damn Bush and his Hitler friend , Nouri al-Maliki , are dis-armingthe innocent



--- Bill Morris <cbearsdad@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Charlton Heston is rolling over in his grave......o.
> This are not Americans! Well I guess that racist is
> laughing at them!
> "Lori R. Price" <lrprice@snet.net> wrote: Breaking
> News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate
> Government
> 09 Apr 2008
> http://www.legitgov.org/
> All items are here:
> http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news
> Iraq's citizens told to hand in their guns 09 Apr
> 2008 Iraq's security forces have been ordered by the
> prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to collect arms
> from civilians and political parties in Baghdad.
> Citizens have been urged to hand in all weapons as
> well as explosives within three days from April 9th.
> Those surrendering their weapons would be given
> money rewards while those who refuse could be
> charged. [Oops! Looks like the 2nd Amendment isn't
> part of 'Operation Iraqi Freedom.' Iraqis need to
> hold onto their weapons so that they can resist
> their oppressor: Blackwater.]
> Colonel killed in Green Zone --Officer killed by
> mortar while on treadmill in U.S. Embassy 09 Apr
> 2008 Col. Stephen Scott, 54, seemed to be on the
> fast-track to becoming a general with his recent
> assignment to train and arm the Iraqi troops, said
> his sister, Kathleen King. Scott, a member of the
> Huntsville Track Club and an avid runner, was on a
> treadmill in the U.S. Embassy's fitness facility
> Sunday when a mortar round crashed into the
> building, killing him and two other soldiers, King
> said.
> Pentagon tells lawmaker not to air Green Zone video
> again 08 Apr 2008 The Pentagon told a North Carolina
> lawmaker Tuesday that he couldn't re-air a video [!]
> he'd shot in Baghdad after accusations surfaced that
> he breached operational security in detailing enemy
> rocket attacks. Rep. Patrick McHenry (R) traveled to
> Iraq with other lawmakers on March 22. A video was
> featured on his Web site last Friday. Shot in the
> Green Zone, it showed McHenry gesturing to a
> building behind him and saying that one of 11
> rockets "hit just over my head." Then he named two
> other places struck by the rockets.
> Basra strike against Shiite militias also about oil
> 09 Apr 2008 The recent fight in Basra between Iraqi
> forces and Shiite militiamen was about more than a
> government bid to reassert itself in a city where
> Moqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army was digging in. It was
> also about oil -- and smuggling. Before the assault
> began on March 23, the Iraqi government drew up a
> list of about 200 suspected oil smugglers it hoped
> to round up - including the brother of the governor
> of Basra Province and, according to Iraqi Oil
> Minister Hussein al-Shahristani, several leaders
> linked to Mr. Sadr's militia.
> Attacks targeting Iraq power sector 09 Apr 2008
> Iraq's electricity sector continues to be a target
> as [Blackwater] violence in Baghdad takes aim at
> power plants. A power plant in Sadr City, the poor
> neighborhood and Shiite stronghold of Moqtada Sadr,
> was reportedly attacked, according to the Al Mashriq
> newspaper. This comes as attacks in Ninewa province
> in the north damaged power transmission lines over
> the weekend, Azzaman reports.
> Errant mortar shells slam into residential areas in
> Sadr City 09 Apr 2008 Errant mortar shells slammed
> into houses and a funeral tent Wednesday and three
> children were among those killed amid fighting in a
> Shiite militia stronghold despite a traffic ban to
> 'maintain' calm on the fifth anniversary of the U.S.
> capture of the capital.
> 'If history can take me back, I will kiss the statue
> of Saddam Hussein which I helped pull down.' 'Today
> we have 50 Saddams.' 09 Apr 2008 Fierce clashes and
> mortar attacks in Baghdad's Shiite bastion of Sadr
> City killed 13 people on Wednesday as Iraq marked
> the fifth anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam
> Hussein. Ibrahim Khalil, one of the Iraqis who
> pulled down the statue in Firdoos Square, told AFP
> he regretted what he did that day. "If history can
> take me back, I will kiss the statue of Saddam
> Hussein which I helped pull down," he said when he
> met an AFP reporter in the square. "Now I realise
> that the day Baghdad fell was in fact a black day.
> Saddam's days were better ... Under Saddam's regime,
> we were safe. We got rid of one Saddam, but today we
> have 50 Saddams," he said. For Iraqis, the five
> years since the ouster of Saddam have been a period
> of turmoil and bloodletting. "When I saw the
> American tanks roll into Baghdad, I was happy and
> full of dreams... dreams of a
> prosperous Iraq, a developed Iraq. But since then
> it has become a nightmare of suffering and
> destruction," said Sarah Yussef. According to World
> Health Organisation, between 104,000 and 223,000
> people were killed from March 2003 to June 2006
> alone. Majeed Hameed, a gift-shop owner in Baghdad's
> northern Antar Square, said the American tanks on
> the streets of Baghdad are now seen as "enemy"
> forces. "We can't describe how savage these
> barbarians are whose promises were false and full of
> lies. They came to occupy and cause destruction. We
> got nothing but disaster," said Hameed.
> Baghdad deserted on anniversary date --Curfew
> imposed on Baghdad 09 Apr 2008 The streets of the
> Iraqi capital Baghdad have been combed by security
> forces to make sure a curfew is upheld on the fifth
> anniversary of the capture of Baghdad by the US
> military. Authorities have imposed the one-day
> vehicle curfew as a security precaution.
> Three US soldiers killed in Iraq 09 Apr 2008 The US
> military on Wednesday announced the deaths of three
> more US soldiers in Iraq, including two in Baghdad.
> U.S. must leave Iraq, retired generals say 04 Apr
> 2008 Setting a withdrawal timetable from Iraq might
> be a shaky strategic move, but it would provide a
> morale boost for service members and their families,
> a former Army War College commandant said Wednesday.
> Retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Scales Jr., testifying
> before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee about
> U.S. military strategy in Iraq, said he has no doubt
> that a major withdrawal of combat forces is coming
> because the U.S. has "run out of military options"
> and cannot indefinitely sustain troop levels.
> Bush to press case against Iraq force cut 09 Apr
> 2008 The top U.S. officials in Iraq will testify on
> the war for a second day to Congress on Wednesday as
> the Bush regime makes its case against a big troop
> pull-out.
> 'The Pentagon has never credibly explained the
> strike on the Baghdad bureau on Al Jazeera.'
> Questions over journalists' deaths 08 Apr 2008 An
> international media advocacy group has criticised
> the US military for not fully investigating the
> deaths of three journalists killed when their hotel
> and Al Jazeera's office came under US fire as
> Baghdad fell on April 8, 2003. The Committee to
> Protect Journalists (CPJ) says it has continuously
> called on the US military to fully investigate the
> incidents that came just before the statue of Saddam
> Hussein was toppled.
> Interview with Detainee 'DD' 08 Apr 2008 Detainee DD
> was arrested in Britain two and a half years ago.
> Since that time he has been detained without trial
> or charge, fighting deportation to Libya, where he
> may face the threat of further imprisonment, torture
> or death. Initially held in Britain's Secret
> Guantanamo, HMP Long Lartin, he was later released
> under a control order. In this exclusive interview,
> former Guantanamo detainee and spokesman for
> Cageprisoners, Moazzam Begg spoke to 'DD' about his
> plight.
> National Lawyers Guild Calls On Boalt Hall to
> Dismiss Law Professor John Yoo, Whose Torture Memos
> Led to Commission of War Crimes (National Lawyers
> Guild) 09 Apr 2008 In a memorandum written the same
> month George W. Bush invaded Iraq, Boalt Hall law
> professor John Yoo said the Department of Justice
> would construe US criminal laws not to apply to the
> President's detention and interrogation of enemy
> combatants. According to Yoo, the federal statutes
> against torture, assault, maiming and stalking do
> not apply to the military in the conduct of the
> war... This memo and another Yoo wrote with Jay
> Bybee in August 2002 provided the basis for the
> Administration's torture of prisoners... John Yoo
> should be disbarred and he should not be retained as
> a professor of law at one of the country's premier
> law schools. John Yoo should be dismissed from Boalt
> Hall and tried as a war criminal.
> Israeli minister threatens "destruction of the
> Iranian nation" By Peter Symonds 09 Apr 2008 Amid a
> massive five-day civil defence drill, a senior
> Israeli cabinet minister has provocatively
> threatened Iran with complete destruction in
> retaliation for any attack... Speaking at the
> newly-opened Government War Room Headquarters on
> Monday, National Infrastructure Minister Benjamin
> Ben-Eliezer warned that the drill was not just "a
> meaningless spectacle or a fictional scenario. The
> future reality is likely to be a number of times
> harsher than that which we recognise now. We are
> confronted with a situation where the home front
> becomes the front line."

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