Daily Poll


New member
I thought it would be cool if the site had a daily poll on different things. The ideas could come from the members and someone could be in charge of it. I was just wondering what you guys thought of it.


New member
Good idea. I think it would be better if it were maybe weekly or something, just so we don't run out of ideas so fast. I like the idea though :)


Active Members
A weekly poll would be better, because it would allow more members to vote and a greater number of them to vote, making the poll stronger in terms of reality.


New member
Yeah, thats a pretty good idea. It could be on various things, stuff going on w/ the world, ect... This could replace the "Current Poll" that we already have on the home page which is just the newest random [usually LP related] poll from within the forums.

I only wish the admin(s) were around more so we could get in touch with him/them quicker to ask about this. *sigh* :rolleyes:

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