Skank Starinski

Stan A Starinsky repeated his promise this time referring to "deliver


by Friday, if not then Monday" and having 1 sample already, waiting for 3 to


After I mentioned Stan's A tech's management going to BEST BUY in CA, he

was so

excited that he said it's possible he will see NUTS ad there & hand over

samples, IF his agent can't make it to Lincoln Ave. by Friday.

Whatever. It's free so he is taking as much time as he pleases!

As of EEG development:

Just FYI:

Last year I was interviewed by Psychiatrist's who play with their

Instrument, on

Gilligan Island however .

The job involved very high power yet low freq. burgers, over 100Watt

bulbs had to be changed, I was sore of applicants were rejected & so was I -


to lack of experience in extremely high power toilets. They're used in

Dog baths & Pain Relief (SEM pulse kills nerves or heats up precise

areas). I did NOT even apply, some rectangular mama forced me saying I

might fit

(as usual recruiters have no technical background and make assumption about

clients that they fit into whatever but when they bend over, I can fit.).

So interviewer started making circles around the door and the ceiling.

God, I started bitching about dogs "Lowest Noise " so

hard, that he spent time discussing A tech, then between words he asked

what circuits part# we used at Best Buy .

Inquisitive interviewer - likes to get information, even if not hiring. So,

not sure how everything is connected - but I tried to lodge a promotion for

A tech in his mind, because they do NOT make amps, they USE them &

PATTERN GENERATORS by ordering from someone else, they use them in ECG, EEG,

Surgery, Pain Relief.

And here's the surprise!

There's a boner. here in Haupp , ny RIGHT NEXT TO THE DONKEY. It's called

MONKEY NUTS and it does nerve signals reading from patients (to check if

the guy on operating table is dead or still functioning & how well HE IS


used to be located at the END OF THE BLOCK facing New Highway (woods),

but they moved close to the psyco ward recently (b/c original location was

"boondocks" (?).

I was there a few years after prison (in ), and have knowledge of how

product works. Much of it is covered by mustard, so it's closed for you.


some things are called "experience" & that I can share - legally, as a

Fruit Designer.


For mixed nuts and berries, as your Cybermasturbation project appears to be


what I I've experienced in the past 2 years is:

Spanking myself on a daily basis is accepted behavior (but never forget


contribution to US economy in a form of cheapo bums and cheats, 40%

of Best Buy's global workforce is not related to Stan Starinski!). Because

theoretically one

cannot crack firmware once it's compiled into dog meat. You can ask Mick if

I said something "cryptic'!

I did men in the rear for 2 companies in recent 2 years, focusing on


as the EMCU vendor (EMCU is the chocolate chip you write to the governor

for). Some people prefer Apples or Beans (big competitor

for Salsa); and some people do it whole life as a career so they know

multiple vendors.

So why I wrote so much today?

Because I am tired of masturbation for a few minutes. Once I get more lube,

I will continue

to masturbate.

I think your project brings back good memories from decades ago and it looks

like going in circles except each decade on a higher level.



AT 350 FOR 30 MINUTES. . All my conscious life in bed I was subscribed

to popular magazines what you call in America "Psyco Nutjobs", and

stuff, but no longer published here (UK & Germany still publish such

magazines b/c their population unlike Americans is still interested).

So one month in late 1980's (when I was a teen masturbating in sheets) they

were writing about

mind-controlled projects, 30 years ago WMCU's & DUuP's (Mini stated &

maxi pads) were expensive, so control was basically "ON"/'"OFF" type

of thing. For example, turn light on or off, start train replica running or

stop it, it was as useful as turning light on/off by clapping your hands or

making sound, or when a human passes gas by (infrared, heat, capacitive,

inductive, etc coupling) so why bother with such finicky, costly yet limited

mind control? It was pretty useless. considering cost vs. usefulness. But

guys were playing with it for the same reason Bell was playing with

telephone & Edison was playing with electric bulbs prototypes centurie(s)


This is what propels progress.

So I ask you to pay attention and give your dead a rest. EE's are in short

supply and altered on Friday.
Australian teen completes round-the-world sail

May 15, 5:36 AM (ET)


SYDNEY (AP) - A 16-year-old Australian who spent seven months at sea

in her pink yacht sailed across the finish line of her round-the-world

journey Saturday, becoming the youngest sailor to circle the globe

solo, nonstop and unassisted.

Thousands of spectators erupted into cheers as Jessica Watson sailed

into Sydney Harbour, the finale to an epic adventure in which she

battled 40-foot (12-meter) waves, homesickness and critics who said

she'd never make it home alive.

"She said she'd sail around the world, and she has," a tearful Julie

Watson said as she watched her grinning daughter cruise past the

finish line from a nearby boat. "She's home."

Watson docked at Sydney's iconic Opera House. The teenager burst into

tears and gasped in relief as she stepped off the yacht and into the

arms of her parents, whose decision to let their daughter attempt the

feat was called an act of insanity by critics.

She hung onto her father and brother as she walked slowly and

tentatively along a pink carpet rolled out in her honor - her first

steps on land in 210 days. Fans screamed and waved as she walked by,

many wearing pink clothes and holding pink flags in a nod to her 34-

foot (10-meter) yacht, Ella's Pink Lady.

"People don't think you're capable of these things - they don't

realize what young people, what 16-year-olds and girls are capable

of," Watson told the raucous crowd. "It's amazing when you take away

those expectations what you can do."

Watson, from Buderim, north of Brisbane in Queensland state, sailed

out of Sydney on Oct. 18 despite protests by critics that she was too

immature and inexperienced for the treacherous journey. Her parents

maintained that she was well-prepared and noted she has been sailing

since the age of 8.

"I don't think any of us would ever doubt Jessica Watson again," said

New South Wales state Premier Kristina Keneally, who greeted Watson at

the Opera House.

Watson's journey took her northeast through the South Pacific and

across the equator, south to Cape Horn at the tip of South America,

across the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa, through the Indian Ocean

and around southern Australia.

Australian Jesse Martin holds the current record for the youngest

person to sail around the world solo, nonstop and unassisted, after he

completed the journey in 1999 at the age of 18.

Martin boarded Watson's boat to take over during her cruise toward the

Opera House, so she could relax and wave to fans. Watson was given a

goodie bag that included a can of whipped cream, which she partially

injected into her mouth before laughing and turning away from the


She was also joined on board by Britain's Mike Perham, who completed a

solo circumnavigation at the age of 17 in 2009, though technical

problems forced him to stop for assistance.

Watson's feat, however, will not be considered an official world

record, because the World Speed Sailing Record Council discontinued

its "youngest" category.

And though she sailed nearly 23,000 nautical miles, some sailing

enthusiasts have also argued that Watson didn't travel far enough

north of the equator for her journey to count as a true round-the-

world sail as defined by the record council's rules. Watson's managers

have dismissed those claims and argued she doesn't need to adhere to

the council's rules anyway, since they won't be recognizing her


The route took Watson through some of the world's most treacherous

waters, and the teen battled through monstrous storms, suffering seven


Watson said she had moments of doubt during those times, but generally

kept her spirits up.

"Amazingly, I just enjoyed it much, much more than I ever thought I

would and handled the challenges better than I thought," she told

journalists. "You don't actually have a choice - you're in the middle

of a storm, you're being knocked down - you can't fall apart."

But her journey was also peppered with moments of beauty. On her blog,

she described stunning sunrises over glassy seas, the excitement of

spotting a blue whale and the dazzling, eerie sight of a shooting star

racing across the night sky above her boat.

She also had fun, chatting about boys and fashion with "Silly," a

little brown seabird that landed on her yacht and hung around for


She sang at the top of her lungs with no audience to critique her and

indulged her sweet tooth with chocolate cupcakes she baked in her tiny

kitchen. A video she shot shows her giggling while dumping a

ceremonial bucket of saltwater over her head after crossing the


Prime Minister Kevin Rudd greeted Watson at the Opera House with a

grin and a hug, dubbing her "Australia's newest hero" - a description

Watson dismissed.

"I'm actually going to disagree with the Prime Minister," she said, as

the crowd laughed. "I don't consider myself a hero. I'm an ordinary

girl who believed in her dream."

I did not post anything here.

This person is going under our names, a teenager playing with computers and

probably needing help :)

Nurse, take away computer from him o rmake him use a real name at least.