De Paul Next?



Is De Paul University next?
By George M Weinert V
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The horrible slaughter at Virginia Tech that has left 33 dead makes
the studious wonder who will be next. Three other universities have
already received new threats so is Chicago's De Paul a target of the
Islamofascist Terror in America?

Perhaps De Paul's Nation of Islam Poster Girl and Fifth Column
Terrorist in Residence: Aminah Beverly McCloud, Ph.D.
Professor Temple University
Islamic Studies
Office Hours: On leave Autumn 2005
Office: LPC 2327 N Racine Ste 104
Phone: 773-325-1290

Has been inspired and shall inform her good Black Muslims pals (which
include "Calypso Louie" Farrakhan) - Read on:

Black Muslims: A Fifth Column Inside the United States?
By the Traditional Values Coalition
March 26, 2003

Afrocentric organization founded in 1930 by
Wallace Dodd
Early leader Elijah Muhammad taught that the white
race was
created 6,000 years ago by a renegade black
scientist named
In the 1950s, Malcolm X brought the organization
In the mid-1960s, Louis Farrakhan assumed control
of the
Farrakhan has spoken out against "white devils"
and Jewish

The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in Detroit in
1930 by
Wallace Dodd Fard, an itinerant salesman. Various
have been discovered for Fard: the FBI traced him to
under the name Wallie D. Ford; Malcolm X and Elijah
referred to him as Wallace D. Fard, of Mecca. His
wife claimed his real name was Fred or Wallace Dodd
of New
Zealand; different Muslim writers have given an Arab
of his name, Wali Farad; and one theory claims that
he was a
renegade rabbi from New York named Arnold Josiah

Fard's movement, building on the honorably conceived
woefully executed Afrocentricism of Marcus Garvey
and the
visionary lunacy of Timothy Drew's Moorish Temple of
was based on traditional Islamic teachings augmented
by, and
interlaced with, obscure mathematical, Gnostic, and
accretions, including an identification of all
blacks as
first, Asiatic, and second, God. This message
resonated among
American blacks who had migrated north, seeking to
racial oppression and rural poverty; the Depression
eradicated the nascent prosperity that the
industrial jobs of
northern cities had initially afforded.

One of Fard's earliest converts was Elijah Poole, a
grade-school dropout and alcoholic Georgian who had
moved to
Detroit in 1923. By 1931, Poole had become known as
Muhammad, and upon Fard's disappearance in 1934, he
head of the NOI. Various theories have been set
forth about
Fard's disappearance. He had left Michigan in 1933
and settled
in Chicago. According to some, he died after being
while in the custody of Chicago police, but later
accounts report that he returned to New Zealand
after first
visiting an ex-wife in Portland.

Elijah Muhammad moved to Washington, D.C. in 1935
and promptly
began proselytizing for the NOI in different cities
the U.S. He claimed that Fard was actually Allah,
reincarnation of Jesus, the prophet the world had
awaiting for the last 2,000 years, and the Son of
Muhammad was arrested in 1942 for refusing to
register for the
military draft; he urged all Muslims to resist
against the Fascist threat, and openly favored the
Japanese as
Asiatic heroes resisting white oppression.

In 1965, Muhammad published a 300-page book titled
Message to
the Blackman in America, in which he explained that
Allah had
originally created the black race before all others,
sequentially by the brown, red, and yellow races.
The white
race, said Muhammad, was created some 6,000 years
ago, not by
Allah but by a renegade black scientist named Yakub.
to Muhammad, the process by which Yakub created
involved extracting the "brown germ" from the "black
germ" and
in turn, grafting whites. In Muhammad's view, "the
Caucasian race is a race of devils . . . the evil
murderous race."

Muhammad retained effective control over the NOI for
44 years,
but by far the most visible spokesman of the
movement was
Malcolm X. Convicted of robbery in 1946, he
converted to the
NOI in 1947 and, upon his parole in 1952, began
working for
Muhammad as an organizer. Malcolm was responsible
for a
considerable increase in NOI membership. In 1964
Malcolm made
a hajj to Mecca, which led him to reject his
formerly held
notion that all whites were evil. He embraced a
species of
revolutionary Marxism which was not overtly racist,
and this
attitude shift put him at odds with Muhammad. Also
in 1964,
Malcolm publicly revealed that Muhammad had
several of his teenage secretaries, in blatant
violation of
Muhammad's own admonitions against sex outside of
(two of Muhammad's secretaries filed paternity suits

When Malcolm made these revelations, an anathema
pronounced on him and he was suspended from his post
as the
leader of the Harlem mosque. He was replaced by
Farrakhan, who was outraged at what he perceived as
traitorous disloyalty. Ten weeks before Malcolm was
assassinated, Farrakhan denounced him in the NOI
Muhammad Speaks. "Only those who wish to be led to
hell, or to
their doom, will follow Malcolm," Farrakhan wrote.
"The die is
set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after
such evil,
foolish talk about his benefactor; such a man is
worthy of
death." On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was killed
in Harlem's
Audubon Ballroom by three gunmen with ties to the

As recently as 1993, Farrakhan tried to justify
Malcolm X's
assassination when he said in a speech, "Was Malcolm
traitor or ours? And if we dealt with [Malcolm] like
a nation
deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it
of yours? A
nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cut-
and turncoats." In May 1995, however, Farrakhan
spoke for the
first time in repentant tones about the slaying, and
admitted to having "helped create the atmosphere"
that led to
it. "I may have been complicit in words that I spoke
up to 21 February," he said. "I acknowledge that and
that any word that I have said caused the loss of
life of a
human being." Immediately thereafter, however, he
named the
U.S.government as the real villain that had fomented
zeal and
bitterness inside the NOI's ranks.

Malcolm X was by no means the only person toward
Farrakhan has openly aimed menacing words. In 1984,
example, Farrakhan publicly threatened Milton
Coleman, a black
Washington Post reporter, with death. He portrayed
Coleman as
a traitor for having revealed that Jesse Jackson, in
conversation with campaign aides, had referred to
Jews as
"Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown." "One
day soon we
will punish you with death," Farrakhan said to

Upon Elijah Muhammad's death in 1975, his son
Wallace Deen
Muhammad took over the movement and attempted to
integrate it
with mainstream Islam. This attempt eventually led
to a
schism within the NOI; at present three
organizations, one in
Baltimore, one in Atlanta, and one in Detroit, claim
to be the
authentic NOI, but by far the most recognized group
is that
headed by Farrakhan, headquartered at the Mosque
Maryam in
Chicago. Farrakhan initially rejected the
favored by Wallace Deen Muhammad and his successors,
unlike Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan has not called for
creation of a separate black state, and in 2000 he
did meet
with Wallace Deen Muhammad about a possible
rapprochement of
the NOI with mainstream Islam.

Farrakhan has a long, well documented history of
references to the "white devils" and Jewish
"bloodsuckers" who
purportedly decimate America's black community from
coast to
coast. He has referred to Judaism as a "gutter
religion," and
to Adolf Hitler as "a great man" - though he later
that he had meant only that Hitler was "wickedly
At a November 2003 speech in Chicago, Farrakhan
said, "This
Koran says that the Jews have altered the word of
God out of
its place. They did not want the masters of the
people to know
what Jesus really said, what Moses really said,
because then
you wouldn't have a yardstick [by which] to measure
deviations." A month earlier, he told Jews, "I don't
like the
way you leech on us. See, a leech is somebody that
sucks your
blood, takes from you and don't (sic) give you a
damn thing."

Notwithstanding Farrakhan's ugly rhetoric, in the
early 1990s
the NAACP, under the leadership of then-executive
Benjamin Chavis, entered into a "sacred covenant"
with the
Nation of Islam; Chavis, who would later join the
NOI and
change his surname to Muhammad, pledged never to
"forsake Mr.
Farrakhan as my brother." In September 1993,
spokesmen for the
Congressional Black Caucus likewise announced, in
front of a
large audience, that they too had joined in a
covenant" with Farrakhan and the NOI.

Farrakhan despises the United States and has
condemned virtually its every foreign and domestic
policy. He
opposes U.S. aid to Israel; opposes the war in Iraq;
the Patriot Act; has been critical of President
Bush's overall
response to 9/11; is critical of plans to employ
NATO forces
as peacekeepers in Iraq; and in one 2004 press
release, urged
young men to resist any proposed military draft. He
however, that his anti-white, anti-American
positions are
overstated by a hostile, Jewish-dominated press.

Copyright 2003-2005 :

Indeed there is and a dangerous Islamofascist presence at the Number
One Catholic University in America, fuel by Negro Racists who hate the
White Man! The creeping Islamic Dawa at Chicago's De Paul University
came to national attention last year with the dismissal of Adjunct
Professor Thomas Klocek, a part-time instructor who was fired for the
grave offense of 'offending' a tiny group of ever-so-sensitive Muslim
students. While the St. Vincent De Paul Society does not seem terribly
popular at De Paul's Lincoln Park campus lately the Muslim Student
Association [] has been everywhere and a brief search
at David Horrowitz's reveals some
disturbing facts:

What is the real nature of the Muslim Students' Association of
the U.S. and Canada (MSA)? This octopus-like entity
infiltrated numerous college and university campuses
in North
America, and has taken the lead in corralling young
Muslims to
defend the fascist dictator Saddam Hussein.
According to MSA,
the correct position for Muslims in America involves
marching alongside neofascists and Stalinists, with
legions of "useful fools" who flock to bogus
When its leaders speak to mainstream media, MSA
itself as a campus-service organization not much
from other collegiate faith groups. But the reality
is very
different, and deeply sinister. MSA is a key element
in the
Wahhabi lobby, and a cornerstone of the conspiracy
Saudi-backed extremists to control American Islam,
as well the
public discourse about Islam in America.
Above all, MSA now seeks to present itself as
moderate and
opposed to terrorism, even though its chapters have
distributed the propaganda of Osama bin Laden on its
along with publicity-recruiting campaigns for
subversion of the Chechen struggle in Russia.
To best understand the MSA and its history one
should turn to
the work of Hamid Algar, a Western Muslim scholar
impeccable academic credentials, who also happens to
be a
ferocious critic of the U.S. and Israel. Algar, a
member of
the University of California-Berkeley faculty, is
biographer of Ayatollah Khomeini and among the
historians of Islamic spirituality alive today.
But although he is no friend of President Bush or
Sharon, Algar has described with stunning accuracy
the nature
of the MSA. In his brief work Wahhabism: A Critical
published in 2002, he writes: "Some Muslim student
organizations have... functioned at times as Saudi-
channels for the propagation of Wahhabism abroad,
in the United States. The Muslim Student Association
of the
U.S. and Canada was established in 1963, one year
after the
Muslim World League [MWL] with which it had close
links." Let
us note here that the MWL was established by the
Saudi regime
as an extremist Islamic equivalent of the old
International or Comintern, and that its cadres
numerous Islamist "revolutionaries" from the
Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood and from Pakistan.
Algar continues, "Particularly in the 1960s and
1970s, no
criticism of Saudi Arabia would be tolerated at the
conventions of the MSA... Its numerous local
chapters would make
available at every Friday prayer large stacks of the
publications, in both English and Arabic... Although
the MSA
progressively diversified its connections with Arab
official approval of Wahhabism remained strong."
Algar notes
that in 1980 the organization published a
translation, which
was actually a text puffed up to give it more
substance, of
writings by Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the 18th century
founder of the
dispensation named for him, which is presently the
state sect
in the Saudi kingdom.
With some sarcasm, Algar points out "it might appear
at first
sight puzzling that students pursuing a higher
should be attracted to a Wahhabi reading of Islam...
they found
in Wahhabism a 'rationalized' Islam, stripped of the
and ambiguities of juristic reasoning, the
complexities of
theology, and the subtleties of Sufism" [Islamic
spirituality]. He calls attention to MSA's role in
creation of the Islamic Society of North America, or
which is best described as a branch of the Saudi
militia operating to impose Wahhabi conformity on
all of
American Islam.
In addition, the MSA has strong ties with the World
of Muslim Youth (WAMY), established in 1972 and
directed from
the Saudi capital, Riyadh. WAMY's U.S. offices in
Virginia have been a central target of the federal
investigation of terrorist funding and money
laundering by
Islamist groups following the horrors of September
The foremost aim of the Wahhabis is always to impose
a single
voice on Muslims. Right now, this means projecting
the image,
in U.S. media as well as on campuses, that all right-
Muslim believers consider an attack on Saddam and
his regime
to be aggression against Islam. This is a lie.
Thousands of
Iraqi Shias, Kurds, and other Muslims in the U.S.
support the
Bush project for the liberation of Iraq from the
regime, and for the broader liberation of Islamic
from the grip of tyranny and terrorism, leading to a
new epoch
of democracy, prosperity, and stability. 1

De Paul is now and always has been a traditionally conservative school
and proud that it was not considered in the same class as the dope-
smoking hippies at the University of Chicago, University of Illinois
at Circle or Northwestern University in Evanston. In the years I
attended (1970-1976) the School of Music was downtown at the Lewis
Center, a primarily commuter campus that was extremely conservative
and oriented towards the business community which made it a far cry
from the 'academic' lunacy transpiring at other colleges and
universities in the early 1970's. It seems that things have changed
quite a bit in the last three decades when we see Islamic
organizations with ties to Islamofascist Terror groups at the nation's
Number One Catholic University:

The Muslim Student Association is a Pro-Terror Organization
by Ben Johnson

MSA members at UCLA raised money for Hamas and Hezbollah
terrorists at their annual "Anti-Zionist Week."
Speaker Muammad Faheed told an MSA meeting at
Community College in New York, "The only
relationship you
should have with America is to topple it!"
Nihad Awad addressed the 2003 Iowa Muslim Student
Association Annual Conferences. Awad had told a
audience in 1994, "I am a supporter of the Hamas
The University of Southern California MSA invited
ambassador Sayyid Hashimi to speak on campus six
before 9/11.
MSA at California State University Northridge held
fundraiser for Islamic Relief, an organization
that received
a $50,000 contribution from a front group run by
Osama bin
Dr. Abdulrahman Hijazi on James Madison
University's MSA
2002 "Jihad" panel, giving a speech on "The
Islamic Peace
Process and the Goals of Jihad." He once extolled
terrorist "martyr" whose "hope of having the mercy
of one of the greatest good deeds, which
is jihad, was
more attractive to him than by being happy with
his wife at
University of Idaho MSA President Sami Omar Al-
Hussayen, was
ordered deported for working for a radical Muslim
with ties to terror. While on campus, he had
sought access
to a chemical lab containing nuclear material.
Last October, the University of Pennsylvania MSA
"Rev." Bill Baker, the onetime chairman of the neo-
Populist Party, a fact the local MSA president
"irrelevant." 2.

MSA is connected with the ultra-liberal group INTERNATIONAL ANSWER and
also has ties to the Workers of the World who are strong proponents of
Communist ideologies. (funded by George Soros) Chicago's labor
movement still hosts a smattering of old time WOOBLIES (Illinois
Workers of the World) party members and we used to frequent one of
their meeting halls near Fullerton and Halsted in the late 1970's
since it was a great place to pick up promiscuous hippie gals and
often hosted ad-hoc 60's style folk music when Orphan's was a major
Chicago entertainment venue. Incredibly there are still many of them
wandering about the city and it's not unusual to hear the praises of
Marx and Engels. If the reader does not see the connection, you are
invited to investigate the ties between the Islamofascists of
Palestinian, Syria, Iraq and Iran to the old USSR and the KGB tactics
still in common use today. It's all as anti-American as you can

De Paul University is the NUMBER ONE Catholic University in the
country and irsranked seventh nation wide. Two and half years ago
there was a lot of talk on campus since a new "Islamic Studies" major
had been instituted. Bear in mind that De Paul University, founded by
the Vincentian Brothers has traditionally been a haven of Catholic
ideals, philosophy and the great academic tradition of the Catholic
Teaching Orders. (and a great rival of the Jesuits at Loyola) During
the summer of 2002 at the Lincoln Park Campus, the
"Palestinians" (Arabs or whatever else they really are) began to make
themselves quite visible. At one of their first demonstrations (where
they actually had a stuffed camel rented and set up in the quad on
campus right outside the Richardson Library) they were badly
outnumbered by Israeli students proudly displaying the Star of David
and Israeli flags and their supporters by a margin of about 30-1 -
they obviously remembered this shame, and like any good Arab planned
their revenge and have a lot of help from the
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)

ISNA enforces Wahhabi theological writ in the
country's 1,200
officially recognized mosques (out of a possible
total of
4,000, including unrecognized and small
congregations). Former
ISNA president Muzammil Siddiqi, described by many
of his
critics as a power-hungry fanatic, appeared in an
ceremony at the National Cathedral in Washington
following September 11th. But some 10 months before
then, on
October 28, 2000, Siddiqi asserted, 'America has to