#Damned lucky that "surge" thingy is working so well eh?


Amanda Williams


Iraqi, U.S. troops accused of Sadr City attack

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The office of Muqtada al-Sadr accused Iraqi and
U.S. forces of attacking Sadr City on Friday, just hours after the Shiite
cleric called for calm in the wake of the assassination of one of his top
aides in the southern city of Najaf.

Witnesses and media in the heavily Shiite Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr
City, home to the cleric's power base in the capital, reported heavy
fighting between U.S.-backed Iraqi troops and al-Sadr's Mehdi Army militia.

The witnesses said U.S. aircraft had been bombarding the area for hours,
and media reported rockets slamming into houses and many casualties.

Witnesses and al-Sadr's office said mosques were making loudspeaker
announcements about Mehdi Army attacks on U.S. military armored vehicles.

U.S. troops working in support of Iraqi soldiers killed two snipers, two
other men firing rocket-propelled grenades and "multiple others from a
nearby building where soldiers were taking RPG and machine gun fire," the
U.S. military said in a statement.

[... blah... blah... blah...]

Lucky we got a bush-dick-sucking asshole... sorry... fine upstanding
General like BetrayUS to tell us like it's not....

5 years in and NOTHING has changed and John Hoover McBush wants ANOTHER 100
years of this **** ???


<small but dangerous>