Cyprus president foresees 'radical' reform of island's security


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Feb 18, 2015
By Michele Kambas GENEVA (Reuters) - Talks on reunifying Cyprus should produce a "radical" change in the island's security situation, which is currently guaranteed by Greece, Turkey and Britain, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades told a news conference in Geneva on Friday. “The fact that the U.N. announcement outlines a clear intent by participants to reach a mutually acceptable solution on the security and guarantee issues … is a mandate to the working groups to process new forms (of guarantees), acceptable and radically different from the guarantee system of 1960," he said. A major bone of contention is the presence of about 30,000 Turkish troops on the island, which the Greek Cypriot side want removed but Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has described as a "force of stability" in Cyprus.

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