Dane Cook-


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2004

anyone heard of him? amazing. simply amazing. i don`t know why i decided to share this... but- i was listening to his Catholic skit, and i was just like "you know Chells- you havn`t been on LPF in a few months... Go share the glorious Dane Cook with them. "

so here we are.


GO NOW- www.danecook.com and you can hear some of his skits as soon as it opens.

do it or i will banish you to the abyss of perpetual UNFUNNY-NESS! :dodgy:
yes he is. my favorite one is "a tire hit mary in the face!" or "un Kool aid" or the monopoly one.

Anyone want to call my voicemail and listen to "PEACE OFF" 951 204 1258!
I have never heard of him. I don't really keep up with Stand Up Comedy that much. I will check out the clips though. Thanks
Someone already started a thread about him in Everything Else, but I guess the search button must be down or something, right?. :/
wow, talk about bumping a really old thread lol.

I have both his albums, and he is amazing. If you guys havent listened to him yet, i suggest you do so asap :thumbsup: