Damn bible thumpers knocking at my door.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
So there I am, just chillin, watching Judge Judy, when all of a sudden, my biological door bell starts to go off (dog starts barking), so I think to myself... ok, now who the hell is coming to bug me ??

So then I hear a knock at my door and get up to answer..

Lo and behold there is a young man at my door probably around 21-22, and he starts out by asking me if I ever envisioned a world without sickness... I felt sick right then and there... I knew what was up as soon as he asked me...

So I responded.. "No, sickness and disease will never be eradicated, we need germs to sustain our life...

Then he starts out with some **** about God..

Immediately, I say "Whoa, whoa... hold on a second there... your wasting your time dude, I am not a Christian, I am a deist..

To which he responds "Oh, you don't believe in God ??"

UGGHHH...... but anyway... I respond "No, that would be an Atheist"

He then asks me... "WHY"

And I simply tell him, it is because I believe Christianity and all other religions are nothing but Dogma.

I then proceed to tell him that Jesus Christ and a lot of other characters in the bible are rehashed from old Judaism and some of the texts were parallels to the life of Horus of Egypt. And that I did not want to hear about the trials and tribulations of Jesus, and if God had a message for me, he didn't send HIM to give it to me, he would tell me his damn self...

And with that... the guy leaves...

Why do these people show up at your door ??

They get on my ****ing nerves !!!

So anyway.. tonight, I had a nice talk with a Catholic priest who stops in to the pizza place regularly for lunch, he knows I am a Deist, and we were discussing religious dogmas and practices. He had told me that he feels also that the "divine message" should not be pushed on anybody, and that he had a brother that was not a practicing christian and it did not bother him in the slightest, we had also discussed a bit of theology and culture, and significance of religion... etc.

Now... I begin to wonder... why is it, a Catholic priest can have a more realistic conversation with me about religion in general then a nimrod who goes door to door trying to spread "THE MESSAGE" ???

This moron had never even heard of Deism and was ****ing dumbfounded by my lectures of Babylon...

What really got my curiosity, is what kind of religion would tell people to go out door to door and try to spread the message / convert people... it's ****ing annoying as hell and should be against the law..

If I wanted to discover a "DEVINE SPIRITUALITY " in myself by practicing a religion, I'd get my sorry ass up and find me a church.
I think that him being the type to 'spread the devine word' may have some correlation with the fact that he was mentally-impaired.
he starts out by asking me if I ever envisioned a world without sickness... I felt sick right then and there...

Thanks. I needed a good laugh. :D

You remind me of my old man, who would invite them in, offer them refreshments, then carve their ideology into little pieces. Dad was what we refer to as a "recovering catholic". He often blocked the door if they tried to leave without answering his questions.

As for your query about your catholic friend, perhaps he realises he is in the middle ranks of a business.
phreakwars said:
Now... I begin to wonder... why is it, a Catholic priest can have a more realistic conversation with me about religion in general then a nimrod who goes door to door trying to spread "THE MESSAGE" ???

My guess would be that unlike most of these "nimrods" that go door to door or that are in many less structured denominations, Catholic Priests are actually required to be educated in philosophy and religion. Most actually have Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degrees from a university and are not just some uneducated mope who picked up a bible and was told by some David Coresh type religious leader to knock on people's doors and spout a little bit of information fed to them.

I don't think most expect to get past the door so don't have to be prepared to answer questions or be educated beyond the tid bit they get told by their pastor or reverend or whatever he goes by.

Now I already know someone is going to take this oportunity to throw out some pedophile priest comment or knock the Catholic Church for something. These are beyond my point of answering Phreak's question on why he could have such a conversation with at Priest.
You know, I never really get into the religion debates because anybody with half a brain knows that it's a no win battle and a waste of time...

Or is it ???

I guess it just depends on how the subject is approached..

Well anyways, one of the things I was discussing with Priest X, and I'm sure you Columbus readers can probably figure out who it is I am referring to... was conservative Catholicism .vs liberal Christianity. The reason this subject came up, was not because of the dipshit going door to door, but rather a book he was reading, it was about the new pope and all the crap that went along with his appointment to the Vatican.

This kind of drew my interest a bit, and we weren't very busy at all, so I decided to kick back with the priest for a bit and shoot the **** with him.

We discussed the process in which the pope is chosen, all the members involved, the ranks and all this ****, and so I think we both agreed that the Vatican is more like a CONGRESS of sorts in those reguards.

We then discussed conservative catholicism and it's impact on the vatican and some of the hoopla that went with it all.

We then discussed different flavors of Christianity and such, and different Islamic sects and how the religions are tied into each other.

What was interesting about this conversation I had with him, is we did not really discuss Jesus or even GOD to much of an extent, but I did have a chance to cover the ten commandments, and we agreed that commandments come in all flavors of religion, but most of them, if not all, are based on common sense to your fellow man.

His position with the church, is that he feels Christianity's main message is meant for everyone, but times change and this is why more liberal forms of Christianity are spawned... such as Methodist, Lutheren, Baptist.. Or even in my case... Deism..while not Christian in nature, still believes in Intelligent design by natural reaction... Very similar to the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas that Tori had posted a while back...

In summary, a universal GOD.

So if me and the priest can agree on that at least, what the hell is wrong with the rest of the world ??
You know I've even had them knocking on my door from the other side of the world. Honestly , I have had Mormons from Salt Lake City USA, at my door. And I live in a one goat town twenty miles north of Liverpool England. Un****ingbelievable....
Phreak you crack me up, maybe after the Mayor thing you could start your own form of religion.

I think i know who your were chatting with, he is pretty down to earth. Which for a catholic is pretty hard to be. Most of them don't recognize other religions, they believe that unless your catholic you don't exist in the religious world.
tiredofwhiners said:
I think i know who your were chatting with, he is pretty down to earth. Which for a catholic is pretty hard to be. Most of them don't recognize other religions, they believe that unless your catholic you don't exist in the religious world.


Have you actually ever heard a Catholic say that they don't recognize other religions?

As I have stated before on this site, I'm Catholic. I am also very open minded and respectful of other people's beliefs. I don't know what gave you the idea that Catholics don't recognize other religions but it's possible that you came to this conclusion because you've been to a Catholic Mass and they refer to the Catholic Church as the one true church. This is part of prayer in mass. The fact that Catholics believe that their faith is the correct one doesn't mean that they don't recognize or respect the views of others. There are many religions that are less tolerant of other faiths.

I hope that you are basing this on speculation and not actually on what you have heard someone that practices Catholicism say. I think that Phreak's conversation with the Priest should say a lot about the actual views of the Church.
phreakwars wrote:
We discussed the process in which the pope is chosen, all the members involved, the ranks and all this ****, and so I think we both agreed that the Vatican is more like a CONGRESS of sorts in those reguards.

Like I said, your buddy is in the middle ranks of a business. The vatican is one of the largest money earners in the world.

Is it true that the catholic church pays taxes in the US? I also heard they own Burger King, which is called Hungry Jacks down under.
Have you actually ever heard a Catholic say that they don't recognize other religions?
I have never had it said to me from an adult. But i have had friends of my children that go to catholic school, tell them that and were talking 11 and 12 year olds.

As I have stated before on this site, I'm Catholic. I am also very open minded and respectful of other people's beliefs. I don't know what gave you the idea that Catholics don't recognize other religions but it's possible that you came to this conclusion because you've been to a Catholic Mass and they refer to the Catholic Church as the one true church. This is part of prayer in mass. The fact that Catholics believe that their faith is the correct one doesn't mean that they don't recognize or respect the views of others. There are many religions that are less tolerant of other faiths.
To be on equal grounds i am a Methodist, and have been to a catholic mass. I have never had someone say to me your not going to heaven because your not catholic. But on more that one occasion had them encuate that was the case. I'm very open minded and don't push religion on anyone. But of all the people I've been around the Catholics are the most airgrant on religion. I'm not saying you yourself are, i don't know you.

I hope that you are basing this on speculation and not actually on what you have heard someone that practices Catholicism say. I think that Phreak's conversation with the Priest should say a lot about the actual views of the Church.
I agreed if this is the priest i'm thinking of he is a very good person, and the Catholics should feel good having him.
tiredofwhiners said:
I have never had it said to me from an adult. But i have had friends of my children that go to catholic school, tell them that and were talking 11 and 12 year olds.

I hope when these children grow up they will be more tolerant of other people's beliefs.

tiredofwhiners said:
To be on equal grounds i am a Methodist, and have been to a catholic mass. I have never had someone say to me your not going to heaven because your not catholic. But on more that one occasion had them encuate that was the case. I'm very open minded and don't push religion on anyone. But of all the people I've been around the Catholics are the most airgrant on religion. I'm not saying you yourself are, i don't know you.

Curious what you mean when you say "arrogant". If you mean that they act confident that the Catholicism Christianity is the right denomination, then that is their belief, as should be the belief of anyone in reference to their religion. Muslims should believe that Islam is the correct religion, Jews should believe that Hebrew is the correct religion, Buddhists should believe that Buddhism is the correct religion, etc... This is what a "belief" is. Something that is felt to be true.

tiredofwhiners said:
I agreed if this is the priest I'm thinking of he is a very good person, and the Catholics should feel good having him.

I think that if more people would just sit and have conversations with Catholic Priests, they would discover that most are good, intelligent people and not there to criticize or judge you. I have had numerous conversations with Priests in which either myself or even the Priest I was talking to, used curse words (usually "****" or one of the other lesser ones). It seems many people are intimidated by "the collar" and reluctant to speak to Priests as normal people which most are just that. Normal people in an abnormal profession.
Most Catholic Priests are decent human beings. It's the higher ups that can be dickwads.
My parents know a priest, and he married them in the Catholic Church even though my mother was divorced, and they're NOT supposed to do that. Good man.
I hope when these children grow up they will be more tolerant of other people's beliefs.
I do to, their parents are not like that. But there grandparents are. It was quite a blow for my 11 year old to hear that, being she believes. But she came to me and we talked in more detail. (i threw in how most Catholics are whacked, not to worry about it.)

Curious what you mean when you say "arrogant". If you mean that they act confident that the Catholicism Christianity is the right denomination, then that is their belief, as should be the belief of anyone in reference to their religion. Muslims should believe that Islam is the correct religion, Jews should believe that Hebrew is the correct religion, Buddhists should believe that Buddhism is the correct religion, etc... This is what a "belief" is. Something that is felt to be true.

Kinda but i don't feel most Catholics believe there's is the right denomination, they feel it's the only denomination.

I think that if more people would just sit and have conversations with Catholic Priests, they would discover that most are good, intelligent people and not there to criticize or judge you. I have had numerous conversations with Priests in which either myself or even the Priest I was talking to, used curse words (usually "****" or one of the other lesser ones). It seems many people are intimidated by "the collar" and reluctant to speak to Priests as normal people which most are just that. Normal people in an abnormal profession.[/

No not ****, next time go for ****. Then will move on to God Damn. But i do agree that most are freaked out to talk to them. I always wanted to go to a confession, just to see what the priest would do when i started to tell the going on's of my life. But i would never open up that much, i don't even trust a father with all that info in this town.
tiredofwhiners said:
I do to, their parents are not like that. But there grandparents are. It was quite a blow for my 11 year old to hear that, being she believes. But she came to me and we talked in more detail. (i threw in how most Catholics are whacked, not to worry about it.)

Unfortunately this comment puts you on the same level as these kids' grandparents.:(
ImWithStupid said:
Unfortunately this comment puts you on the same level as these kids' grandparents.:(

Have a little humor in your life.:D

Even you have to admit there are some that do go over board. Which is fine just don't go pushing it on others, by saying i'm right and your wrong because the church told me so.
tiredofwhiners said:
Have a little humor in your life.:D

Even you have to admit there are some that do go over board. Which is fine just don't go pushing it on others, by saying i'm right and your wrong because the church told me so.

I meant that making generalized comments, about a particular group of people, to impressionable children, leads to intolerance of others. Children believe what is told to them by trusted adult figures. Sometimes it takes years of experience by the child to undo these comments.
ImWithStupid said:
I meant that making generalized comments, about a particular group of people, to impressionable children, leads to intolerance of others. Children believe what is told to them by trusted adult figures. Sometimes it takes years of experience by the child to undo these comments.

I could'nt agree more. Kids don't come up with hatred on there own, it starts at home.
This is exactly what pisses me off about bible thumpers. They go around preaching their bullshit to every damn person.

Now I don't go around knocking on their doors to pass out marxist literature....nuff said.