Cuban Women Pay Tribute to Tania, Revolutionary and Guerrilla Fighter

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Cuban Women Pay Tribute to Tania, Revolutionary and Guerrilla Fighter

Via NY Transfer News Collective All the News that Doesn't Fit

[To learn more about Tamara Bunke ("Tania") see especially the book
published in English last year by Ocean Press: "TANIA: UNDERCOVER WITH
CHE GUEVARA IN BOLIVIA," by Ulises Estrada, a major figure in Cuba's
intelligence service, now-retired, who has been giving a few
interviews in recent years. The book is a fascinating account of the
Argentine-born Tania's training, early assignments abroad, and
especially the ill-fated mission in Bolivia, where Tania worked for
many months under deep cover preparing the groundwork for Che's arrival
in 1967. She then joined the guerillas in the jungle and was killed in
combat at the age of 30 on August 31, 1967 shortly before Che's guerilla
group was tracked down and ambushed. Her remains, along with those of
Che and the other members of their revlutionary group killed in
Bolivia, were found and returned to Cuba in 1997. She is interred with
Che and their companeros in a mauoleum in Santa Clara.

The book has many details never before published about Cuba's
intelligence training and tradecraft of the time, as well as parts of
Tania's own account of her early life in East Germany (her parents
were exiled communists who fled the Nazis for Argentina and then
returned to the German Democratic Republic) and her training in Cuba.
More information on the book is available at the Ocean Press website
listed below. -NY Transfer]

Ocean Press:

Agencia Cubana de Noticias (ACN)

Cuban Women Pay Tribute to Tania, Revolutionary and Guerrilla Fighter

Havana, August 30 (acn) The Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) will hold a
colloquium on Friday on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the
death in Bolivia of international guerrilla fighter Tamara Bunke.

The event will focus on the life of Tania from her return to the
Democratic Republic of Germany from Argentina, and her relationship
with the Cuban Revolution.

Participants at the meeting will also talk about the active
participation of Tania in the Bolivian movement for national liberation
led by legendary guerrilla fighter Ernesto Che Guevara.

The meeting is part of a program of activities organized by the FMC
aimed at highlighting the presence of women in the social, cultural and
political life of Cuba, which also acknowledges the contribution of
women around the world in the struggles for liberation.

Hayd(c)e Tamara Bunke Bider, internationally known as Tania the guerrilla
fighter, was born on November 19, 1937. She was the daughter of German
parents who had immigrated to Argentina fleeing from the Nazi

Tania was only 18 years old when she joined Germany's Unified Socialist
Party after her family's return to that country.

She fell in action on August 31, 1967 when her group, led by Commander
Vitalio Acua ("Joaquin") walked into an ambush in Vado del Yeso, in

Radio Havana Cuba (2006 Cuban Book Fair coverage)

Ocean Press:

Washington's Hostile Policy toward Cuba has Facilitated Our Work

Ocean Press is an Australian independent publisher with a unique list
of books offering a radical global vision of politics and history with
a strong focus on Latin America. According to Ocean Press' president,
David Deutschmann, their books are designed to capture the imagination
of those who not only believe that another world is possible but those
who are also actively working toward bringing that world into being.

Radio Havana Cuba spoke with David in the framework of the 15th Cuba
International Book Fair.

RHC: Tell us about Ocean press' offer at this year's fair?

David Deutschmann(DD): "Ocean press has participated in all the Cuban
book fairs. We're veterans at these events. This time we will present a
whole range of new titles in both English and Spanish.

"We are undergoing a tremendous expansion. Among them, we're publishing
books about Che Guevara, Venezuela and the political and revolutionary
processes in Latin America.

"This is a great moment for Ocean Press. This book fair is a good
opportunity for us to show some of the results of this incredible
expansion that we're undergoing."

RHC: In how many nations do Ocean Press have offices?

DD: "Right now, we have offices in Australia, the United States, Cuba
and also now in Venezuela. But we also have distributors in many other
countries, such as the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, South
Africa, The Philippines, India, parts of western Europe."

RHC: Taking into account the kind of books that Ocean Press sells, how
has Washington's policy toward Cuba affected your work?

DD: "Washington's hostile policy toward Cuba has actually facilitated
our work. In many ways, it helps because it has drawn attention to the
narcissistic secret war of the United States against Cuba and other
countries in Latin America. It has drawn attention to the policies of
Washington toward Latin America and the Third World and it's done it in
such a crude, brutal, confronting and threatening way that it makes
many people want to know more about it. Why is Washington so hostile to
Cuba?, why is Washington planning to assassinate Hugo Chavez? what's
behind all this? And that, actually, I think, draws people to
publishers such as Ocean Press, not just Ocean Press, but a whole range
of publishers in the United States and in other parts of the world,
which publish books that challenge the policy of Washington.

"And, of course, we want Washington to stop threatening Cuba because
that's the kind of world that we want to live in and bringing about
that change is actually our aim, the aim of our books. But, actually,
the more aggressive that Washington is towards Cuba and Latin America,
the more books we sell."

RHC: Will we see you here next year?

DD: "Yes, certainly. As I said before, we've been present at every
Cuban book fair since the first one was held in 1992. It's a great
honor for us to be here. It's our main book fair. Although we also
participate in 15 other book fairs in the world every year, this is the
book fair that we enjoy the most."

Ocean Press develops a Che Guevara Publishing Project jointly with
Havana's Che Guevara Studies Center. A series of books has been
launched with the objective of disseminating the works and ideas of
Ernesto Che Guevara.

The Australian publisher's new titles on the legendary
Argentinean-Cuban guerrilla fighter at this year's fair include:

1. "Ernesto Che Guevara, the Motorcycle Dairies: Notes on a Latin
American Journey";

2. "Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War: Authorized Edition
with Corrections Made by Che Guevara" --prefaced by Che Guevara's
daughter Aleida Guevara.

3. "The Bolivian Diary" --an expanded edition that includes all the
pages that were torn out from Che Guevara's original diary by Bolivian
authorities and which are therefore not included in the first edition,
published in 1967.

"The Bolivian Dairy" was prefaced by Che's eldest son, Camilo Guevara
and has an introduction by Cuban President Fidel Castro. It also
contains several photos taken by members of Che's guerrilla group,
including Tamara Bunque (Tania la Guerrillera), as well as facsimiles
of the original pages of Che's dairy.

These three books are published in both Spanish and English.

Other Ocean Press's premiers at this year's [2006] Cuba fiesta of
reading and knowledge include: 1. "Cuba y Venezuela: Reflexiones y
debates" (Cuba and Venezuela: Reflections and Debate) by Cuba's
Ambassador in Caracas Germ!n S!nchez;

2. "Am(c)rica Latina entre siglos: Dominacin, crisis y lucha
social" (Latin America between Centuries: Domination, Crisis and Social
Struggle) by Roberto Regalado;

3. "Tania la Guerrillera" by Cuban Ulises Estrada -one of the Cuban
experts who trained Tamara Bunque (Tania) for her later participation
as a member of Che's guerrilla in Bolivia.

Yet another book entitled: "Conquistar la Justicia" (To Achieve
Justice) denounces the direct involvement of Posada Carriles and the
U.S. authorities in the terrorist sabotage bombing of a Cuban civilian
airliner off the coasts of Barbados in 1976 that claimed the lives of
all 73 people onboard. The book's preface, by former Cuban Ambassador
in Panama City, Carlos Zamora, is entitled: "De fiesta la infamia y la
traicin" (The Prevalence of Lies and Treason) and deals with the
attitude adopted by then Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso and her
role in setting the notorious terrorist and his accomplices, free.

Other features of Ocean Press's list include several titles exposing
the history and exploits of the CIA in Latin America and around the

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