and this year make me think that I should give up on love or may be not to fell in love(like at 1st sight cuz I don´t believe on it anymore).meh....I don´t even know if I´ll date some1 in the future:(....meh.....=_=
I like a boy, Uh...Ernesto...I've liked him for 3 years one has known it until a few weeks ago. Well...Ernesto has the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. Such a great personality. Now i like him even more because hes begining to like alot of music i like. Hes the kiss and cuddle type. Like me. He's a good friend of mine and i always know when he has a gf. He's always on and off with gfs. I dont think he can go a month without haveing a gf. And I think like 2 nights ago he told me he hasa gf and I got depressed. I mean...he goes out with chicks uglier than me..I dont get it...we are perfect for each other..I really dont get it. And if i did tell him that i liked him our friendship would be ****ed.
Your friendship wouldnt nessessarily (however you spell that) be ****ed. I went out with my best guy mate for 6 monthsish and when we broke up it was a bit strange at first but then we were back to normal as if nothing had happened. Im not guarenteeing that if you told him it would be fine, im just saying if you like him that much and ou go for it then theres a chance that it would be fine. But i wouldnt do it when he has a gf lol.