Dallas Principals Face Spanish Principle


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Dallas Principals Face Spanish Principle
Wednesday, June 01, 2005


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This is SOOOOOO STUPID!!!! Why don't the parents learn English? Where in the hell do they think they are? Mexico? Spain? No, the dipshits are right here in the good ole US of A. I say ****'em !
One nation - one language, one set of laws, one political process.

No parla inglese? Tough. Go to a country where you can speak the language.

A nation that allows nationals from other countries to enter and start a new life does NOT owe them the responsibility to learn THEIR language, and cater for their inability, and more often apathy, to learn for themselves.

And there is another angle. Add up the cost to the taxpayer for governments agencies and services to have to accommodate signage, printed material and interpreter facilties for non-English speakers.

You'll be amazed how much YOU pay for THEIR ignorance.
Well, the students are learning english and if you have half a brain you are aware that the older you get the harder it is to grasp new languages. Now for the sake of teh students shouldn't the school be able to comunicate with the parents? The parents are still being instructed in english. The Pricipals are taking spanish in a hope of meeting in the middle sooner than later so that it is not the student that suffers.
But still.....I have met people that have been in this country for 30 years and don't know the language. It's a bit ridiculous.
Personally I don't have much sympathy. Plenty of other immigrants learn the language. Alot of them apparently just can't be bothered.
I can totally understand not learning to read and write the language (hell I have my issues with it LOL) but one should make some attempt to assimilate into a choses culture or society, still I would hate to see teh student suffer when something CAN be done
tizz said:
Well, the students are learning english and if you have half a brain you are aware that the older you get the harder it is to grasp new languages. Now for the sake of teh students shouldn't the school be able to comunicate with the parents? The parents are still being instructed in english. The Pricipals are taking spanish in a hope of meeting in the middle sooner than later so that it is not the student that suffers.
Tizz, do you realize what you are saying? Do you actually believe that these parents are incapable of learning English? If so then what makes you think that the principals are any better equipped to learn Spanish? I find this line of thinking a bit racsist and I've heard it before, that the latinos are incapable of learning English so the more capable anglos should have to learn Spanish.
No but while they are learning it would be nice if teh school could more easilt comunicate concerns regarding their children. (or am I just playing devil's advocate) muwahahahaha
Rotwang said:
One nation - one language, one set of laws, one political process.

No parla inglese? Tough. Go to a country where you can speak the language.

A nation that allows nationals from other countries to enter and start a new life does NOT owe them the responsibility to learn THEIR language, and cater for their inability, and more often apathy, to learn for themselves.

And there is another angle. Add up the cost to the taxpayer for governments agencies and services to have to accommodate signage, printed material and interpreter facilties for non-English speakers.

You'll be amazed how much YOU pay for THEIR ignorance.

Originally Posted by Rotwang
Here comes the redneck doctrine again...thank god you're all in Queensland.

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showthread.php?t=52087&page=3&pp=10

Who's a redneck? That would be your sorry arse, wanger.

I'm amazed that my hard-earned dollars put you through school for nil result. ;)

Unfortunately, I can't ask for a refund. I can ask you to **** up and die. :rolleyes:

You want to talk about ignorance, try reading your own posts, before you post them for our critique.

You are like a good enema; full of **** and water. :D

My ex wife's familly is from mexico... Her grandfather decided to move his familly to the US... So he studied English fro about 6 months and learned more than enough to comunicate and read signs... THEN he took the entrance exam and passed with flying colors, received his papers about 3 days later in the mail... Moved to the US later that month after he had already found a job on a merchant marine vessel... Bought a small house in TX, and has been American ever since...

My question is, he managed to pull off all this **** in about 6 months... learned enough of the language to communicate, got a job, took the exam, got his papers, and bought a house.... SO WHY CAN'T WE EXPECT OTHER HISPANICS TO DO THE SAME?

This is BULLSHIT ! !

Multiculturalism is slowly strangling the life out of this country and eventually it will be its downfall... "A nation divided against itself will not stand!" If we continue to let this BS slide, we are going to have a big problem on our hand, more so than we do even now!

Culture is the glue holding this place together! And it's getting eroded everyday and I don't know why more people are up in arms about it...
You move to another country, you learn the language. This is what I assumed. But I suppose in the country where everyone is so ****ing afraid of lawsuits and making someone mad, the pc patrol will win this battle.
**** this man... I know plenty of adult immigrants anywhere from Italy to Mexico and they carry on and on with their families in the native languages, but when they need to speak Engligh, they can fairly well. I'm not sure how long they've been here, but I know they took the time to do it!

Some ****in Beaners don't know what's right even when it slaps them in the face!