CTP today..to close your rage (assholes)



I don't have anything new taking place but my thoughts are fresh. I
decided to get into a monologue while Scott teaches CTP.. a mind
monologue, that is.. meaning as Scott talks I'll be conversing as me
the interviewer, and me the interviewee.. then I'll divide my
attention to Scott and his favorite dish.. when he teaches OT I'll
think about hot sex with Jen.. but when I sweat, I'll wipe my brow
filled with semen.. I should make origami there of people holding
hands in a circle called, "Cull All".. I want to start drawing
monsters and monster dicks in Art Therapy.. as a matter of fact if I
were to express myself on paper all I would draw is dicks.. it's no
myth.. I'd keep on drawing dicks when I express myself on paper.. I
can draw them on detail, and I might send some of them to Hue Heffner
for money.. money from dirty business like that has to go to dirty
things.. like paying for a movie ticket so Jen is supposed to have hot
sex with me.. if she refuses, I will trap her because the ticket cost
money and I refuse to have spent the night watching a romantic drama..
there are those I cull, and those from whom I remove the culling.. and
there are those who I cull by undoing the culling.. Scott dropped a
ton.. it's like he's built for speed right now.. I will bring over my
favorite ball cap. I saw Jaye Durant at Amjadi's office. He looked
like the rebel teen from Spin Magazine.. his conversions were triple..
once he was 6'6".. now he went down to just 6 feet.. I don't know if
he's been doing jumping exercises, but his height diminished.. his
giant reappearance intimidated me but now his fierce resilient look
intimidates me.. We just passed hellos but that's as far as it went,
because he was preoccupied with some amount of tension.. Like I said,
how many ****ing conversions is this? How come I always stay fixed? I
made only one miraculous conversion and I've been like that ever
since.. I dunno, Jaye might turn into God or something later on.. I
hope to learn something sufisticated at CTP today.. morning classes
are held by Hannah because we are too groggy to put her to the test..
I will win my batch of chocolates and feed them to the motherlovin
worms.. I would **** with Amjadi provided my dick could fit through
the lines, but currently fiber optic doesn't give you the chance to do
that.. Scott's clone will arm wrestle Scott.. evolution in the process
for he who wins.. My friend there is Megan.. she's a nice looking,
positive woman.. Maybe if i wear my people-shooting hat I can shoot
people with her.. Terri broke her arm recently..and after that she
went on vacation.. somehow the pieces fit.. I mean, why would she go
on break with a cast on her arm? She is required to do her thing
while it heals.. Dawn is quick.. she is super quick.. but everytime
she comes in the room, the room smells like burnt cheese.. And
furthermore there's this one person there who wants me as a burnt
offering.. bullshat.. I'm not gonna be a burnt offering while the
whole point is to recover from a ****ed up state of mind.. when
someone shines a light in my eye, I make the light bounce back by
using a small mirror back into his/her eye..they keep on using lights
on my eye so I have to hold the mirror and angle the light in their
iris.. usually, they don't respond to that and they go around as the
cookie thief.. but that's when I say, "How dare you leave me with a
fresh asshole!" There are really malicious people there who would
take that time to rip open a fresh asshole.. I mean, assholes are
terrible people, but terrible people cry for help.. If you rip open a
fresh asshole and you leave the dude bent out of shape and pissed,
then the fault therein lies with the person who ripped open the fresh
asshole.. sometimes a fresh asshole can lead you to the cuffs.. a
victim of a perfect world.. I don't know I'd rather wear spikes on my
hand to make a statement.. Or drink a kind of liquor that makes you
evil so when they close their eyes you can retaliate..but the one to
start is the one in control.. so you gotta use an extension of your
fist, like a bo stick or something.. assholes are people too.. people
who have been ripped fresh, and those who remain patiently waiting in
their bent state are called the ultimate assholes.. assholes are
invented by people who piss you off.. and all the **** has to give is
peanuts.. so you can't get them with peanuts at all.. an asshole only
produces peanuts..unless straight talk is your prefered weapon an
asshole is likely to take blood money.. Then they turn around and say
'I can't make use of your ass, dude!" the ones who made the coagulated
bite disclaim any part in making you a ****ing asshole.. well, if you
can't handle it that way the fists begin to fly.. we'll be learning
about this in CTP today..

-sEung kim