Dead Chatroom


New member
Why is the chatroom always dormant? I think it would be pretty cool to resurrect it. =/

If anyone wants to chat, I'll be in there.



New member
how many threads are there like this?

yeah azem shoutbox is a good idea mate, lets hope its gets noticed :)



Active Members
^calm down.. if the mods thought it was a big deal that some one made a new thread they would locked this one.. geez..


New member
Sorry, just annoyed that people make multiple threads on the same thing. I mean seriously, the search button is there for a reason. Different if the thread was super old and you made a new one instead of bumping, but there have been 3 of these threads in the last month.


New member
yeh, dont get me wrong man. Im not personally angry at you, im just sick of seeing all the same threads, and not just on LPF, on other forums too. it gets annoying after awhile. Sorry :)


New member
okay, listen pplz. nobody ever uses the chat...and i mean they wanna put in a shoutbox...and that'd be cool, so....just chill out everyone and no eating anybody for being human? got it?


New member
lmao the only time i'm in there and no one want to join me, oh well i will stay in there on my own and sing lol
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