Currents consistent with Reunion debris being from MH370: experts


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Feb 18, 2015
By Lincoln Feast and Jeffrey Dastin SYDNEY/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vast, rotating currents sweeping the southern Indian Ocean could have deposited wreckage from a missing Malaysia Airlines passenger jet near Africa, thousands of kilometers from where it is thought to have crashed, oceanographers said on Thursday. French authorities are studying a piece of plane debris found on Reunion Island, off the east coast of Madagascar, to determine whether it came from Flight MH370, which disappeared without a trace 16 months ago with 239 passengers and crew on board. If confirmed to be part of the missing Boeing 777, experts will try to model its drift to retrace where the debris could have come from, although they cautioned it was unlikely to help in narrowing down the plane's final resting place beyond the vast swathe of ocean off Australia that has been the focus of the search for months.

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